Crossview Church

Three Big Questions About The Bad News
Dan DeRoche | Romans 1:18-2:13
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Crossview Church
1000 E Riverview Expy, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Live Stream, Service Replays, Sermons, Facebook Live, YouTube What is the wrath of God?
God’s wrath is the precise, controlled, and punitive response to evil and sin.
When you are saved as a Christian:
• You are saved from the penalty of sin (justification)
• You are being saved from the power of sin (sanctification)
• You will be saved from the presence of sin (glorification)
• You are saved from the penalty of sin (justification)
• You are being saved from the power of sin (sanctification)
• You will be saved from the presence of sin (glorification)
2. What in the world is causing God's wrath?
General Revelation: There is enough revealed in creation and conscience to know that God exists.
Special Revelation: The gospel, words of Scripture, and Jesus Himself that allow us to be saved.
”God gave them over"
Book: Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam allberry
Book: Holy Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan
Book: Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam allberry
Book: Holy Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan
Our love is not dishonest and our truth is not mean
The main point Paul is making: Sinful human beings think and act like they know better than God.
“Contemporary people tend to examine the Bible, looking for things they can’t accept; but Christians should reverse that, allowing the Bible to examine us, looking for things God can’t accept.” - Tim Keller
What in the world is causing God’s wrath? The pride and arrogance of human beings ignoring God and His ways.
3. What do we do now?
His kindness leads us to repentance
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