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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Isaiah 56:1-8
“Getting God’s Attention”

1. We have been focusing on ‘grace’: Isaiah 53…The Man of Grace (Jesus Comes) 54…The
Miracle of Grace (God takes nothing and makes it into something) 55…The Means of
Grace (As we respond…Come…Listen…Seek…Forsake God does it, we can’t) 56…The
Manifestation of Grace.
2. How can we get God’s attention and tap into His grace?
2. Isaiah 56:1-8 is written with the Millennium in view, but there are principles for us:

How can we get God’s attention and tap into His grace?
A. Intentionality 1
1. The Revelation The Lord says…God has spoken
*Keep justice
*Do right
It is one thing to know God’s will. It is another thing to adjust our lives and
do the will of God.
2. The Reason For my salvation is near to come…my righteousness to be revealed
Jesus is coming…make wrong things right. Live in light of His soon return!
B. Intensity 2 Note the verbs:
1. Doeth Make it a practice to do what God tells you to do when He tells you to do
it! He keeps justice and does right…
2. Layeth Hold He takes hold of…it is a deliberate action and serious attitude. There
is nothing casual here.
3. Keepeth Sabbath is not for the Church Age, but Israel will worship on the
Sabbath. Keep is to hedge about or preserve. He keeps his hand from doing evil.
They are all imperfect tenses which implies continuous action, referring not to a
moment of decision, but to living perseverance. NO QUIT!
C. Individuality 4
“Joined himself to the Lord” (v. 3) Eunuchs choose to make.
1.Worship...keep My Sabbaths Sabbath was an action and an attitude. It was a weekly celebration of God’s perfect creation…on the seventh day He rested. It was also a looking forward to God’s New Creation.
My life is no longer business as usual. Have come under God’s care. I am living by His rules and for His glory!
2.Walk....Choose the things that please Me. You are not your own. You have been bought with a price. It’s not what I want, but what does He want?
3.Word...Take hold of My covenant It is an ‘eternal covenant’. It is and ‘everlasting
covenant.’ I live by His rules and as He wants!
D. Involvement 6
Joined themselves to the Lord…that’s first! To: there is a purpose to being joint to
Him: serve Lord That’s what I do. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all to the glory of God.
2. love the Lord Religion moves to relationship.
3. be His Servant…I am His slave. I do what He wants. Go where
He wants. He can do anything to me that He wants…It’s o.k.
4. Pollution...keep the Sabbath from pollution I live each day…I REST!
5. Partake...take hold of My covenant…It becomes a part of me.
How can we get God’s attention and tap into His grace?
Outcasts...undeserving... “sons of the foreigner” “Eunuchs”
A. The Law
(Deut. 23:1-6) Foreigners and Eunuchs were among those barred from worship
under Jewish law. This is not God’s final word!
B. The Love 3,4,6
1. When Jesus comes, all and everything is changed! 3
2. Sons of foreigners…joined to the Lord. 6 If Christ has your heart…He opens the

How can we get God’s attention and tap into His grace?
When we do our part...He will do His part. I will…
A.“I Will Give...” Eunuch…Don’t say: “I am a dry tree.” Keep my sabbaths…choose to please Me…Hold fast my covenant.
1.Eunuch…there was no possibility of having a family.
2.I will give a name better than sons and daughters. A better name than any Israelite whose name was perpetuated by his family.
3.I will give an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. What God does is eternal. My name will be on His forehead. A place of honor. The character of God will be for all to see!
B.“I Will Bring...” Sons of foreigners…The Lord has separated me from His people.
1.I will bring…to My holy mountain…This is the place where the Lord is found.
2.I will bring…to My house of prayer…Into His presence…Into His family!
3.I will bring…to Mine altar…A place of acceptance and fellowship!
C. “I Will Gather...” Outcasts
I will gather others to Him, besides those that are gathered to Him.
1.The Millennial Kingdom is made up of all colors…races…cultures and creeds!
2.The Church is made up of all colors…races…cultures and creeds! There is one race…the human race. Go into all the world and make disciples. Go into the highways and hedges and compel them to come!

God’s grace is available, but we must come on His terms!

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