BeFree Church

Weekly Worship: September 24, 2023
Locations & Times
BeFree Barrington
118 Church St, Barrington, NH 03825, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Welcome! (tap to expand)
Welcome! If you’re visiting in person, watching online, or are new to BeFree, we're glad you're here! Please visit to let us know you joined us.
Students ages 5 through 4th grade are excused during our greeting time to attend DIG on the lower level. If your student isn't registered for DIG, please fill out our online form:
For parents of kids ages birth through four, our childcare center is available to you. Our service streams live on the quiet room television for parents who need to be with their kids.
Students ages 5 through 4th grade are excused during our greeting time to attend DIG on the lower level. If your student isn't registered for DIG, please fill out our online form:
For parents of kids ages birth through four, our childcare center is available to you. Our service streams live on the quiet room television for parents who need to be with their kids.
Communication E-Card (tap to expand)
Are you new to our in-person gatherings or livestream? Do you have a prayer request? Do you want to get connected with a small group? Fill out our electronic communication card at with as much or as little information as you'd like. The form is automatically delivered to our office inbox where someone will connect with you.
Find Us Online (tap to expand)
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Visit for sermon audio and video, news, resources, and more!
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Visit for sermon audio and video, news, resources, and more!
Giving (tap to expand)
We’ve established several ways you can give to BeFree wherever you are and whenever it works for you.
• At the Church: If you're at our building and you came prepared to give, please use one of the wall-mounted offering boxes.
• On your Phone or Tablet: Download the PushPay app from your device’s app store. Search for BeFree Community Church, and add it to your favorites list.
• Online: Visit to be redirected to our online giving site.
• By Mail: Mail a check to PO Box 618, Barrington, NH 03825.
• At the Church: If you're at our building and you came prepared to give, please use one of the wall-mounted offering boxes.
• On your Phone or Tablet: Download the PushPay app from your device’s app store. Search for BeFree Community Church, and add it to your favorites list.
• Online: Visit to be redirected to our online giving site.
• By Mail: Mail a check to PO Box 618, Barrington, NH 03825.
Jesus and Community
Liam Clinch
Liam Clinch
“…when God’s Son took on flesh, He truly and bodily took on, out of pure grace, our being, our nature, ourselves. This was the eternal counsel of the triune God. Now we are in Him. Where He is, there we are too, in the incarnation, on the Cross, and in His resurrection. We belong to Him because we are in Him. That is why the scriptures call us the Body of Christ.”
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“The friendship of Jesus means that one way to summarize the gospel is this: Jesus knows you fully and loves you anyway. Jesus sees through all the hiding. He sees through the fig leaves of your emotional armor and knows your vulnerabilities. He knows all the reasons you think you are a failure, you think you are inadequate, you think you are full of shame – and He looks at you and says, “I’m sticking with you anyway.” What is a friend if not that kind of person!? A true friend, after all, is someone who knows you that well and decides to stick around anyway.”
-Justin Whitmel Earley
-Justin Whitmel Earley
Tap to expand each item below to learn more about what's happening at BeFree.
Tap to expand each item below to learn more about what's happening at BeFree.
Men's Group: Starting October 7
Men of all ages are invited to join us for coffee, fellowship, and a study time weekly on Saturday mornings at 8:00am beginning October 7. We’ll be reading and reviewing “Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers” by Dane Ortland. For more information, email Cliff Byrd <>, call 619.578.1481, or connect with Cliff, Warren Hardy, or Liam Clinch.
To participate, we ask that you sign up at so we can send you our weekly updates.
To participate, we ask that you sign up at so we can send you our weekly updates.
BeFree MOPS Needs Your Help!
BeFree MOPS is looking for more volunteers who are willing to serve moms and minister to their children by serving in MOPS Kids. MOPS meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 9-11am at BeFree Barrington.
MOPS is also looking for "Mentor Moms" who are willing to provide support and encouragement to the moms during our meetings.
If either of these roles are of interest to you, please email for more info!
MOPS is also looking for "Mentor Moms" who are willing to provide support and encouragement to the moms during our meetings.
If either of these roles are of interest to you, please email for more info!
Seeking New Musicians
Do you play an instrument? Our Worship Team is looking for a few more musicians! Email Amberle Bennett <> for info.
Tech Team Volunteers Needed
Are you tech savvy? Want to make an immediate impact at church? Our tech team is looking for a few more people interested in learning the ropes for running sound, video, or slides. Contact Peter Poole <> for more information!
End 68 Hours of Hunger
BeFree supports End 68 Hours of Hunger! Leave donations in our bin inside the door on the parking lot level anytime. For shopping ideas, visit