Crossview Church

Push Back and More Push Back
Dan DeRoche | Romans 3:1-8
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Crossview Church
1000 E Riverview Expy, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Who Paul is dealing with:
• The Self Satisfied (worldly Christian-Gentiles)
• The Self Righteous (religious Christian-Jews)
• The Self Satisfied (worldly Christian-Gentiles)
• The Self Righteous (religious Christian-Jews)
Push Back #1 - The ethnic push back: What’s the point of being Jewish?
Push Back #2 - The faithfulness of God push back: Isn’t this on God?
Push Back #3 - The confused righteousness push back: Is God righteous?
Push Back #4 - The twisted reasoning push back: Isn’t God glorified when we sin?
Grace is God’s unearned favor. Grace is also God’s power at work in us, to do through us what we could never do in our own strength.
God uses grace in the lives of His people in three ways:
1. Grace releases the individual from self-righteous control.
2. Grace removes religious performance as the means of relationship with God.
3. Grace completely changes the purpose of doing good works in the life of the disciple of Jesus Christ.
1. Grace releases the individual from self-righteous control.
2. Grace removes religious performance as the means of relationship with God.
3. Grace completely changes the purpose of doing good works in the life of the disciple of Jesus Christ.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself.
Humility is thinking of yourself less.
Humility is thinking of yourself less.
“Humility is too wonderful of a thing for us not to consider and pursue. It is like oxygen. Humility is restorative, normalizing. Humility is for your soul what a good night’s sleep is for your body.” (Gavin Ortlund)
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