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Elements City Church

Summer at Elements - wk8: Practice of Fasting & Feasting

Summer at Elements - wk8: Practice of Fasting & Feasting

As we follow after Jesus we are invited into some practices and habits we see in his life. We examined some of these earlier this year with our Unhurried series. This summer we're diving into more. We invite you to experiment with us, and grow in these practices -- to see which ones God might be nudging you to make more prominent in your life. How might He be wanting to use these to do more work within you as He grows you and shapes you to be more like Jesus?

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 5:00 PM

Thanks for joining us tonight!

Whether you're on-site or online, we are praying that tonight will be an encouragement to you! If you're new, we'd love to have you fill out our connection card.
A disciple is someone who
knows and follows Jesus,
is becoming like Jesus,
and is committed to the mission of Jesus.

"Discipleship is the process of becoming who Jesus would be if he were you." -Dallas Willard

“Radical Incrementalism” (pastor/author John Tyson)
— simply take your next step; don’t run a marathon.

Consistent next steps will take you further than trying to run too far, and then you end up, giving up and quitting.
Tonight: Practice of Fasting and Feasting

The Scriptures celebrate FOOD as a great gift — while simultaneously inviting us to surrender every area of our lives to the authority of Jesus.

We seem to have an interesting relationship with food in our country.
We are a people who live in a land that is so focused on pleasure seeking that we often have a difficult time actually engaging and exercising RESTRAINT in any form…*FRIENDS: we may need to accept the Scripture’s invitation into a different rhythm—the rhythm of fasting AND feasting.
Biblical fasting is the intentional abstaining from food for a spiritual purpose. As Christians, we intentionally face the pain of hunger and lack in order to direct our hearts towards God.

The spiritual practice of fasting always has a Godward direction.
Embodied Spirituality

We are embodied creatures. We worship God and we love God in and with our bodies - our minds, our souls - all of us. We are not simply spirits floating around in fragile forms. We have physical bodies. And these physical bodies play a dramatic and important role in our lives with God.

As powerful as the mind is, because we are holistic beings, we can’t simply think our way into spiritual maturity.

Our discipleship to Jesus must take seriously our body, as it is “the temple of the Holy Spirit” — a home where we make room for God to dwell.

When we fast, at least 4 things are happening in our body and soul.
It’s weaning us off the “pleasure principle” (our constant pursuit of)
It’s revealing what’s in our heart
It’s re-ordering our desires
It’s drawing on the power of God to overcome sin
Quote: John Mark Comer
“Fasting is a kind of praying with our body. When the request of our heart is coupled with the yearning of our body, our prayer is purified of its dross and presented like a precious metal before the Father, for him to do as he will.”

Fasting is an aid in hearing God.
Fasting is also an aid to being heard by God.
In your dedicated times of prayer, or each time a hunger pain comes, you may want to pray Romans 12:1-2, or simply, “God, I offer my body to you in worship. Please do a transforming work within me.”

If fasting is the intentional abstaining from food to commune with God, feasting is the joyful and celebratory response to our experience of God’s presence, faithfulness, kindness, and provision.

When we feast, we intentionally partake in good food and drink as a way of reminding our soul how good God has been and giving Him gratitude for His many blessings.

The Three Pilgrimage Festivals are three major festivals in Judaism—two in spring, Pesach (Passover), 49 days later Shavuot (Weeks or Pentecost), and in autumn Sukkot (Tabernacles, Tents or Booths)—when all ancient Israelites who were able would make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem, as commanded by the Torah. In Jerusalem, they would participate in festivities and ritual worship in conjunction with the services of the kohanim ("priests") at the Temple. All three coincide with important harvest times in the Land of Israel: Passover with the barley harvest, Shavuot with the harvesting of the wheat, and the eighth day of Sukkot marks the conclusion of the fruit harvest.
The habit of SAVORING as a part of FEASTING...

feasting invites us to savor and not just get through; to enjoy the food, but to also enjoy the people, conversation, remembering and savoring the GOODNESS OF GOD.

As you and I practice times of FASTING AND FEASTING — may these rhythms draw us into deeper communion with God. Draw us into greater dependency upon him - greater appreciation and gratitude of Him.
NOTE: Fasting alternative ways.
-we may need to fast from media, interaction (to focus on silence/solitude),
While fasting primarily involves food in the Scriptures (and should be the primary way Christians fast), there is Christian liberty for those who want to step into this practice but cannot do so with food in a safe manner.

-we may need to fast from media/social media,
-from conversation (to focus on silence/solitude),
-from the telephone (one day a week - sabbath?),
-from consumer culture - go a day without buying anything?…

Fasting and Feasting pdf

here's a pdf with further helps around fasting and feasting practices

Fasting and Feasting are SPIRITUAL PRACTICES...

That means we need to make an intentional plan to turn them Godward and seek communion with God through the practices.

For fasting:
Be specific about the duration of your fast - how you want to commune with God during this time. What Bible passages do you want to read/focus on? How will you use your physical hunger to aid you spiritually or prompt you to pray?

For feasting:
Make a plan. Who do you want to feast and celebrate with? What food
are you going to prepare? How are you going to stir some time toward thanksgiving to God? Can you read a psalm or share a story of gratitude, give a blessing or share appreciation together before or after the meal?

Spiritual formation is slow, deep, cumulative and cultivated work that takes years, not weeks.

“your next step”

Practices we’ve looked at this year 2023:
Slowing, Silence, Solitude, Sabbath, Compassion
Serving, Scripture, Hospitality, Community
Prayer, Confession, Fasting and Feasting, Gratitude

*Take some time to ask the Spirit to nudge you toward the 1 or 2 to journey deeper into with Him - seeking him to grow you, challenge you, and transform you via engaging into these practices more...

Thanks for partnering with us!

To those who tithe to Elements, thank you for enabling us to be the church in our city. Your gifts help fuel the mission of Elements City Church, as well as our capacity to function as a church on a daily basis. 
You can give online at the link below, or through the Elements app.
Thanks for worshipping with us tonight! We invite you back next week as we wrap up our Summer @ Elements series with our WORSHIP NIGHT AUGUST 6TH!

Join us this summer on-site or online every Sunday at 5pm!

Keep an eye on the Events tab in the Elements app for our upcoming events. And catch a NEW summer devotion on YouTube channel every Wednesday - watch the social channels as well.