Community Church of Portage Lakes

The Foundation of Wisdom(Proverbs 8 & Matthew 7:24-27) Our Imperfect Family
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM

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I. The _______________________________________________________________ of wisdom
a. The ___________________________________________________________ of wisdom
Wisdom is understanding and __________________ according to what is ____________________
b. The principle of __________________________________________________________
II. The ______________________________ and _____________________________ of wisdom
a. It is a reflection of ________________________________________________________
b. At creation God wove _____________________________________________ into reality
c. Wisdom defines what is ____________________ and how ________________________
It affirms the _________________ of these laws, and the ___________ of keeping or breaking them
III. God declares wisdom as a ________________________ not a ________________________
IV. The unescapable _______________________________________________________ of truth
Closing challenge;