The Bridge Church

Made for More - Made to be Reconciled
May 7, 2023
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Without Christ -
They had no relationship with God
Without Belonging -
"Excluded" from the family of God
Without hope -
"Foreigners" who have no hope
They had no relationship with God
Without Belonging -
"Excluded" from the family of God
Without hope -
"Foreigners" who have no hope
1. Alienation: Remember how Jesus bridged the division through His blood on the cross
2. Reconciliation: In Christ, divided people become a united people
3. Belonging: We are one family in Christ
We are members of God's family
We are citizens of God's kingdom
We are living stones in God's building
We are called to be a bridge builder of the gospel
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a small group.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a small group.
I need to join a serve team.
Dig Deeper:
1. Throughout this series, we have been focusing on our identity in Christ? Why is it so important to find our identity in Christ alone?
2. Do you know someone who has been in a feud, or had division, with someone for a long time? How does that affect them? How does that affect those around them?
3. Read Ephesians 2:11-12. A large percentage of the Ephesians church were Gentiles. Discuss the ways in which Gentiles were without Christ, excluded, and foreigners.
4. How long have people been divided? Why is it that people have been divided?
5. Look up the definition of the word alienation. How does this describe our relationship with God before Jesus?
6. Read Ephesians 2:13-15. Who is responsible for breaking down the barriers between Jews and Gentiles? How is the gospel of Jesus the answer to all barriers, including racial, ethnic, and cultural?
7. When we receive Jesus by grace through faith, what happens to our relationship with others who also believe in Jesus?
8. What does it mean that Jesus is “our peace” (vv. 14-15)? How does He provide us with peace?
9. Read Matthew 27:51. What happened when Jesus beat death on the cross?
10. Read Ephesians 2:16. Look up the definition of the word reconciliation. How did Christ reconcile us to God? How did this reconciliation make us go from divided to united?
11. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-18. In your own words, describe what is the “ministry of reconciliation.”
12. How does verse 18 relate to prayer? How should it affect our view of prayer?
13. Read Ephesians 2:19. What does it mean to be a citizen of God’s kingdom? Of God’s family?
14. Read Galatians 3:28-29. Who can come to Jesus to find hope and healing?
15. Read Ephesians 2:20-22. When Jesus is at the center, the cornerstone, of our church (the people of God), then that means we are living stones in God’s building. What does it mean to be a living stone?
16. Which of the three illustrations of the church in 2:19-22 (citizens, family, or stones) make the biggest impact on you? Explain why.
17. Read John 13:34-35. How do others know who is a disciple of Jesus? What is our command from Him? Why is this essential to living out our faith? Why is a unified church a great witness to the unbelieving world?
18. How does it affect you to remember your situation before you knew Christ (2:11-12)? How are you encouraged by meditation on your new status (vv.13,19-22)?
19. How should this passage change the way we think about the church?
Live It Out:
1. Remember how Jesus bridged the division through His blood on the cross. When Jesus beat death on the cross, and through His resurrection, he tore down the wall of alienation. Through the gospel of Jesus, we stand undivided. Is there someone in your life, or some belief you hold on to, that creates barriers to others in your life? If so, what are they? Spend time reflecting, and write them out.
2. In Christ, divided people become a united people. Jesus has given us a ministry: reconciliation. Because we are a new creation, we have the ability to be both reconciled to God and each other. Vertical peace leads to horizontal peace. If you are separated from someone else, identify steps you can take that will lead you towards reconciliation. Pray to God that, because your identity in Christ is the essence of following Jesus, that He would provide you with what you need to break down barriers.
3. We are one family in Christ. We belong to one another because we first belong to Jesus. Do you see yourself as a citizen of God’s kingdom? Do you recognize that you are a member of God’s family? Do you consider yourself a living stone in God’s building? Do you live out these truths daily? Others know us because of our love for one another. This week, begin living like an accepted, redeemed, forgiven child of God!
Reading Plan:
Monday: Ephesians 2:11-22
Tuesday: Matthew 27:51, 2 Corinthians 5:17-18
Wednesday: Philippians 3:20, Galatians 3:28-29
Thursday: John 13:34-35, Romans 1:16
Friday: Colossians 3:1,11, Acts 10:34
Saturday: 1 Corinthians 15:22, Mark 12:30-31
1. Throughout this series, we have been focusing on our identity in Christ? Why is it so important to find our identity in Christ alone?
2. Do you know someone who has been in a feud, or had division, with someone for a long time? How does that affect them? How does that affect those around them?
3. Read Ephesians 2:11-12. A large percentage of the Ephesians church were Gentiles. Discuss the ways in which Gentiles were without Christ, excluded, and foreigners.
4. How long have people been divided? Why is it that people have been divided?
5. Look up the definition of the word alienation. How does this describe our relationship with God before Jesus?
6. Read Ephesians 2:13-15. Who is responsible for breaking down the barriers between Jews and Gentiles? How is the gospel of Jesus the answer to all barriers, including racial, ethnic, and cultural?
7. When we receive Jesus by grace through faith, what happens to our relationship with others who also believe in Jesus?
8. What does it mean that Jesus is “our peace” (vv. 14-15)? How does He provide us with peace?
9. Read Matthew 27:51. What happened when Jesus beat death on the cross?
10. Read Ephesians 2:16. Look up the definition of the word reconciliation. How did Christ reconcile us to God? How did this reconciliation make us go from divided to united?
11. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-18. In your own words, describe what is the “ministry of reconciliation.”
12. How does verse 18 relate to prayer? How should it affect our view of prayer?
13. Read Ephesians 2:19. What does it mean to be a citizen of God’s kingdom? Of God’s family?
14. Read Galatians 3:28-29. Who can come to Jesus to find hope and healing?
15. Read Ephesians 2:20-22. When Jesus is at the center, the cornerstone, of our church (the people of God), then that means we are living stones in God’s building. What does it mean to be a living stone?
16. Which of the three illustrations of the church in 2:19-22 (citizens, family, or stones) make the biggest impact on you? Explain why.
17. Read John 13:34-35. How do others know who is a disciple of Jesus? What is our command from Him? Why is this essential to living out our faith? Why is a unified church a great witness to the unbelieving world?
18. How does it affect you to remember your situation before you knew Christ (2:11-12)? How are you encouraged by meditation on your new status (vv.13,19-22)?
19. How should this passage change the way we think about the church?
Live It Out:
1. Remember how Jesus bridged the division through His blood on the cross. When Jesus beat death on the cross, and through His resurrection, he tore down the wall of alienation. Through the gospel of Jesus, we stand undivided. Is there someone in your life, or some belief you hold on to, that creates barriers to others in your life? If so, what are they? Spend time reflecting, and write them out.
2. In Christ, divided people become a united people. Jesus has given us a ministry: reconciliation. Because we are a new creation, we have the ability to be both reconciled to God and each other. Vertical peace leads to horizontal peace. If you are separated from someone else, identify steps you can take that will lead you towards reconciliation. Pray to God that, because your identity in Christ is the essence of following Jesus, that He would provide you with what you need to break down barriers.
3. We are one family in Christ. We belong to one another because we first belong to Jesus. Do you see yourself as a citizen of God’s kingdom? Do you recognize that you are a member of God’s family? Do you consider yourself a living stone in God’s building? Do you live out these truths daily? Others know us because of our love for one another. This week, begin living like an accepted, redeemed, forgiven child of God!
Reading Plan:
Monday: Ephesians 2:11-22
Tuesday: Matthew 27:51, 2 Corinthians 5:17-18
Wednesday: Philippians 3:20, Galatians 3:28-29
Thursday: John 13:34-35, Romans 1:16
Friday: Colossians 3:1,11, Acts 10:34
Saturday: 1 Corinthians 15:22, Mark 12:30-31