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LIfeway Church, York, South Carolina

The One Anothers

The One Anothers

“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 With these words, Jesus established a new command that encapsulates all of God’s commands and impacts both how we see, experience, and respond to the world. As Christians, we often hear Christ’s command to “love one another” as a foundational principle of our faith. However, what does it mean to truly love one another? Was it just a sentimental feeling that Christ spoke of, or is it to be tangibly displayed in how we relate to one another? The New Testament provides a clear answer to this question through the repeated use of the phrase “one another.” This phrase appears at least 59 times throughout the New Testament, each time describing a different facet of how “love one another, as Jesus loved us” is to be expressed. At Lifeway Church, we are excited to delve into this topic in our upcoming Summer Sermon Series, “The One Anothers.” Through this series, we will explore at least seven ways the New Testament describes how we are to love one another with the phrase “one another.” It is our prayer that this study will not only challenge us to examine our own relationships with other believers but also provide practical guidance on how to better live out the command of Jesus. May this series encourage and inspire us to tangibly display Jesus’ command to love one another in our daily lives. So, join us this summer as we discover how we can tangibly display the love of Christ so that the world may know we are His disciples.

Locations & Times

Lifeway Church • Downtown Campus

114 S Congress St, York, SC 29745, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM


Giving All You've Got

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“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
“Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
Jesus elevated the extent of love.
Jesus changed the significance of loving others.
“One another” imperatives are real-world applications of Jesus’ new command.
To love one another as Jesus has loved us, means to forgive one another as Jesus has forgiven us.
The only way to forgive is understand just how much you’ve been forgiven.
Only forgiven people can forgive.
Forgive everyone, every time.
You can forgive and choose not to remember.
You should forgive others in direct proportion to the amount that you’ve been forgiven.
How to Forgive:
Identify the person who has offended you.
Determine what they’ve taken or withheld from you.
Make the decision to cancel their debt.
Making the daily decision not to reopen the case against your offender.
Your inability to forgive is an indictment on your relationship with God.

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