StoneBridge Community Church
Psalms Greatest Hits - Psalm 150
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:15 PM
Sunday 5:20 PM
Online Connection Card
Worship With Generosity
The Psalms are the Bible's guide to worship. They guide us through normal times, times of despair and times of deep joy. They help us understand how our emotions relate to God.
This sermon series will highlight five classic Psalms, in the hopes that we will learn how to worship God throughout our days.
Here is the translation of Psalm 150 from Robert Alter that Pastor Jon used in worship this week.
Psalm 150
Praise God in His holy place,
praise Him in the vault of his power.
Praise Him for his mighty acts,
praise Him as befits His abounding greatness.
Praise Him with the ram's horn blast,
praise Him with the lute and the lyre.
Praise Him with timbrel and dance,
praise Him with strings and flute.
Praise Him with sounding cymbals,
praise Him with crashing cymbals.
Let all that has breath praise Yah.
The Text in Context
I. The End
II. Psalm 1 Again
III. Happiness
IV. Celebration
V. Instruments
1. Think of something that God has done worth of celebrating.
2. Celebrate it with someone.
3. Praise God as you do so.
1. In Psalm 150, various musical instruments are mentioned as tools for praising the Lord. What is the significance of using instruments in worship and praise? Does music enhance the worship experience? If so, how? If not, why not?
2. Psalm 150 encourages all living creatures to praise the Lord. Why do you think it emphasizes this universal aspect of praise? Is this idea relatable to you or do consider it an exaggeration - not meant to be taken literally?
3. Psalm 150 mentions praising God in His sanctuary and in the heavens. What is the difference between praising God in a specific place of worship and praising God in the broader context of the world and/or universe? How do you find God in various settings?
4. Psalm 150 mentions dancing as a form of praise. How can physical expressions like dance be a powerful way to worship and connect with God? Do you have any physical expressions you use to connect with God? If so, what are they? How do they help you connect?
5. Psalm 150 encourages us to praise God with everything we have - our breath, musical instruments, and our very existence. How can we apply this idea of giving all of ourselves to God as an act of praise/worship? What steps can we take to live a life of continuous praise?
Praise the Lord
Starting the first weekend in October, StoneBridge will be launching a new series – called The Rise and Fall of King David. This series will insightfully journey through selections from 1 and 2 Samuel. Whether in-person or by Zoom, experience your own spiritual blessing by facilitating or hosting a new Fall growth group. No prior experience is necessary. Sign up on your connection card this weekend or visit the StoneBridge website (click below).
Sign-up to host or facilitate a fall growth group! for Fall Fest! response to the horrible wildfires in Maui and in partnership with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, feel free to make a donation to StoneBridge (designated Maui). Click below to donate online.