Freedom in Christ Church

(In)Secure: I Am Chosen
Sunday Service - September 10, 2023
Locations & Times
Freedom in Christ Church
1643 Bleams Rd, Kitchener, ON N2E 3X8, Canada
Sunday 10:00 AM
Online Freedom Family (OFF Campus)
Join us on the Church Online platform for a livestream of our service!“Feeling insecure about your life situation is common for most people. The reasons for that are many and multi-layered. Someone’s past negative experiences, personality type, and current environmental stresses are major factors that can make a person feel vulnerable to being harmed or worried about failing oneself and letting others down. The world fosters this dilemma with constant promotion of fantasies portrayed as realities. An example of this is the popular notion that anyone has the power to be anything they want to be if they try hard enough. When people discover that this is not true, it can leave them feeling discouraged, disappointed, insecure, and worthless.
“The world is full of people that lack self-confidence, express self-doubt and are hesitant, uncertain, and indecisive about life choices. That brings frustration and instability for the individual which produces negative responses and reactions towards other people and things. Sadly, people want to feel secure, but many do not know how to get to that point.
“There is the real possibility of having legitimate confidence to face every situation with clarity and certainty while anticipating productive outcomes. Feeling fully secure does not come from within oneself but from God who provides every resource needed and the courage to change for the better. Ephesians is packed with insights about how your special relationship with God by faith in Christ gives you unlimited access to God at any time for whatever you need. This study unpacks these dynamics from start to finish.”
- from "Get Secure: Lesson 1" by Del Wells
“The world is full of people that lack self-confidence, express self-doubt and are hesitant, uncertain, and indecisive about life choices. That brings frustration and instability for the individual which produces negative responses and reactions towards other people and things. Sadly, people want to feel secure, but many do not know how to get to that point.
“There is the real possibility of having legitimate confidence to face every situation with clarity and certainty while anticipating productive outcomes. Feeling fully secure does not come from within oneself but from God who provides every resource needed and the courage to change for the better. Ephesians is packed with insights about how your special relationship with God by faith in Christ gives you unlimited access to God at any time for whatever you need. This study unpacks these dynamics from start to finish.”
- from "Get Secure: Lesson 1" by Del Wells
Download "Get Secure" by Pastor Del Wells
Go deeper into Ephesians with this course. Playlist
Listen again to the songs we sang together this morning!