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Grace Church

Paul's Odyssey: #7 - Countdown

Paul's Odyssey: #7 - Countdown

The life and missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul.

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Our summer series deals with the life and missionary trips of a man named Saul, better known as the Apostle Paul.
His stories are told to us primarily in the books of Acts and Galatians.
To sum up the first 6 weeks of the series -
God saves people with a STORY, and creates for them a new STORY, so they can tell His STORY.
1. For the first 25-30 years or so, Saul lived without a relationship with God.
Humanity is separated from God because of sin.
Romans 6:23a
Hebrews 9:27 [NLV]
2. God intervened in Saul's life when Jesus encountered and then changed him. This is called conversion. Obedience is the primary change that validates our faith.
2 Corinthians 5:17
3. Saul went through about a 14 year period of time where he matured in his faith, served others, endured persecution, developed the skills of telling others about Jesus, and mentored them to do the same with others.
Colossians 1:9-10
Our text today is found in the final verses of Acts 12.
This is a pivotal chapter in the life of Saul and the history of the Christian Church.
Much has been happening in these first 12 chapters of Acts...
- persecution against the followers of Jesus has now ramped up
- despite the persecution, large numbers of Gentiles are being added to the church
- Saul is completing a long period of time in which he is developing the skills needed to carry out the mission for which the Lord saved him
- as part of this, we see in Acts 11:19-30 that Saul and Barnabas are commissioned to take a financial gift to Jerusalem
What we see at the end of Acts 12 can be likened to the final countdown just as a rocket prepares to take off on a designated journey.
Countdowns frequently display the progress that is being made toward the end or beginning of some special event.
Most of us have experienced countdowns in our life.
God uses the events of life to prepare Saul for his mission and He does the same for us!
Acts 12:24-25
There are a number of observations that can be made from this passage but today we'll look at just 7.
1. But shouldn't be viewed as an OBSTACLE but a God given OPPORTUNITY.
Acts 12:24a
2. The word of God is CRITICAL to seeing life CHANGE.
Acts 12:24b
3. God uses CHRISTIANS to grow His CHURCH.
Acts 12:24c
4. Successful teamwork happens when His PRIORITIES are our PASSION.
Acts 12:25a
5. God's mission for us is a COMMAND and not a CHOICE.
Acts 12:25b
6. There will be ACCOUNTABILITY for our ACTIVITY.
Acts 12:25c
7. MULTIPLICATION requires that we MENTOR the next generation.
Acts 12:25d
The first 12 chapters of the book of Acts have served as the countdown sequence for Saul to launch and impact the world.
- There are those of you that have never made it to the launch pad – you find it to comfortable to sit in the darkness of this world’s warehouse.
- Others have arrived at the launch pad but due to some personal breakdown or life circumstance, have never moved forward on the mission God has assigned you.
- Some of you are there, you just need someone who cares about you and is skilled enough to mentor and help you find your mission in life.
- A good number of you have taken off … at different speeds and in different orbits as you serve God.
God saves people with a STORY, and creates for them a new STORY, so they can tell His STORY.

Next week we start to follow Saul from the moment he lifts off on God's mission and we'll begin to follow his Odyssey...his journey as a game changer for God!

CJ's Coffee Shop Pre-Order Link

Bible Reading Plan

We hope you are taking advantage of the 2023 Bible reading plan. This also includes devotionals from Pastor Josh each week. Paper copies can also be found on the resource wall in CJ's.

The Greenhouse Project

Baptism Today

Today after the service there will be a water baptism taking place at the home of Ryan & Tracy Hickey (10400 Valley Hwy, Vermontville). It will start at approximately 12:00-12:15 pm. If you have signed up to be baptized, you should have gotten an informational email on Tuesday.

Lisa's Blog - Worship Moments

H.O.M.E. Groups

New groups are getting started soon. Visit the website to learn about what groups are available and when they meet. Unsure of what group might be a good fit for you? Contact the church office and we can help (

Women's Conference at Camp Michawana

September 29th-October 1st Grace Church always has a group that attends this retreat each year and we have a blast! It's a great way to connect with other women in the church and spend time growing closer to God as well. There are lots of activities along with time to just chill if that's what you prefer. Talk with Sandy Schilz or Leslie Booher if you have any questions about the retreat. Note: when signing up, indicate that you are with Grace Community Church - Nashville so that we will have lodging together.

Birthdays and Anniversaries We're Celebrating This Week!

Saturday, August 12th - Brice & Mindy Hasselback
Sunday, August 13th - Colin & Holly Paul
Monday, August 14th - Paul & Jillyn Boldrey, Jeremy & Melissa Hause
Wednesday, August 16th - Alice Wiser, Shannah Shaver
Thursday, August 17th - Kim & Teri Walters
Friday, August 18th - Mary Burpee, Bill & Becky Wilson