New Life Church

At The Movies: Pastor Tim
Part 3 - Don't Be Deceived
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
3 Categories Of Deception That Satan Uses To Keep People Blinded To The Truth:
1. Vanity
1. Vanity
Vanity - empty, frothy; light and entertaining but of little substance.
“Now we never got around to spiritual matters, But we sure made time for our mindless chatter.” - In the Air, DC Talk
2. Flattery
Literally, “lips of smoothness”; smooth talker
“It’s saying only what other people want to hear, and hearing only what you want other people to say.” - Pastor Colin Smith
3. Blasphemy
"we will speak what we please; Who can, or has any right to control us; or to call us to an account?” - Benson’s Commentary
- Read Psalm 12:1-4. How does Satan use vanity, flattery, and blasphemy to keep the truth hidden from people?
- What will you do so that you are ready to gently and respectfully share your faith?
- Is there anyone in your life who needs to be introduced to Jesus? What could you do to help them learn the truth about God?
- Read Psalm 12:1-4. How does Satan use vanity, flattery, and blasphemy to keep the truth hidden from people?
- What will you do so that you are ready to gently and respectfully share your faith?
- Is there anyone in your life who needs to be introduced to Jesus? What could you do to help them learn the truth about God?
Upcoming and Weekly Events
Sunday Service @ 10 AM. Nursery is available for children up to age 4 (except 1st & 5th weeks); KidZone for ages 5-11. Please Note: We want families to experience the “At The Movies” series together, so there will be NO KidZone August 20-September 3. We invite kids to stay with their families in “big church.”
Girl’s Ministry will resume on September 27th @ 5:30 PM!
Finish Line Youth will resume on September 13th @ 7 PM!
Football Sunday, September 10th! Wear your favorite football team's gear, invite a friend, and join us for a barbecue immediately following the service at Sojourner Truth/Ulster Landing Park!
Women’s Bible Study - Abide: A Study of 1,2, & 3 John, Thursdays from 6:30-8:00 PM beginning September 21st. Location TBA, cost $28 (includes study guide). Please register by September 11th at
Girl’s Ministry will resume on September 27th @ 5:30 PM!
Finish Line Youth will resume on September 13th @ 7 PM!
Football Sunday, September 10th! Wear your favorite football team's gear, invite a friend, and join us for a barbecue immediately following the service at Sojourner Truth/Ulster Landing Park!
Women’s Bible Study - Abide: A Study of 1,2, & 3 John, Thursdays from 6:30-8:00 PM beginning September 21st. Location TBA, cost $28 (includes study guide). Please register by September 11th at
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