The Bridge Church

Relationship Playbook - The Neighbor Playbook
August 20, 2023
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Eternal life is not based on anything you can do; it’s based solely on what Jesus has done.
Just because we are religious does not mean we are Christlike.
Far too often we are so busy going to church that we have forgotten how to be the church.
Worship on Sunday is a celebration of what God has done, and preparation for what God is going to do.
Two Lessons About Being A Neighbor:
1. Remain Alert & Intentional
- Being a neighbor is seeing people who are spiritually broken and creating an environment where Jesus can be made known.
2. Remain Open-Handed
- Lack of opportunity is rarely the problem, the risk & cost is what often holds people back.
1. Remain Alert & Intentional
- Being a neighbor is seeing people who are spiritually broken and creating an environment where Jesus can be made known.
2. Remain Open-Handed
- Lack of opportunity is rarely the problem, the risk & cost is what often holds people back.
The story of the good Samaritan is not chiefly about helping people in need. It’s about our need for a new heart, filled with undivided love for God and unselfish love for others.
When God turns your heart, He also turns your hands and feet.
What has Jesus done in your life?
What is Jesus doing in your life now?
What is Jesus doing in your life now?
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to join a small group.
Dig Deeper:
1. How do you define the word neighbor?
2. Do you live around others in a neighborhood? What are your neighbors like? How well do you know them?
3. Read Luke 10:25-28. What is the significance that the person asking the question is a lawyer? Do you think he already knew the answer? Explain why or why not.
4. How would you answer the question, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life”?
5. What is the difference being “knowing” and “doing”? How does this apply to this passage? Explain how this can apply to different areas of your life.
6. Is it possible to perfectly live out these commandments? How does this tie into our “doing” and what Jesus already did?
7. Read Luke 10:29. What do you think the lawyer is hoping Jesus’s answer will be? Do you think he was expecting a story?
8. Discuss ways in which we might be like the lawyer in hopes of justifying ourselves?
9. Read Luke 10:30-32. What do the priest and Levite have in common before being on the road? What caused them both to pass on the other side?
10. We aren’t told why they didn’t stop, just that they saw him and passed by. What might have been reasons why they didn’t stop?
11. Discuss this phrase: Just because a person is religious does not mean that person is following Christ. How does being religious provide an opportunity to miss the mission God has called us to?
12. Why is everyone who is a child of God called to do the work of the ministry, not just certain people? Why does God invite us all to participate?
13. Read Luke 10:33-35. Describe the ways in which the Samaritan was inconvenienced by helping the man.
14. How does using a Samaritan in the story reveal that the definition of a neighbor surpasses all racial and social barriers?
15. Read Luke 10:36-37. What is your response to knowing we all have a purpose in doing God’s work? How can our perspective change so that we see our purpose in God’s work accurately?
16. Who do you relate with most in the story? Why?
Live It Out:
The measure of living the way God calls us to live is not just what happens on Sunday in a worship service. It’s measured by what happens the other six days of the week. This week:
1. Remember what Jesus has done for you. Until we see our need for Jesus, we will never see a world that needs to be healed. Respond to the question: What has Jesus done, and is doing, in your life?
2. Remain alert and intentional. God has you where you are for a reason. If we are walking with God then we are walking in the confidence of the Holy Spirit, knowing that God is going to provide for us opportunities to love our neighbors.
3. Remain open handed. Lack of opportunity is rarely the problem to living on mission; it’s the cost that often holds people back. Use your time, talents, and treasure to demonstrate the love and mercy of God to all who are in need.
Respond to God’s calling on your life by doing one, or more, of the following:
1. Willingly have your schedule interrupted by someone.
2. Have an intentional conversation with someone, even if it’s a challenging one.
3. Sacrifice your time, energy, or money (or all three!) beyond attending church on Sunday.
4. Get to know someone who doesn’t look like, act like, or talk like you.
5. Invite someone to church or share with someone how Jesus has changed your life.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Luke 10: 25-26
Tuesday: Luke 10:27-28
Wednesday: Luke 10:29-30
Thursday: Luke 10:31-32
Friday: Luke 10:33-35
Saturday: Luke 10:36-37
1. How do you define the word neighbor?
2. Do you live around others in a neighborhood? What are your neighbors like? How well do you know them?
3. Read Luke 10:25-28. What is the significance that the person asking the question is a lawyer? Do you think he already knew the answer? Explain why or why not.
4. How would you answer the question, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life”?
5. What is the difference being “knowing” and “doing”? How does this apply to this passage? Explain how this can apply to different areas of your life.
6. Is it possible to perfectly live out these commandments? How does this tie into our “doing” and what Jesus already did?
7. Read Luke 10:29. What do you think the lawyer is hoping Jesus’s answer will be? Do you think he was expecting a story?
8. Discuss ways in which we might be like the lawyer in hopes of justifying ourselves?
9. Read Luke 10:30-32. What do the priest and Levite have in common before being on the road? What caused them both to pass on the other side?
10. We aren’t told why they didn’t stop, just that they saw him and passed by. What might have been reasons why they didn’t stop?
11. Discuss this phrase: Just because a person is religious does not mean that person is following Christ. How does being religious provide an opportunity to miss the mission God has called us to?
12. Why is everyone who is a child of God called to do the work of the ministry, not just certain people? Why does God invite us all to participate?
13. Read Luke 10:33-35. Describe the ways in which the Samaritan was inconvenienced by helping the man.
14. How does using a Samaritan in the story reveal that the definition of a neighbor surpasses all racial and social barriers?
15. Read Luke 10:36-37. What is your response to knowing we all have a purpose in doing God’s work? How can our perspective change so that we see our purpose in God’s work accurately?
16. Who do you relate with most in the story? Why?
Live It Out:
The measure of living the way God calls us to live is not just what happens on Sunday in a worship service. It’s measured by what happens the other six days of the week. This week:
1. Remember what Jesus has done for you. Until we see our need for Jesus, we will never see a world that needs to be healed. Respond to the question: What has Jesus done, and is doing, in your life?
2. Remain alert and intentional. God has you where you are for a reason. If we are walking with God then we are walking in the confidence of the Holy Spirit, knowing that God is going to provide for us opportunities to love our neighbors.
3. Remain open handed. Lack of opportunity is rarely the problem to living on mission; it’s the cost that often holds people back. Use your time, talents, and treasure to demonstrate the love and mercy of God to all who are in need.
Respond to God’s calling on your life by doing one, or more, of the following:
1. Willingly have your schedule interrupted by someone.
2. Have an intentional conversation with someone, even if it’s a challenging one.
3. Sacrifice your time, energy, or money (or all three!) beyond attending church on Sunday.
4. Get to know someone who doesn’t look like, act like, or talk like you.
5. Invite someone to church or share with someone how Jesus has changed your life.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Luke 10: 25-26
Tuesday: Luke 10:27-28
Wednesday: Luke 10:29-30
Thursday: Luke 10:31-32
Friday: Luke 10:33-35
Saturday: Luke 10:36-37