First UMC

Downtown Worship, May 28, 2023
A Word for Everyone
Locations & Times
First United Methodist Church of Lexington - Downtown
200 W High St, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Pentecost is sponsored by FAITH.
God's faithful response met the faithful response of 120 people in Jerusalem who were waiting for the Spirit and the church was birthed.
What can we learn about God’s faithfulness? What was God trusting in to make Pentecost happen?
1)That God’s power is sufficient/enough/complete.
2)There will be someone who responds. It may not be a lot of people, but God does not need a majority. He always is okay with a minority report. A small band of brothers and sisters. 120 scared for their lives in Jerusalem committed to prayer.
Here are a few questions for reflection about faith in our own life. How we can diagnose what and whose hands we have placed our lives.
a)Are our spending patterns aligned with the possibility that God is the giver of all gifts and the creator of all wealth and is on the hook for all our needs?
b)Does the boldness our prayer life align with the promise that Jesus said ask anything in my name and it will be done?
c)Does our commitment to church align with the promise that Jesus said I will send my Spirit, you will be given power and then you will be my witnesses?
d)Does our resistance of evil align with the promise that Jesus’ way brings abundant life?
e)Does our life reflect our conviction that life, really, is better with Jesus?
God's faithful response met the faithful response of 120 people in Jerusalem who were waiting for the Spirit and the church was birthed.
What can we learn about God’s faithfulness? What was God trusting in to make Pentecost happen?
1)That God’s power is sufficient/enough/complete.
2)There will be someone who responds. It may not be a lot of people, but God does not need a majority. He always is okay with a minority report. A small band of brothers and sisters. 120 scared for their lives in Jerusalem committed to prayer.
Here are a few questions for reflection about faith in our own life. How we can diagnose what and whose hands we have placed our lives.
a)Are our spending patterns aligned with the possibility that God is the giver of all gifts and the creator of all wealth and is on the hook for all our needs?
b)Does the boldness our prayer life align with the promise that Jesus said ask anything in my name and it will be done?
c)Does our commitment to church align with the promise that Jesus said I will send my Spirit, you will be given power and then you will be my witnesses?
d)Does our resistance of evil align with the promise that Jesus’ way brings abundant life?
e)Does our life reflect our conviction that life, really, is better with Jesus?
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