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Living Grace Foursquare

When the Brook Dries Up

Sunday Sermon

Locations & Times

Living Grace Foursquare Church

3646 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA

Sunday 8:30 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

We often place our security in the routine. So, every once and a while, God shakes up our routine!
As the LORD God of Israel lives:

a. Everyone else thought the LORD was dead, but for Elijah the LORD lived.

b. There will always be a remnant of God’s people who believe God lives.

c. Before whom I stand

Faith Point: Through this unusual manner of providing food for His prophet physically, God was also nourishing Elijah’s faith for later feats of spiritual strength.

a. Today’s faith lessons are not without purpose.
1. God led Elijah one step at a time.
2. There is value in the Hidden Place

a. “We must not be surprised, then, if sometimes our Father says: ‘There, child, thou hast had enough of this hurry, and publicity, and excitement; get thee hence, and hide thyself by the brook — hide thyself in the Cherith of the sick chamber; or in the Cherith of disappointed hopes; or in the Cherith of bereavement; or in some solitude from which the crowds have ebbed away’” (Meyer).

b. Perhaps Elijah would have preferred to be elsewhere but here is where the blessing was. Here is where God would provide for his prophet.
When the Brook dries up...

1. Slowly, Elijah begins to notice his provision drying up.

It would have been easy for Elijah to wait it out at the Brook.

a. Stay too long and you can get complacent.

b. You begin to love the provision of God rather than the God of the provision.

c. You can begin to believe that you’re the source, not God

He wants to teach us to trust in Him!
1. Notice what Elijah doesn’t do…

a. He doesn’t pray for rain.
b. He doesn’t leave till he receives further instruction.
1. God kept transitioning Elijah:

a. From home to Jezreel
b. To Cherith
c. To Zarephath.

ii. Each made him stronger and stronger.
iii. Each was a bridge to the next step in his faith journey.
1. Kairos.

a. Carries the idea of occasion, period of time, era, or opportunity.
b. Kairos typically refers to a favorable, established, or decisive place in time
What if that detour was the road?

What if it was not a roadblock but a bridge?

A bridge for what God is doing now and where he’s taking you tomorrow!

From speaking to the King and commanding a drought, to obscurity, to saving a widow and her son in Zarephath.

Sounds like God to me!

Rather than resist God’s transitions, embrace them.

That’s where the faith, growth and provision are!