Crossview Church

The Blessings of Justification
Chris Putney | Romans 5:1-11
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Crossview Church
1000 E Riverview Expy, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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1. We have peace with God
2. We stand in grace
3. We boast in hope
“The reason this benefit comes third is because the more we experience our peace and access with the Father, the more desirous we are to see Him face to face, and the more certain and thrilled we become about the prospect of glory and heaven. By itself, ‘heaven’ can be an abstract and unappetizing idea. But if you come to taste ‘access’ with God and realize how intoxicating it is just to have a couple of drops of His presence on your tongue, you will desire to drink from the fountainhead. That desire, focus, and joyous certainty of the future is called the ‘hope of glory.’ ” (Tim Keller)
“Suffering removes from us rival sources of confidence and hope; other places we might look to for our sense that, deep down, we are OK, and that our future will be OK. Suffering drives us to the one place where we find real hope, real confidence and certainty: God.” (Tim Keller)
4. God's love is poured out in us
5. Our salvation is secure
“If Jesus stayed on the cross and saved us ‘when we were God’s enemies’ (v 10), then ‘how much more’ will He keep us saved now that we are His friends (‘justified by His blood,’ v 9)? If He was able to save us when we were hostile to Him, would He fail us now that we are friends? If He didn’t give up on you when you were at war with Him, what could you do to make Him give up on you now that you are at peace with Him?” (Tim Keller)
6. We are free to boast in God
6 Blessings of Justification
1. We have peace with God
2. We stand in grace
3. We boast in hope
4. God’s love is poured out in us
5. Our salvation is secure
6. We are free to boast in God
1. We have peace with God
2. We stand in grace
3. We boast in hope
4. God’s love is poured out in us
5. Our salvation is secure
6. We are free to boast in God
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