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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Isaiah 65:1-25
“There Are Only Two Ways To Live”

1. There are only two ways to live. Which way are you living?
2. Isaiah 65:1-25 shows us these two ways:

There are only two ways to live. Which way are you living?
Come down…65:1 “Here am I” “Here am I” He is trying to get the attention of
self-important little people who snub Him. God wants to be noticed. God does not wait for
us to show an interest in Him. “Here am I” He requires no spiritual pedigree. Anyone may
welcome Him!
A. Rebellion 2
1. God is spreading out His hands. God is pleading.
2. With some it is a wasted effort. Why? They walk their own way. They follow their
own thoughts. We assemble our thoughts to manage God and keep Him at a distance.
3. This verse is quoted in (Rom. 10:20, 21). Paul saw a small number of Jews claiming
Jesus as Messiah. Gentiles were running to Christ. Israel was rich in God…schooled
in Messianic prophecy. Gentiles with no background in the Scriptures got it!
Why? I spread out my hands to a rebellious people. Rebellious means, ‘stubborn,
rigid, never satisfied’ which is the opposite of broken and contrite (Is. 57:15).
4. Spirituality does not run along bloodlines. Our children need more than exposure to
the Gospel. They need the miracle of the Holy Spirit given in response to the Gospel.
B. Religion 3-5
1. When the Messiah/God was rejected they did not stop being religious. They
worshiped another god!
2. They were following their own thoughts, their own ideas, their own intuition which
was pagan!
*Idolatry…which is something manmade that took the place of God. They sacrificed.
It cost them something.
*Over curiosity…spiritism. 4a They had their own ideas of the ‘spirit world’.
*Unholy practices…watch what defiles your life. These are smoke in My nostrils!
C. Retribution 6-7; 11-15
1. God Is The Judge 6-7
The judgment of God is coming.
*It is based on Perfect Knowledge. “Behold, it is written before Me.” Men will be
judged out of those things written in the books. (Rev. 20:12…at the Great White
*It is Absolutely Certain. I will not keep silent…I will recompense.
*It is Personal. Even into their bosom.
*It is Just. Measure…In executing judgment God will not violate His Word!
2. God Is Just 11-15
*The Consequences of Sin 11-12 But they that forsake the Lord…Therefore will I
number…When I called you did not answer…When I spoke you did not hear.
*The Consternation of Sin 13-14 Behold, My servants…shall eat BUT you shall
be hunger. Behold, My servants…shall drink BUT you shall be thirsty. Behold,
My servant…shall rejoice BUT you shall be ashamed. Behold, My servants…shall
sing for joy BUT you shall cry and wail.
*The Catastrophe of Sin 15 Name/Curse…Another name/Blessing 16

There are only two ways to live. Which was are you living?
II. LIVING WITH GOD’S BLESSING 65:8-10; 13-14; 16-25
A. Comparison 8-10
God knows those who are His!
1.There is a Godly remnant in the future time of Jacob’s troubles. (Mt. 24:21, 22)
Someone is harvesting grapes to make wine. Clusters are cut. Some are good, some are bad. Only God can separate the good from the bad. God knows the heart!
2.What is the difference between the people God will accept and the people God
rejects? What have you done with Jesus Christ? He that hath the Son hath life. He that hath not the Son hath not life.
3.How do you know if you have Christ? Deaf to God’s Word. Authentic faith proves itself with an openness to His Word. Dull to God’s Delights. He delights in His pleasures. He loves what God loves.
How we ruin ourselves: Do we listen when God speaks? Not choosing what God likes. If you have no desire to obey the will of God and Word of God are you sure that you are a follower of Christ?
B. Contrasts 13-14
1. Behold, My servants…shall eat.
2. Behold, My servants…shall drink.
3. Behold, My servants…shall rejoice.
4. Behold, My servants…shall sing for joy of the heart.
C. Companion 16
1. Shall bless himself in the God of truth. (Amen)
2. Shall swear by the God of truth. (Amen)
D. Creation 17-25
1. A description of the Millennial Kingdom which is preliminary to the new heaven
and new earth. 17
2. The Millennial Kingdom is described. 18-25 Joy 18, 19…Longevity 20…Security
21-23…Care 24…Harmony 25 Earth will never be right until Jesus comes!

There are only two ways to live:
One He will bless. The other He won’t.
One…You belong to Him. Other…You don’t.

God can only bless that which belongs to Him.

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