New Life Church

Been There: Pastor Tim
Part 1 - Control Issue
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Saturday 10:00 AM
What you attempt to control the most often reveals where you trust God the least.
Surrender usually takes more than one attempt.
- Surrender doesn’t guarantee a trouble-free life.
- Jesus doesn’t invite us to a life of comfort and ease, but to a life of sacrifice and surrender.
- We don’t always have the power to control, but we always have the power to surrender.
- Jesus doesn’t invite us to a life of comfort and ease, but to a life of sacrifice and surrender.
- We don’t always have the power to control, but we always have the power to surrender.
3 Questions to Ask When You’re Tempted to Take Control:
- Is it worth my concern?
- Is it mine to control?
- Is it for God alone?
- Is it worth my concern?
- Is it mine to control?
- Is it for God alone?
- Read Psalm 46:10. What do you think it means to “be still, and know that [He] is God”? How could being still be more beneficial than being controlling?
- Is there something in your life that you’re trying to control that God wants you to surrender? What’s one step you could take to surrender to Him this week?
- Share about a time when you were tempted to control but chose to surrender instead. What did you learn about God through that experience?
- Read Psalm 46:10. What do you think it means to “be still, and know that [He] is God”? How could being still be more beneficial than being controlling?
- Is there something in your life that you’re trying to control that God wants you to surrender? What’s one step you could take to surrender to Him this week?
- Share about a time when you were tempted to control but chose to surrender instead. What did you learn about God through that experience?
Upcoming and Weekly Events
Sunday Service @ 10 AM. Nursery is available for children up to age 4, and KidZone for ages 5-11. Please Note: This week, KidZone is canceled and Nursery will be available after worship only.
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 PM. See Sharee for more info. Please Note: Girls Ministry is on pause for the summer!
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Fridays 7- 8:30 PM. See Pastor James for more info. Please Note: Youth Group is on pause for the summer!
“The Big Give” donations will be received July 2-16 to help fund our summer “servolution” events! Whether you give online, text, mail, or donation box, please indicate that your gift is for “servolution.”
Kingdom Seekers Vacation Bible School (VBS) August 14-18. Registration info will be available soon!
New Life Community Festival August 19. More information will be available soon!
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 PM. See Sharee for more info. Please Note: Girls Ministry is on pause for the summer!
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Fridays 7- 8:30 PM. See Pastor James for more info. Please Note: Youth Group is on pause for the summer!
“The Big Give” donations will be received July 2-16 to help fund our summer “servolution” events! Whether you give online, text, mail, or donation box, please indicate that your gift is for “servolution.”
Kingdom Seekers Vacation Bible School (VBS) August 14-18. Registration info will be available soon!
New Life Community Festival August 19. More information will be available soon!
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Please submit your request. Our volunteers will pray for you this week!