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The Bridge Church

Revelation - Heavenly Worship

Revelation - Heavenly Worship

October 8, 2023

Locations & Times

Englewood SKY Academy

871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

God is gloriously seated on the throne
2. God receives endless worship around His throne
The people of God are represented by the elders, and all creation is represented by the creatures.
3. Jesus is worthy as the sacrificial and victorious Lamb

I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.

I need to be baptized.

I need to attend Starting Point.

I need to join a serve team.

I need to join a small group.

Dig Deeper:
1. Looking back at week one, what has The Book of Revelation revealed to you so far?
2. Describe the best concert or sporting event you’ve ever been a part of. Share about the experience.
3. What are some common reasons people attend a church worship service? What motivates you to attend?
4. This week, we get to take a visual tour of Heaven. What images or descriptions of Heaven come to mind for you? How does our culture oftentimes depict Heaven?
5. What does it mean to worship? Do all people worship?
6. Read Revelation 4:1-8. After receiving messages for the seven churches, what did John see? What kind of voice did John hear?
7. Take time going through each verse, 1-8. What certain words or phrases are repeated or stand out to you? What do they represent?
8. Who is on the throne when John enters through the door into heaven? How does John describe the one sitting on the throne?
9. Describe the living creatures. What are they saying, and why?
10. Read Revelation 4:9-11. What do the elders say that is different, and similar, to what the living creatures say?
11. What does it mean to worship God? Why do those in heaven worship God?
12. Read Revelation 5. What is in the scroll? What stands out about how it is described?
13. What is significant about the “Root of David” and the “Lion from the tribe of Judah”? (Read Isaiah 11:10 and Genesis 49:9-10)
14. Why is it significant that Jesus appears as a Lamb rather than a Lion? What do the descriptions of the Lamb represent?
15. What does Revelation 4-5 say about Jesus, including His character and how to follow Him?
16. What encouragement do you find in Revelation 4-5? How about warnings or convictions?
17. What eternal truths or principles do you find in these verses?
18. What is the Holy Spirit trying to teach you through these verses? What changes do you need to make in your life to act on what you am learning?

Live It Out:

Worshiping in an active response. It is about giving God all the praise with all we are! This week:

1. Identify why you worship God. You were made to worship. Is your worship more about who God is or about what He’s done? What does your worship look daily? On a Sunday at church? From all creation, when we worship now, we are joining an eternal chorus around God’s throne. Find ways to worship God each day, through prayer, reading the Bible, journaling, singing, praising His name, and telling others about Him.
2. Recognize what else might fight for worship in your life. Worship means to give “worth.” Where, what, or who do you give “worth” to on a regular basis? Where do you spend your money, time, and energy? In what setting are you most animated or feel the most alive? Pray to God, letting Him know you want to worship Him alone. Ask for Him to help you turn away from any worship that doesn’t give Him the worth He is due.
3. Face difficulty with worship. Read Habakkuk 3:17-19. There is nothing else in this life that will carry you through every season you will face like worship will. Instead of worrying through a difficult season, worship through it. When you enter the throne room of God to worship, He meets you and gives you strength to scale whatever mountain you are facing today. Regardless of your current situation, find ways to worship.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Revelation 4:1-4
Tuesday: Revelation 4:4-8
Wednesday: Revelation 4:9-11
Thursday: Revelation 5:1-7
Friday: Revelation 5:8-14
Saturday: Daniel 7:9-14
Reading Plan:
Monday: Revelation 4:1-4
Tuesday: Revelation 4:4-8
Wednesday: Revelation 4:9-11
Thursday: Revelation 5:1-7
Friday: Revelation 5:8-14
Saturday: Daniel 7:9-14
Additional Resources:
· Exalting Jesus in Revelation (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary), by Dr. Daniel L. Akin
· Revelation (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament), by Grant R. Osbourne
· Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches, by James M Hamilton
· Revelation: Four Views, A Parallel Commentary, by Steve Gregg
Reading Plan:
Monday: Revelation 1:1-3
Tuesday: Revelation 1:4-8
Wednesday: Revelation 1:9-11
Thursday: Revelation 1:12-16
Friday: Revelation 1:17-20
Saturday: Matthew 24:36, Daniel 7:9