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White Field's Community Church

Seek the Lord While He May Be Found - Isaiah 55:1-13

Seek the Lord While He May Be Found - Isaiah 55:1-13

In Isaiah 55:1-13 we see that true satisfaction and eternal life are available to those who turn to Jesus in faith, while they still can.

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White Fields Community Church

2950 Colorful Ave, Longmont, CO 80504, USA

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

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True satisfaction and eternal life are available to those who turn to Jesus in faith, while they still can.
Community Group Discussion Guide
Week of October 22-28, 2023
Servant Songs
Seek the Lord While He May Be Found
Isaiah 55:1-13

● Men's Fellowship Breakfast - Saturday, October 28. Register on the app
● Fall Cleanup Outreach - November 4 9am at Grand Meadow Mobile Home Park
● Baptisms - November 5. Register on the app
● Christmas Choir (adults AND children's choirs) - Signup in the foyer!

Have you ever missed an opportunity by delaying a decision until it was too late? Explain.

Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time, caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

True satisfaction and eternal life are available to those who turn to Jesus in faith, while they still can.

True satisfaction and eternal life….
1. Read Isaiah 55:1-3a and 12-13. Verse 1 has been described as “the most compassionate, warm invitation to personal conversion in the entire Bible.” What is the invitation, and how does it reflect on the character of God?
a. In verse 2, we are encouraged to “eat what is good and delight yourselves in rich food.” How do you interpret this? What is meant by “rich food”? What are we being encouraged to do in this passage?
b. What are we asked to do in verse 3a, and for what purpose? Explain what this verse means to you. Read John 6:35. How would you relate Jesus’ description of Himself to verses 1-3? How does a relationship with Jesus satisfy our hunger and our thirst?
c. What promises are made in verses 12-13? How do these promises encourage you in your relationship with the Lord?
d. Could these verses be used to encourage someone in your life who is not yet a believer? In what way? Discuss how you might describe these verses to this person.
are available to those who turn to Jesus in faith
2. Read Isaiah 55:3b-11. In verse 3b, those who accept God’s invitation are promised “an everlasting covenant”. Define what a covenant is and what covenant God has promised to those who believe.
a. In verse 7, Isaiah makes a plea and a promise. Describe your understanding of what he says. In what way has God fulfilled His promise to those who repent and believe? Read 1 Thessalonians 9-10 and discuss the reward for those who turn FROM sin and TO Jesus.
b. Verses 8-9 differentiate the ways of God and the ways of man. Why is this important to understand? How could you use this when describing God to an unbeliever?
c. Verses 10-11 poetically compare God’s word to the snow and rain that fall on the earth. Describe the promise given in these verses? How can you encourage others with these verses?
….while they still can.
3. Read Isaiah 55:6. Based on this verse, when is the time to turn from sin and turn to God? What (Who) has God provided to us to accomplish this?
a. This verse implies that a time will come when we will not be able to seek God. When will God no longer be available to those who repent for forgiveness of sins? How can you convey this sense of urgency to someone who does not yet believe?
b. Does this verse speak more about God’s availability or to our desire and willingness to seek Him? Explain your answer.
4. Application: How do these verses help us to understand God and His nature? How can we share what we have learned to encourage others and relay a true sense of urgency in seeking Jesus?

Looking back at this week’s study, what is important for you to remember and why?


The Servant Songs tell us the Messiah would be:
1. A King (Isaiah 42)
2. A Prophet (Isaiah 49)
3. A Righteous Person (Isaiah 50)
4. One Who Dies a Sacrificial Death and Rises Again (Isaiah 53)
17 …“cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; 18thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; (Genesis 3:17–18a)
2 Samuel 7 - God’s promise to establish an “everlasting covenant”