Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Isaiah 62:1-12
God Never Quits
1. How many projects have you started but never finished? Man is not a great finisher.
2. We feel that God must be as we are. Do you know that what God starts He finishes? Being
confident of this very thing that He who hath begun a good work in you will perform it until
the day of Jesus Christ.
3. Isaiah 62:1-12 “I will not... I will not” UNTIL:
Do you know that what God starts He finishes?
He is speaking of Israel at the Millennial Kingdom. It can apply to those who know Christ.
A. God Continues 1-2a
1. His Commitment 1a I will not hold my peace UNTIL. I will not rest UNTIL.
God does the work!
2. His Culmination 1b Her righteousness go forth as brightness. Her salvation as
a lamp that burns. This Little Light of Mine… Let your light so shine before men
that they may see your good works and glorify your Father. Righteousness and
Salvation shine!
3. His Conclusion 2a We do not just shine. Israel’s light was to shine around the
world. Gentiles…Kings…see your righteousness. Kings…your glory. Believers
reflect who He is! You will be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the
world! (Acts 1:8)
B. God Changes 2b,4
Thou shalt be called by a new name which the mouth of the Lord shall name.
1.For us to use a name it is for identification…Bill, Sue, Mike. A name in Hebrew
speaks of character. Emanuel is God with us.
2.Only God can change who we are. In verse 4 it gives us the change in Israel. Israel was: Forsaken…Desolate but No More! Hephzibah means, My delight is her. (She is my delight) Beulah means, Married. For the Lord delights in thee. Thy land shall be married.
3.We were Forsaken…Desolate. Now we are His delight. We are Married to Jesus Christ (What we have and what we are belongs to Him.)
C. God Controls 3
Thou shalt be:
1.A crown of glory…this was a king’s crown. A royal crown.
2.A royal diadem…a headdress worn by a priest. As Kings we rule with Him. He is our Authority. As Priests we are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation.
3.Both…In the hand of Lord…In the hand of God (Elohim) These emphasize His covenant relationship and the God of creation. Two different words in the Hebrew for hand:
*The first emphasizes the open hand. It speaks of our Freedom in Christ.
*The second is the palm of the hand held out for display. We are His display. We are trophies of His grace. We are in His hands. Nothing touches me that is not first of all filtered through His hands.
D. God Cherishes 5
1. His love will be as strong and full of joy as the love of those newly married.
2. We are cared for and protected…no more abandoned!
Do you know that what God starts He finishes?
A. God Protects 6
I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem.
1. His Watchmen A watchman was to look out for the enemy.
2. His Warning Who shall never hold their peace day or night. The Holy Spirit is
always awake!
3. His Witness You that make mention of the Lord…keep not silent. If the Gospel be
hidden…it is hidden to those who are lost.
B. God Promotes 7
1. Give Him no rest. Prayer is the key to your spiritual life. Pray without ceasing.
2. Until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. God elevates little Jerusalem. The
Forsaken/Desolate Jerusalem. He uses little you and little me. In so doing He
receives all the praise!
C. God Promises 8,9
1. His Power The Lord hath sworn (by His Power) by His right hand…by His
strong arm.
2. His Provisions I will no more give food or wine to the enemy. BUT v. 9 At one
time God had given us over to the Enemy.
3. His Praise Now what we have brings praise to Him. In the court of holiness…we
are set apart to God and for God!
Do you know that what God starts He finishes?
A. God Prompts 10
Four commands are given to the Gentiles to worship in Jerusalem:
1.Go through the gates.
2.Prepare ye the way of the people (singular…Israel).
3.Cast up…Cast up move every obstacle out of the way to get to Jesus.
4.Lift up a standard for the peoples (Plural…Gentiles).
B. God Proclaims 11
What God starts verses 1, 2 He finishes. There are three ‘beholds’
1.His Summons Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed to the ends of the earth. During
the Tribulation Period the Gospel will be proclaimed to the ends of the earth. Then Jesus will come!
2. His Salvation Behold, thy salvation comes.
3. His Summary Behold, His reward with Him…He comes with the saints. At the
Rapture He comes for the saints. His work is before Him.
C. God Perfects 12
He will not quit!
1.They shall call them…The holy people…The Redeemed of the Lord
2.Thou shalt be called, Sought out…a city not forsaken.
What God starts He finishes!
God Never Quits
1. How many projects have you started but never finished? Man is not a great finisher.
2. We feel that God must be as we are. Do you know that what God starts He finishes? Being
confident of this very thing that He who hath begun a good work in you will perform it until
the day of Jesus Christ.
3. Isaiah 62:1-12 “I will not... I will not” UNTIL:
Do you know that what God starts He finishes?
He is speaking of Israel at the Millennial Kingdom. It can apply to those who know Christ.
A. God Continues 1-2a
1. His Commitment 1a I will not hold my peace UNTIL. I will not rest UNTIL.
God does the work!
2. His Culmination 1b Her righteousness go forth as brightness. Her salvation as
a lamp that burns. This Little Light of Mine… Let your light so shine before men
that they may see your good works and glorify your Father. Righteousness and
Salvation shine!
3. His Conclusion 2a We do not just shine. Israel’s light was to shine around the
world. Gentiles…Kings…see your righteousness. Kings…your glory. Believers
reflect who He is! You will be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the
world! (Acts 1:8)
B. God Changes 2b,4
Thou shalt be called by a new name which the mouth of the Lord shall name.
1.For us to use a name it is for identification…Bill, Sue, Mike. A name in Hebrew
speaks of character. Emanuel is God with us.
2.Only God can change who we are. In verse 4 it gives us the change in Israel. Israel was: Forsaken…Desolate but No More! Hephzibah means, My delight is her. (She is my delight) Beulah means, Married. For the Lord delights in thee. Thy land shall be married.
3.We were Forsaken…Desolate. Now we are His delight. We are Married to Jesus Christ (What we have and what we are belongs to Him.)
C. God Controls 3
Thou shalt be:
1.A crown of glory…this was a king’s crown. A royal crown.
2.A royal diadem…a headdress worn by a priest. As Kings we rule with Him. He is our Authority. As Priests we are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation.
3.Both…In the hand of Lord…In the hand of God (Elohim) These emphasize His covenant relationship and the God of creation. Two different words in the Hebrew for hand:
*The first emphasizes the open hand. It speaks of our Freedom in Christ.
*The second is the palm of the hand held out for display. We are His display. We are trophies of His grace. We are in His hands. Nothing touches me that is not first of all filtered through His hands.
D. God Cherishes 5
1. His love will be as strong and full of joy as the love of those newly married.
2. We are cared for and protected…no more abandoned!
Do you know that what God starts He finishes?
A. God Protects 6
I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem.
1. His Watchmen A watchman was to look out for the enemy.
2. His Warning Who shall never hold their peace day or night. The Holy Spirit is
always awake!
3. His Witness You that make mention of the Lord…keep not silent. If the Gospel be
hidden…it is hidden to those who are lost.
B. God Promotes 7
1. Give Him no rest. Prayer is the key to your spiritual life. Pray without ceasing.
2. Until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. God elevates little Jerusalem. The
Forsaken/Desolate Jerusalem. He uses little you and little me. In so doing He
receives all the praise!
C. God Promises 8,9
1. His Power The Lord hath sworn (by His Power) by His right hand…by His
strong arm.
2. His Provisions I will no more give food or wine to the enemy. BUT v. 9 At one
time God had given us over to the Enemy.
3. His Praise Now what we have brings praise to Him. In the court of holiness…we
are set apart to God and for God!
Do you know that what God starts He finishes?
A. God Prompts 10
Four commands are given to the Gentiles to worship in Jerusalem:
1.Go through the gates.
2.Prepare ye the way of the people (singular…Israel).
3.Cast up…Cast up move every obstacle out of the way to get to Jesus.
4.Lift up a standard for the peoples (Plural…Gentiles).
B. God Proclaims 11
What God starts verses 1, 2 He finishes. There are three ‘beholds’
1.His Summons Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed to the ends of the earth. During
the Tribulation Period the Gospel will be proclaimed to the ends of the earth. Then Jesus will come!
2. His Salvation Behold, thy salvation comes.
3. His Summary Behold, His reward with Him…He comes with the saints. At the
Rapture He comes for the saints. His work is before Him.
C. God Perfects 12
He will not quit!
1.They shall call them…The holy people…The Redeemed of the Lord
2.Thou shalt be called, Sought out…a city not forsaken.
What God starts He finishes!
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