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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Isaiah 63:1-19
Facing the Judgment of God

1. I believe that America could very well be under the judgment of God. LGBTQ+…Over 60
million abortions…Moral decay…Eliminate God from our society.
2. Is it possible that the church is living under the judgment of God. Repent or I will remove your candlestick.
3. Are we facing the judgment of God? As a nation or the church...
4. Isaiah 63:1-6 begins with judgment. Judgment should lead to repentance.
Four principles when facing judgment:

Are we facing the judgment of God? As a nation or the church...
I. LOVING 63:7-9
The steadfast love of God surrounds us. Keep yourself in the love of God (Jude 21)
A. His Gifts 7
All the Lord has bestowed…Bestowed on Israel according to His mercies…His
1.Has anything good ever happened to you? God did it!
2.Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father.
B. His Grace 8-9
Go back and rethink what God has done for you.
1.His love and mercy…He redeemed them. He lifted them…He carried them. Afflicted…He identified Himself with them.
2.He became their Savior. Angel of His presence (the Pre-incarnate Christ) saved them.
3.When facing the judgment of God…He loves you. He is your Savior. He is your Redeemer.
4.Rethink what He has done: He chose us. He became our Savior. He shares in our afflictions (you never go through it alone). He redeemed us. He carried us every step of the way. What a picture of us as a nation…individual or church.

Are we facing the judgment of God? As a nation or the church...
II. LOOKING 63:10-14
The Triunity of God is involved, even in the Old Testament: Spirit…Lord (7, 10, 11,
14)…Savior (Angel of His presence)
A. Rebellion 10
1. BUT THEY REBELLED and vexed His Holy Spirit. He fought against them.
2. It wasn’t the Assyrians or Babylonians that defeated Israel. They defeated
themselves by saying, “NO” to God! “We can handle this ourselves.” “We’re
o.k. we don’t need God.”
3.We become enemies of God. God fights against us! As a nation we have done just
that. The tragedy is the church has done the same thing! Behold I stand at the door and knock (Rev. 3:20) Laodicea Laodicea: We are increased with goods and have need of nothing…you are naked, poor and blind.
B. Remember 11-14
Remember the old days...America...the church.
1.Where Is He? 11 The important questions of life are always ‘God’ questions.
The question is asked twice. This is the question for every generation, for every individual, for every nation. This becomes the question of your life. Nothing else matters!
2. Where Is He who led? 12-14 Where is He who led His people in order to
make a glorious name for Himself? Other generations experienced Him. Where is
He in our experience? NOW?

Are we facing the judgment of God? As a nation or the church…
III. LONGING 63:15-16
We need God to come down! We need to quit playing church.
A. Revisit 15
Are we held back? Wilt thou restrain thyself? (64:12)
1.The whole prayer is for God to visit us without holding Himself back at all.
2.“God, come down.” When God comes down, who He is and what He is becomes part of our experience. Thy glory…Thy zeal…Thy strength…Thy
mercies…we become a living illustration of the power of God! God…come down! God…visit us!
B. Renew 16
1. Our forefathers would not recognize us.
2. What is the answer? We do not need more tradition...WE NEED HIM!
(Gal 4:1-7)
3.Our Father…our redeemer from everlasting. The Triune God never changes. There is a difference between doing church in our own power and entering into the presence of God!
4.The people of God have drifted. We have become less than we use to be. We need to know what “Absolute Surrender” means.

Are we facing the judgment of God? As a nation or the church...
IV. LAMENTING 63:17-19
A. Blame 17
1. I believe this is the way the people felt: What’s wrong with God?
2. They have wandered from God. They do not fear God. They are responsible.
They are responsible for the consequences of turning from God.
3. We feel we can play with sin and get away with it. We live cold, indifferent
lives and we wonder what’s wrong with God.
B. Blessing 18-19
For a little while…now the Temple is trampled.
1.Surrender Return for thy servant’s sake. We surrender. We are slaves of God. We are utterly and totally dependent on God!
2.Submission We are Thine!

What are you holding on to? LET IT GO!

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