Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Isaiah 60:14-22
A Life of Grace and Glory
1. In Isaiah 60:1-13 Darkness is the absence of light. The Redeemer shall come (59:28).The
interpretation is the Messiah at His 2nd coming to Jerusalem.
2. Has Jesus Christ come into your life? When Jesus comes life is reversed!
3. Isaiah 60:1-14 we will see snap shots of Before and After.
Has Jesus Christ come into your life? When Jesus comes life is reversed!
So you can learn to live by grace.
A.Grace Appreciated 14
1.Life Can Hurt Those who had previously caused Israel pain…Afflicted… Despised.
These shall bend…They that despise will bow themselves. People can hurt you and hurt you deeply. Not only by what they do (afflict), but what they say.
2.Life Can Heal The City of the Lord…the Holy One of Israel That which was afflicted and despised becomes His. The City is under His Lordship. Israel is now His. When Jesus comes former victorious enemies…bow! Addictions are His. Relationships between husband and wife can be restored and renewed. Bitterness, envy, strife, hatred…bow! How? He becomes Lord. He takes control.
B.Grace Achieved 15
1.Life Can Be Lonely Forsaken…Hated…Alone…No man went though thee. Israel was avoided and abandoned. You may feel forsaken, alone, and hated.
2.Life Can Be Loved Grace: I will make thee an eternal excellency. I will make you My everlasting pride and joy. I will make thee a joy of many nations. Israel is despised and persecuted, then Jesus comes. Can you imagine being the pride and joy of Jesus Christ. You feel like a nothing and nobody: I will make you majestic forever…a joy from age to age. See yourself as Jesus sees you!
C.Grace Appropriated 16
1.A Life of Blessing Nations and kings used Israel. Suck the milk is to take the best, the most cherished. This was from the very nations and kings that used and abused Israel. Shalt suck the breast of kings. God takes the things that Satan means for evil and turns them into good. He uses the very things that would destroy you to make you, mold you, and have you to grow.
2.A Life of Knowing God Thou shalt know that I, the LORD, am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob. If it were not for the valleys you would never really know God. We know about Him…then He comes through. He is Lord! He is in control…you are not. Thy Savior! He is the only one who can deliver. Thy Redeemer…the Mighty One! He is bigger and more powerful than any obstacle. We Get To Know God as we see the adversary fall!
D.Grace Advanced 17
I will make…I will make…I will make He must do it you can’t!
1.A Life of Receiving God replaces the good with the better. God is always upgrading. Bronze for Gold…Iron for Silver…Wood for Iron…Stones for Iron. As we let Him take control He always gives His best to those who wait.
2.A Life of Rest I will make your officers peace. I will make your extractors righteousness. Peace will be your administrators. Righteousness will be your overseers. Peace and Righteousness is a life at rest. Let go! Quit struggling. Though Him ‘right’ will come! I will…IT IS ALL OF GRACE (God does it)…you can’t!
Has Jesus Christ come into your life? When Jesus comes life is reversed!
So God can receive the glory!
A. No More Destruction 18
1. Hinderances: No More: Violence…Waste…Destruction. Jesus removes the
negatives…the hurtful things…the selfish things…those things that destroy.
2. Help: God does just remove the negatives. Thou shalt call thy walls Salvation
and thy gates Praise. Salvation: you want others to have what you have!
Praise: Praise God from whom all blessing flow. Praise Him all creatures here
below. Thank you Jesus!
B. No More Darkness 19-20
Darkness is the absence. This may be a prelude to the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:23;
1.The Lord Is The Light 19 The Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light…Thy God, Thy Glory! The Lord shall be thine everlasting light. Thy mourning shall end.
2.The Light Is Everlasting 20 In Him is no darkness at all. Do you want to see where you are going? Follow Him. Let Him lead!
C. No More Disinheritance 21-22
1. Nothing Becomes Something…Unrighteous…Disinherited (no land)…Thy
people shall be righteous. They shall inherit the land…Forever. This has never
2. He Becomes Everything…My planting…My hands…That I may be glorified!
God does it so He can receive all the glory! You and God are not a team.
You can only weaken the team. GOD DOES IT!
3.Little Becomes Much…No Bodies Become Nations 22 We were unrighteous…no bodies with nothing! I am righteous because of Him. I am an heir and a joint heir with Jesus Christ. HE DESERVES ALL THE GLORY!
I am a work in progress. I have not arrived.
In His time…all of this will be mine!
Has Jesus Christ come into your life?
A Life of Grace and Glory
1. In Isaiah 60:1-13 Darkness is the absence of light. The Redeemer shall come (59:28).The
interpretation is the Messiah at His 2nd coming to Jerusalem.
2. Has Jesus Christ come into your life? When Jesus comes life is reversed!
3. Isaiah 60:1-14 we will see snap shots of Before and After.
Has Jesus Christ come into your life? When Jesus comes life is reversed!
So you can learn to live by grace.
A.Grace Appreciated 14
1.Life Can Hurt Those who had previously caused Israel pain…Afflicted… Despised.
These shall bend…They that despise will bow themselves. People can hurt you and hurt you deeply. Not only by what they do (afflict), but what they say.
2.Life Can Heal The City of the Lord…the Holy One of Israel That which was afflicted and despised becomes His. The City is under His Lordship. Israel is now His. When Jesus comes former victorious enemies…bow! Addictions are His. Relationships between husband and wife can be restored and renewed. Bitterness, envy, strife, hatred…bow! How? He becomes Lord. He takes control.
B.Grace Achieved 15
1.Life Can Be Lonely Forsaken…Hated…Alone…No man went though thee. Israel was avoided and abandoned. You may feel forsaken, alone, and hated.
2.Life Can Be Loved Grace: I will make thee an eternal excellency. I will make you My everlasting pride and joy. I will make thee a joy of many nations. Israel is despised and persecuted, then Jesus comes. Can you imagine being the pride and joy of Jesus Christ. You feel like a nothing and nobody: I will make you majestic forever…a joy from age to age. See yourself as Jesus sees you!
C.Grace Appropriated 16
1.A Life of Blessing Nations and kings used Israel. Suck the milk is to take the best, the most cherished. This was from the very nations and kings that used and abused Israel. Shalt suck the breast of kings. God takes the things that Satan means for evil and turns them into good. He uses the very things that would destroy you to make you, mold you, and have you to grow.
2.A Life of Knowing God Thou shalt know that I, the LORD, am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob. If it were not for the valleys you would never really know God. We know about Him…then He comes through. He is Lord! He is in control…you are not. Thy Savior! He is the only one who can deliver. Thy Redeemer…the Mighty One! He is bigger and more powerful than any obstacle. We Get To Know God as we see the adversary fall!
D.Grace Advanced 17
I will make…I will make…I will make He must do it you can’t!
1.A Life of Receiving God replaces the good with the better. God is always upgrading. Bronze for Gold…Iron for Silver…Wood for Iron…Stones for Iron. As we let Him take control He always gives His best to those who wait.
2.A Life of Rest I will make your officers peace. I will make your extractors righteousness. Peace will be your administrators. Righteousness will be your overseers. Peace and Righteousness is a life at rest. Let go! Quit struggling. Though Him ‘right’ will come! I will…IT IS ALL OF GRACE (God does it)…you can’t!
Has Jesus Christ come into your life? When Jesus comes life is reversed!
So God can receive the glory!
A. No More Destruction 18
1. Hinderances: No More: Violence…Waste…Destruction. Jesus removes the
negatives…the hurtful things…the selfish things…those things that destroy.
2. Help: God does just remove the negatives. Thou shalt call thy walls Salvation
and thy gates Praise. Salvation: you want others to have what you have!
Praise: Praise God from whom all blessing flow. Praise Him all creatures here
below. Thank you Jesus!
B. No More Darkness 19-20
Darkness is the absence. This may be a prelude to the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:23;
1.The Lord Is The Light 19 The Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light…Thy God, Thy Glory! The Lord shall be thine everlasting light. Thy mourning shall end.
2.The Light Is Everlasting 20 In Him is no darkness at all. Do you want to see where you are going? Follow Him. Let Him lead!
C. No More Disinheritance 21-22
1. Nothing Becomes Something…Unrighteous…Disinherited (no land)…Thy
people shall be righteous. They shall inherit the land…Forever. This has never
2. He Becomes Everything…My planting…My hands…That I may be glorified!
God does it so He can receive all the glory! You and God are not a team.
You can only weaken the team. GOD DOES IT!
3.Little Becomes Much…No Bodies Become Nations 22 We were unrighteous…no bodies with nothing! I am righteous because of Him. I am an heir and a joint heir with Jesus Christ. HE DESERVES ALL THE GLORY!
I am a work in progress. I have not arrived.
In His time…all of this will be mine!
Has Jesus Christ come into your life?
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