Parkerville Baptist Church

Jonah 2:1-10
This Sunday, Jason continues our new sermon series on the book Jonah. All welcome. Jason says “Was it because of Jonah’s disobedience that God had him swallowed by a fish? Was this God’s judgement? Was this God’s way of teaching Jonah a lesson? Or was the fish an instrument of Jonah’s salvation? Was this God’s protection? Was this God’s grace? And if it was God’s act of kindness, protection, and love toward Jonah then what does this teach us about God’s character and His love? And what does it teach us about how God cares for us during our suffering and difficult times? And what does this teach us about the story of redemption? Come along Sunday to have a whale of a time!”
Locations & Times
Parkerville Baptist Church
910 Seaborne St, Parkerville WA 6081, Australia
Sunday 9:00 AM
About Parkerville Baptist Church
Love God, love others, make disciples … that’s the commission Jesus left his followers.
At Parky, it’s our mission to do this by sharing our lives and creating pathways that inspire people to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
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