Red Hills Church
Our Origin Story: Miracles and Obedience - 6/18/23 - 97132
Pastor Brett Kindberg teaches about miracles and obedience from Acts 5.
Locations & Times
Online Gatherings -
Newberg, OR 97132, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Message Notes
You can take personal message notes here.
You can take personal message notes here.
-Cessationism is a doctrine that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing ceased with the Apostolic Age. The doctrine was developed in the Reformation and is particularly associated with the Calvinists.
-Continuationism is a Christian theological belief that the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the spiritual gifts, have continued to the present age. Continuationism as a distinct theological position arose in opposition to cessationism and is often manifested in advocacy of the recovery of spiritual gifts in the Church today, but also encompasses any tradition that does not argue the gifts have necessarily ceased.
-Continuationism is a Christian theological belief that the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the spiritual gifts, have continued to the present age. Continuationism as a distinct theological position arose in opposition to cessationism and is often manifested in advocacy of the recovery of spiritual gifts in the Church today, but also encompasses any tradition that does not argue the gifts have necessarily ceased.
Upcoming Events
Baby Bottle Drive: Each year between Mother's Day and Father's Day, our church hosts a "Baby Bottles for Life" drive to benefit Vine Medical, a local pregnancy resource center sharing life-affirming medical care for all families, no matter their background or financial status. Baby bottles are distributed throughout this time period and can be filled with change and returned any Sunday, with the final deadline of Father's Day, June 18.This year, we will also offer a "Give a Dollar" campaign for digital giving to Vine Medical. You can do this by giving online at and selecting "Vine Medical" in the drop-down menu. Coffee In The Courtyard: Connect with your community each Thursday from 10am-12pm at Coffee in the Courtyard! We will have cold brew and hot coffee/tea available in our lobby for you to enjoy while hanging out on our campus. Father's Day: On Sunday, June 18, we will celebrate Father's Day with a special time during our gathering and share a memorable gift with all men in attendance! Game Night: Join us in the sanctuary on Wednesday, June 28, for Game Night! All are welcome, and childcare will be provided if requested. Please RSVP at Women's Summer Event: Ladies! On Friday, June 30, from 6-8PM we are going have a fun summer celebration at the home of Monica Brunner! Childcare will be provided at the church, with a shuttle to the Brunner house available for attendees. Please RSVP at