The Bridge Church

Made for More - Made to Make a Difference
May 21, 2023
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
How you see yourself determines what you're willing to believe about how God sees you.
The Trap of Comparison
There is something in you that is needed by the people around you, and it's missing without you.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a small group.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a small group.
I need to join a serve team.
Dig Deeper:
1. Read Ephesians 4:1. What is the significance of the word “Therefore…”? What has Paul been speaking about in Ephesians up until now?
2. What does it mean to be “called by God”?
3. What attributes does God see in you? Do you view yourself with the same attributes? Why or why not?
4. Read Ephesians 4:2-6. What does it mean to be humble and gentle? When are we supposed to be humble and gentle?
5. Based on Ephesians 4:2, why are we supposed to make “allowance for each other’s faults”? Are you quick to be patient with others? If not, why do you think that is not your first response?
6. Does knowing that God is “over all, in all, and living through all” (v.5) change your view of others?
7. Read Ephesians 4:7. Even though we are all one, how are we different? Why has God given gifts to us?
8. Read Ephesians 4:11-12. What does it mean to be the “body of Christ”? What is included in it?
9. What does it mean to “build up the church”? What exactly is being built?
10. What does it mean to move from being a consumer to a contributor in the body of Christ?
11. Read Ephesians 4:13. How long will we be working to be a united body of Christ?
12. Read Ephesians 4:14-15. What are ways in which you have experienced spiritual growth in your own life? In the lives of others? What does it look like to grow in spiritual maturity?
13. Which of the marks of spiritual maturity impacted you the most? Why?
14. Read Ephesians 4:16. Who makes “the whole body fit together perfectly”? What is God’s role, and what is our role? Why is that important to recognize?
15. What do all believers share in common? What should all believers pursue?
16. How can you grow in Christlike character?
17. What responsibilities do you have as a member of a local church?
Live It Out:
There is something in you that is needed by the people around you, and it’s missing without you. You are an integral part of God’s plan and have been called and uniquely gifted for a purpose. You don’t just fill a place; you fill your place. What is your next step in discovering how God has uniquely gifted you? Where is your place in the body of Christ?
1. Discover your spiritual gifts. If you’ve never explored what your spiritual gifts are, and how they can be used for God’s kingdom, you can do so here:
2. Join a serve team. At The Bridge Church, we serve others. It’s just who we are. We believe the church does not exist for us; we are the Church, and we exist to serve others like Jesus. Find out more by going to:
3. Get connected in a small group. Life is meant to be shared with others. God didn't create us to live in isolation but to thrive in community. At The Bridge Church, we desire to see each person fully engaged and plugged into an authentic community of Christ-followers where they have meaningful friendships, accountability, and support.
4. Attend our next Starting Point class and/or Growth Path Membership series. It does not matter if you are new to The Bridge Church or have been attending for years, learn more about The Bridge Church, and how you can get connected, during our next Starting Point and/or Growth Path Membership classes this fall. Sign up today at:
Reading Plan:
Monday: Ephesians 4:1-6
Tuesday: Ephesians 4:7-13
Wednesday: Ephesians 4:14-16
Thursday: Ephesians 4:17-19
Friday: Ephesians 4:20-24
Saturday: Ephesians 4:25-321
1. Read Ephesians 4:1. What is the significance of the word “Therefore…”? What has Paul been speaking about in Ephesians up until now?
2. What does it mean to be “called by God”?
3. What attributes does God see in you? Do you view yourself with the same attributes? Why or why not?
4. Read Ephesians 4:2-6. What does it mean to be humble and gentle? When are we supposed to be humble and gentle?
5. Based on Ephesians 4:2, why are we supposed to make “allowance for each other’s faults”? Are you quick to be patient with others? If not, why do you think that is not your first response?
6. Does knowing that God is “over all, in all, and living through all” (v.5) change your view of others?
7. Read Ephesians 4:7. Even though we are all one, how are we different? Why has God given gifts to us?
8. Read Ephesians 4:11-12. What does it mean to be the “body of Christ”? What is included in it?
9. What does it mean to “build up the church”? What exactly is being built?
10. What does it mean to move from being a consumer to a contributor in the body of Christ?
11. Read Ephesians 4:13. How long will we be working to be a united body of Christ?
12. Read Ephesians 4:14-15. What are ways in which you have experienced spiritual growth in your own life? In the lives of others? What does it look like to grow in spiritual maturity?
13. Which of the marks of spiritual maturity impacted you the most? Why?
14. Read Ephesians 4:16. Who makes “the whole body fit together perfectly”? What is God’s role, and what is our role? Why is that important to recognize?
15. What do all believers share in common? What should all believers pursue?
16. How can you grow in Christlike character?
17. What responsibilities do you have as a member of a local church?
Live It Out:
There is something in you that is needed by the people around you, and it’s missing without you. You are an integral part of God’s plan and have been called and uniquely gifted for a purpose. You don’t just fill a place; you fill your place. What is your next step in discovering how God has uniquely gifted you? Where is your place in the body of Christ?
1. Discover your spiritual gifts. If you’ve never explored what your spiritual gifts are, and how they can be used for God’s kingdom, you can do so here:
2. Join a serve team. At The Bridge Church, we serve others. It’s just who we are. We believe the church does not exist for us; we are the Church, and we exist to serve others like Jesus. Find out more by going to:
3. Get connected in a small group. Life is meant to be shared with others. God didn't create us to live in isolation but to thrive in community. At The Bridge Church, we desire to see each person fully engaged and plugged into an authentic community of Christ-followers where they have meaningful friendships, accountability, and support.
4. Attend our next Starting Point class and/or Growth Path Membership series. It does not matter if you are new to The Bridge Church or have been attending for years, learn more about The Bridge Church, and how you can get connected, during our next Starting Point and/or Growth Path Membership classes this fall. Sign up today at:
Reading Plan:
Monday: Ephesians 4:1-6
Tuesday: Ephesians 4:7-13
Wednesday: Ephesians 4:14-16
Thursday: Ephesians 4:17-19
Friday: Ephesians 4:20-24
Saturday: Ephesians 4:25-321