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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

II Corinthians 1:1-3
In Hard Times...Get These Straight

1. This is Paul’s second letter to Corinth. I Corinthians has to do with correction, order in the
church. He planned to visit, but so far he had not made it. (I Cor. 16:5-7). II Corinthians is
largely personal from beginning to end as Paul opens his heart. This letter from time to time
will note the tear stains of the apostle. At time life was difficult, painful. He was disappointed,
discouraged and misunderstood.
2. Paul writes out of a heart that we all understand. Here is one who has experienced the
reversals of life and discovered…the God of all comforts (1:3).
3. Christian, life won’t always go as you had planned. It didn’t for Paul, but God is making us…
allowing us to look more like Jesus.
4. We live in a fallen, unredeemed world. As a result, hard times will come. No child of God is
5. II Corinthians 1:1-3 is part of the introduction, but in God’s Word even introductions are
important. I believe Paul wants us to get some things straight before we proceed.
6. II Corinthians 1:1-3 Paul writes out of a heart that understands the reversals of life.

Are you going through a hard time? In hard times we need to get these straight:
Two positions are given:
A.His Position Before Christ Saints in Achaia
1.Saints is always plural and never singular…like St. Paul…St. Peter, etc.
2.Saints is ‘set apart to God and for God’ This begins at salvation. It never speaks of perfection. It is a position that indicates one who has been cleansed by the blood of Christ. It begins a process in which we grow. We are never sinless, but we should sin less and less continually looking more like Jesus. Daily I am to live out what I am!
B.His Position From Christ An apostle of Jesus Christ
1.Paul’s authority has been questioned by false teachers.
2.Apostle is ‘one sent from…one on a commission, he represents his superior.’ This position is no longer in existence today.
3.By the will of God By is ‘through’. This was not by accident or circumstances. Christ’s representative is writing to them!
4.What is your position? I am a pastor and you: mother, housewife, teacher, sales, truck driver, construction…whatever it is by the will of God. In hard times you are there of Jesus Christ…by the will of God. It speaks of purpose and privilege. It is your calling!

Are you going through a hard time? In hard times we need to get these straight:
Paul and Timothy (Timothy probably wrote as Paul dictated.) They were in one geographic
location. Church of God at Corinth…all the saints in all Achaia (a district in S.Greece…
Corinth was its capitol.)
A. An Invisible Place church of God
1.Church means, ‘called out ones.’ This is God’s church. It is made up of all believers through out the world. It was purchased with His blood.
2.It is not my will, my way, what I want. It is His church and we should say:
“Lord, what do you want?”
B. A Visible Place Corinth and Achaia
1.These were two places where God had His people.
2.AT…where? 3298 Richey Rd Mt. Pleasant. 547 Indian Creek Valley Rd. Normalville, PA Where ever you live…our placement is by God’s design for God’s purpose. It is not what I want. It is not my purpose, it is His.
3.There is eternal value that can be wrought in the temporary setting. An impact can be made for His glory!

Are you going through a hard time? In hard times we need to get these straight:
This is just a common greeting until it is God breathed. Two provisions are given that are
so needed in hard times.
A.The Supply
1.Grace Grace is unmerited favor. It is God giving me what I do not deserve. He is not speaking of grace that saves (although that is true.) It is grace that supplies whatever I need, whenever I need it from here to glory. From Grace to Grace…what do you need? God’s gracious provision is available.
2.Peace Peace is not peace with God (that occurs at salvation) It is the peace of God.
The order is always the same: grace precedes peace. Without grace there is no peace. When grace is appropriated peace is mine!
B.The Source From
1.God our Father…We are part of His family. He knows us. He loves us. He always gives us His best
2.The Lord Jesus Christ All three Greek words are used to describe our Savior: Lord…He is in control. Jesus…He is our Savior. Christ…Is the Anointed One and coming King! All of the God head is involved in our journey!
3.Get the provisions straight in hard times.

Are you going through a hard time? In hard times we need to get these straight:
We need to get our eyes off ourselves.
I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Ps. 34:1)
A.The Authorization of Praise
1.Blessed… ‘Let God be praised.’ It’s a great thing to bless and praise the Lord whatever the circumstances. In everything give thanks. We say, ‘God bless me.’ Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. How often do we consciously, intentionally bless the Lord by Life and Lip?
2.I’m afraid most of us know little about that and we miss so much. We praise the Lord when we have plenty, but grip and growl when we are inconvenienced.
B.The Attention of Praise
This tells us why we focus our attention on Him. See who He is!
1.The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ This is the second time in two verses we are reminded of the 3 names of our Savior…Lord…Jesus…Christ. He is the only begotten one. He is an eternal Son and God is the eternal Father. That is His position. The emphasis here is our Lord is the Son from eternity. God had but one Son and He gave Him for us.
Should we ever doubt His love because times seem difficult. Walk slowly up Calvary’s Hill. If God could make it any easier He would. We don’t know what it takes to make us look more like Jesus!
2.The Father of Mercies…Mercy is not giving me what I deserve, but giving me something better. Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…
That which is happening has been filtered though the hands of a merciful Father.
3.The God of all comforts…Comfort is one called along side to help in time of need.
Suffering is the acid test! He will be there when the well goes dry, at the hospital, at the scene of an accident, at the over dose of a loved one. He is a helper…a strengthener. He is the One to relieve loneliness, calm fears, mend broken hearts and dreams.
This is the cry of a soul who needs a comforter. This will be developed through II Corinthians. Nothing touches me that has not passed through the hands of my heavenly Father. Everything is designed to make to look more like Jesus…

He is the ‘God of all comfort!

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