Christian Revival Center

Corporate Fast & All-Night Prayer
Come and join us for praise & worship, and praying all-night with other believers. Experience the presence of God and what he desires to do through you in prayer. Hope to see you there!
Locations & Times
Christian Revival Center
805 W 57th Ave, Merrillville, IN 46410, USA
Friday 7:00 PM
This event is a must come event! Do you want to join together with other believers in praising & worshipping the Lord and to come together to touch the throne room of God? We will be petitioning heaven to move on behalf of our earnest prayers this evening for a move of God. This is an all-night prayer event. Will you join us?
Christian Revival Center
We are a community of believers that are impassioned for Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reach the lost, help the hurting and to enable believers to go to the next level. We cordially invite you to one of our Spirit-filled services, where a friendly face will welcome you and answer any of your questions.
https://www.christianrevivalcenter.orgChristian Revival Center Donate link
You Make It Happen When you give to CRC or Otano Team Ministries you make it possible for Pastor Michael Otano to fulfill the mandate of the Lord to "Preach the Gospel to the whole world" (Mark 16:17). We have many ministries that are designed to minister to our immediate community as well as the world at large. Thank you for making it happen. “God loves a cheerful giver!” (2 Corinthians 9:7) us for All-Night Prayer at Christian Revival Center
Corporate Fast and All-Night Prayer at Christian Revival Center on Friday, July 14th, 2023 from 7 p.m - 12 a.m, located at 805 W. 57th Avenue, Merrillville, IN 46410. You don't want to miss this free event to praise & worship and pray together! We hope to see you there!

All-Night Prayer Meeting