Community Church of Portage Lakes

Trusting in God's Provision (Matthew 15:32-16:12) Beyond The Boat -- Week 7
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM

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Key Question; Why didn’t the disciples ____________________________________________
I. God’s _________________, our _________________, and our ____________________
a. Our desire for a __________________________________________________ faith
b. God calls us to an _________________________________________________ faith
c. Avoiding situations that require _________________ out of ____________________
d. ________________________________________________________ driven by faith
II. The _______________________ and __________________________ of cultural leaders
a. The ostensible request for evidence of ____________________________________
b. The real demand for evidence of _________________________________________
III. Our calling in a ______________________________________________________ world
sub point “a” of rule 1 is ____________________________________________________________
a. The spreading influence of ______________________________________________
b. Our call to _____________________ the culture’s spiritual ____________________
d. __________________________ driven by _________________________________
c. The task is always far _______________ than our ___________________________