Life Center

The Greatness Code
Locations & Times
1300 W Grand Ave, Ponca City, OK 74601, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
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The Greatness Code
In the Kingdom of God, greatness is service, not status.
Jesus’ Seven Acts of Service
1. He got up.
2. He took off His outer clothing.
3. He wrapped a towel around His waist.
4. He poured water into a basin.
5. He knelt down.
6. He washed the disciples’ feet.
7. He dried their feet with a towel.
1. He got up.
2. He took off His outer clothing.
3. He wrapped a towel around His waist.
4. He poured water into a basin.
5. He knelt down.
6. He washed the disciples’ feet.
7. He dried their feet with a towel.
In our pride, we often criticize those with dirty feet instead of washing them.
Serve anyway.

...The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 18:27 We would love an opportunity to pray for you. Please click on the link below and submit your prayer request. it over
Read Mark 10:43, 45. How does Jesus’ definition of “greatness” compare to the world’s definition? What are some things the world values as special, important, or “great”?
Has there ever been a moment when you almost missed an opportunity serve because of pride? What was the outcome of that experience?
What need is God calling you to meet right now? How can you take a step toward meeting that need this week?
Start the Bible Plan, The Good Work, using Plans With Friends: deeper
Find more questions, verses, and actions steps for this week's message by clicking this link!