Crossroads Church - Plymouth, IN

Prayer as a Priority and Clarity in Sharing the Gospel - 1 Timothy 2:1-7
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Crossroads Church
1650 N Oak Dr, Plymouth, IN 46563, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
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Romans 12:15 says, "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." Take a moment to let us know how we can rejoice with you or bring a need before God with you. Points from Pastor Scott’s Introductory Messages--
· 1 Timothy is the Apostle Paul’s manual for local churches written to his spiritual son and pastoral apprentice, Timothy, whom he left to pastor in Ephesus.
· The truth of God/sound doctrine does not change—and when followed and obeyed, it leads to a satisfying relationship with Christ which results in true joy in living.
· While God is holy and upholds His righteous standard, He is also full of grace and mercy and delights to extend grace to the unlikely sinner—which included the Apostle Paul himself.
· 1 Timothy is the Apostle Paul’s manual for local churches written to his spiritual son and pastoral apprentice, Timothy, whom he left to pastor in Ephesus.
· The truth of God/sound doctrine does not change—and when followed and obeyed, it leads to a satisfying relationship with Christ which results in true joy in living.
· While God is holy and upholds His righteous standard, He is also full of grace and mercy and delights to extend grace to the unlikely sinner—which included the Apostle Paul himself.
Note the flow and outline of this passage-
vv. 1-2 & v. 8– Paul’s call to make prayer a broad and ongoing priority in the local church
vv. 3-6 – The Biblical basis for prayer as we make a clear presentation of the gospel of Christ Jesus
v. 7 – Paul’s commitment to be a communicator of this lifechanging gospel
Now as Paul continues his instructions for life in the local church, he adds two additional characteristics of healthy churches—
vv. 1-2 & v. 8– Paul’s call to make prayer a broad and ongoing priority in the local church
vv. 3-6 – The Biblical basis for prayer as we make a clear presentation of the gospel of Christ Jesus
v. 7 – Paul’s commitment to be a communicator of this lifechanging gospel
Now as Paul continues his instructions for life in the local church, he adds two additional characteristics of healthy churches—
I. The Priority, Practice and Focus of Prayer in the Local Church—1 Tim 2:1-3, 8
A. The Priority of Prayer – v. 1 – ‘First of all, then, I urge…”
Prayer - We value prayer as a priority throughout all ministry and leadership endeavors.
Paul calls us to use all kinds of prayer for all kinds of people.
B. The Practice of Prayer – v. 1b - Note the four terms used for prayer
Supplications/requests – prayers from a sense of need
Prayers – general word for prayers
Intercessions- petitions on behalf of others
Thanksgivings – Phil 4:6
C. The Scope of Prayer – vv. 1b-2
Rulers and governing authorities
D. The Reasons for Prayer – vv. 2b-3
For Believers-
For Unbelievers-
SUMMARY: Prayer must be a priority and continual practice in every aspect of the local church—
A. The Priority of Prayer – v. 1 – ‘First of all, then, I urge…”
Prayer - We value prayer as a priority throughout all ministry and leadership endeavors.
Paul calls us to use all kinds of prayer for all kinds of people.
B. The Practice of Prayer – v. 1b - Note the four terms used for prayer
Supplications/requests – prayers from a sense of need
Prayers – general word for prayers
Intercessions- petitions on behalf of others
Thanksgivings – Phil 4:6
C. The Scope of Prayer – vv. 1b-2
Rulers and governing authorities
D. The Reasons for Prayer – vv. 2b-3
For Believers-
For Unbelievers-
SUMMARY: Prayer must be a priority and continual practice in every aspect of the local church—
II. That We Communicate with Clarity about God and Christ’s Work in the Gospel Message – 2:4-7
A. God wants all to be saved/truth (v. 4) – He wants to be accepted as the God and Savior of all people
B. Only one true God– see 1 Timothy 1:17; Jeremiah 10:10)
3. Only one ‘mediator’ between God/man – the God/Man, Jesus Christ - see also John 14:6 & Acts 4:12
4. Christ was offered as a ransom for/on behalf of all – Substitutionary sacrifice of Christ for all people
(see Matt. 20:28; Mark 10:45) -ransom - ‘purchasing someone’s release’
The reference to a ‘ransom’ implies that someone is being held in bondage—
· We are spiritually dead – Eph 2:1
· We are spiritually blind w/o God’s help – 2 Cor 4:3-4
Paul notes it also happened at the right moment in history – see Galatians 4:4
Communicating Clearly the Gospel was Paul’s passion in life—as he declares God’s call on his life as—
o A herald – announcer in public places important news and proclamations
o An apostle – a messenger of the gospel commissioned by Christ Himself on the Damascus Road
o A truthful teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles -
A. God wants all to be saved/truth (v. 4) – He wants to be accepted as the God and Savior of all people
B. Only one true God– see 1 Timothy 1:17; Jeremiah 10:10)
3. Only one ‘mediator’ between God/man – the God/Man, Jesus Christ - see also John 14:6 & Acts 4:12
4. Christ was offered as a ransom for/on behalf of all – Substitutionary sacrifice of Christ for all people
(see Matt. 20:28; Mark 10:45) -ransom - ‘purchasing someone’s release’
The reference to a ‘ransom’ implies that someone is being held in bondage—
· We are spiritually dead – Eph 2:1
· We are spiritually blind w/o God’s help – 2 Cor 4:3-4
Paul notes it also happened at the right moment in history – see Galatians 4:4
Communicating Clearly the Gospel was Paul’s passion in life—as he declares God’s call on his life as—
o A herald – announcer in public places important news and proclamations
o An apostle – a messenger of the gospel commissioned by Christ Himself on the Damascus Road
o A truthful teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles -
Challenges to these truths in our world—
· Pluralism – the assertion that no one religion is right/true, but that all religions are equally valid ways to know God; intolerant of one true faith
· Universalism – the assertion that everyone will be saved regardless of their response to the gospel of Christ
+ Key Point: Christ’s work on the cross is sufficient for all people to be saved, but effective only for those who in faith repent and believe in Him to be made right with God through His work on the Cross/Resurrection.
· Pluralism – the assertion that no one religion is right/true, but that all religions are equally valid ways to know God; intolerant of one true faith
· Universalism – the assertion that everyone will be saved regardless of their response to the gospel of Christ
+ Key Point: Christ’s work on the cross is sufficient for all people to be saved, but effective only for those who in faith repent and believe in Him to be made right with God through His work on the Cross/Resurrection.
Paul’s Timely Word for Our Day
+ Consider the place and priority of prayer in your daily life
• Broaden our prayer focus to include everyone & everything that concerns us– including our leaders and unsaved family members, classmates, co-workers and neighbors.
• Don’t shy away from the exclusive claims of the Gospel message – 1 God, 1 Savior, 1 true faith.
+ Never forget God desires for everyone to be saved—so keep on praying!
+ This week…
1. When you hear or see one of our leaders on radio/TV, pray for them that they might lead our local, state & national governments well and honorably.
2. Pray for your unsaved friends and family members to come and believe the truth about Jesus and be saved.
3. The next time someone tells you that there are many ways to God, ask them the basis/reasons for their viewpoint– and share with them the one, sure way to God through faith in Christ!
{NOT Coexist Witness}
4. For many of us who feel unsure or unprepared to share our faith with others, consider signing up for the Conversations: A Simple Approach to Sharing the Gospel target group class starting in just 2 weeks during 3rd service!
+ Consider the place and priority of prayer in your daily life
• Broaden our prayer focus to include everyone & everything that concerns us– including our leaders and unsaved family members, classmates, co-workers and neighbors.
• Don’t shy away from the exclusive claims of the Gospel message – 1 God, 1 Savior, 1 true faith.
+ Never forget God desires for everyone to be saved—so keep on praying!
+ This week…
1. When you hear or see one of our leaders on radio/TV, pray for them that they might lead our local, state & national governments well and honorably.
2. Pray for your unsaved friends and family members to come and believe the truth about Jesus and be saved.
3. The next time someone tells you that there are many ways to God, ask them the basis/reasons for their viewpoint– and share with them the one, sure way to God through faith in Christ!
{NOT Coexist Witness}
4. For many of us who feel unsure or unprepared to share our faith with others, consider signing up for the Conversations: A Simple Approach to Sharing the Gospel target group class starting in just 2 weeks during 3rd service!
Discussion Questions:
1. Who taught you how to pray? What persons or ministries have helped you over the years to grow in your experience of prayer?
2. How would you rate the priority and breadth of prayer in your life? When was the last time you prayed for your local, state and national leaders? See Blake Long’s article on this topic at this link -
3. Review the P-R-A-Y Outline from Matthew 6—and consider adopting it as a guide and pattern for your daily prayer life and prayer times with other believers.
4. Try drawing The Bridge Illustration on a sheet of paper or a napkin and use 1 Timothy 2:5 to explain the meaning of this illustration. Feel free to pick up the booklet, Your Most Important Relationship booklet at the back of the Worship Center or at our Welcome Center to share with others!
1. Who taught you how to pray? What persons or ministries have helped you over the years to grow in your experience of prayer?
2. How would you rate the priority and breadth of prayer in your life? When was the last time you prayed for your local, state and national leaders? See Blake Long’s article on this topic at this link -
3. Review the P-R-A-Y Outline from Matthew 6—and consider adopting it as a guide and pattern for your daily prayer life and prayer times with other believers.
4. Try drawing The Bridge Illustration on a sheet of paper or a napkin and use 1 Timothy 2:5 to explain the meaning of this illustration. Feel free to pick up the booklet, Your Most Important Relationship booklet at the back of the Worship Center or at our Welcome Center to share with others!