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The Bridge Church

Summer in the Psalms - Psalm 119: Growing in God's Word

Summer in the Psalms - Psalm 119: Growing in God's Word

June 25, 2023

Locations & Times

Englewood SKY Academy

871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

How do I grow in God's Word?
1. Read the Bible consistently
Create a habit of daily time in the Word of God
2. Meditate on the Bible prayerfully
3. Obey the Bible passionately
"This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this book."

D.L. Moody
For the next ___ days I have decided to spend quality time with God in His Word.

I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.

I need to be baptized.

I need to attend Starting Point.

I need to join a small group.

I need to join a serve team.
Dig Deeper:
1. What are some reasons why people might be hesitant to read the Bible?
2. Read Psalm 119:1-11. How does God reveal Himself through the Bible?
3. Read Psalm 119:1-2. Why is the word “walking” significant in this passage?
4. Why does “one who walks according to the Lord’s instruction” experience happiness?
5. Discuss how feeding on the Word of God for our soul is similar to feeding our body with nutrients from food.
6. What might we feed our souls with, intentionally or not, besides the Word of God? Discuss the different outcomes between the two.
7. Do you have a daily habit of reading God’s Word? If so, how does it impact you? If not, why keeps you from doing so?
8. Discuss why healthy habits are important to your life rhythms. What practical tools can you implement to ensure you are in the Word daily?
9. Read Psalm 119:15-16. What does it mean to meditate on the Bible? Describe how you can meditate on a passage from the Bible. How is meditating on the Bible different than studying or reading the Bible?
10. Read Psalm 119:97. Do you have any verses from the Bible that come to mind regularly? How did this come about?
11. Read John 15:5. Explain the difference between living and “doing” for Jesus and Jesus living His life in and through you. How does spiritual growth impact this?
12. Read Psalm 119:9-11. How does the Bible help us walk in obedience with God?
13. Read John 15:10-11. What are the blessings of remaining in Christ?
14. What did you learn about prayer through this psalm?
15. Has anything from this discussion, or time in the Word, made you view God differently than you have previously? If so, how?
16. How would you summarize the psalm?

Live It Out:

How do I grow in God’s Word? Complete this sentence: For the next _____ days, I have decided to spend quality time with God in His Word.

1. Read the Bible consistently. We are the sum of our habits. Create a habit of daily time in the Word of God. Carve out an intentional time and place with God. Use a Bible reading plan if it’s helpful, or journal your thoughts and prayers. Regardless of how it looks, if you want to grow spiritually, you need to be in the Word of God consistently.

2. Meditate on the Bible prayerfully. We are just branches; we aren’t the Vine (John 15:5). Living life as a Christian is not what you can do for Jesus, but its Jesus living his life in and through you. When spending time in the Bible, spend time with a Bible verse in order to discover how to apply its truth to your life. Memorize scripture, or write it on notecards and keep it in visible places, as a reminder to focus on God’s Word above anything else in this world.

3. Obey the Bible passionately. The Bible helps us move from where we are to where God wants us to be. Because of the amazing love of Jesus, we can be obedient to His commands. His commands are for our good and His glory. As you read and meditate on the Bible, apply the Bible to your life. By doing so, your joy may be complete (John 15:10-11).

Reading Plan:
Monday: Psalm 119:1-32
Tuesday: Psalm 119:33-64
Wednesday: Psalm 119:65-96
Thursday: Psalm 119:97-128
Friday: Psalm 119:129-160
Saturday: Psalm 119:161-176