Momentum Church
Too Blessed Not To Bless
Too Blessed Not To Bless | Pastor Ross Wiseman
Locations & Times
Momentum Church
659 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
God is calling us to be a servant church
Too Blessed Not to Bless
1.A feeling of deep sympathy & sorrow for another’s suffering or misfortune.
2.A desire to alleviate pain or remove it’s cause.
1.A feeling of deep sympathy & sorrow for another’s suffering or misfortune.
2.A desire to alleviate pain or remove it’s cause.
A servant church moves in the spirit of the ultimate Good Samaritan, Jesus Christ.
Priest: The church person that’s too busy with other things.
Levite: The church person who sees a need, but says it’s not my responsibility.
Priest: The church person that’s too busy with other things.
Levite: The church person who sees a need, but says it’s not my responsibility.
We have a Generation that is on the brink of Spiritual Extinction.
To Blessed Not to Bless
To Blessed Not to Bless
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