Momentum Church
Be The Church - Be Used
Be The Church, Part 6| Pastor Ross Wiseman
Locations & Times
Momentum Church
659 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
The Church: A Community of Christ Followers
What’s the difference between being a fan and a follower?
Fan: An Enthusiastic Admirer
Fans oscillate: Back & Forth
Fans oscillate: Back & Forth
Are you a fan or a follower?
A decision for Christ isn’t just about believing, it’s about following.
A fan can believe, but a follower acts.
You believe with your heart, but when you follow you put feet to your faith.
Dr. David Platt “We are settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually about abandoning ourselves”
If we are going to “Be the Church” We need to “Be Used” by God.
Objections to Serving. Two sides of the same coin.
1. Insecurity- I have no value to add to the body. If I get too close they’ll see my weaknesses.
2. Ego: My time is too valuable to lend a hand. My abilities are too great to be of service.
85% of believers professed faith in Christ before the age of 12.
Biblical Worldview amongst Adult in the U.S. dropped 33% since start of covid-19 Pandemic. Down to 4%
Nothing that Momentum does will matter more for our future than what we are presently doing for kids and teenagers.
We have a generation that is on the brink of Spiritual Extinction.
Are you a Fan or a Follower?
Being a Fan is all about satisfying our cravings for comfort .
Being a Follower is about focusing everything we have and are on Christ and His cause.
-Those who follow me don’t seek comfort as their God
-Those who follow me don’t have any higher priority
-Those who follow me don’t let anything stand in the way of what God wants to do in & through them.
Be the Church.....Position yourself to be used by God.
We are so glad you want to help every ONE receive a story of hope!