White Field's Community Church

2 Timothy 1:8-14 - Not Ashamed of the Gospel
In 2 Timothy 1:8-14 we are encouraged not to be ashamed of Jesus or His message, for in the gospel lies the power of God for salvation and the answers to this life and the next.
Locations & Times
White Fields Community Church
2950 Colorful Ave, Longmont, CO 80504, USA
Wednesday 9:15 AM
Wednesday 11:00 AM
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Stop by our Welcome Table or fill out a Connection Card, so we can help you get plugged in!
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Would you like to catch up on a study you missed or explore past series? Check out our archive of past messages:
https://www.whitefieldschurch.com/sermonsWhat does the gospel say about God?
What does the gospel say about mankind?
What does the gospel say about this life?
What does the gospel say about the life to come?
What does the gospel say about mankind?
What does the gospel say about this life?
What does the gospel say about the life to come?
In one sense, it was strange for Paul the prisoner to write about the power of God – the power of Rome in some ways seemed a lot more real. But God’s power has been vindicated by history; the Roman Empire is gone, but the gospel of Jesus Christ that Paul lived to preach lives on. - David Guzik
Community Group Discussion Guide
Week of May 7 - May 13, 2023
Equipped To Serve
Not Ashamed of the Gospel
2 Timothy 1:8-14
1) Mother’s Day May 14. Free Ice Cream for all women from the Sweet Cow food truck!
2) Calvary Chapel Northern Front Range Men’s Conference May 19-20. Register in app or online
3) Pancake Breakfast benefitting Youth and Young Adults, May 21 After both Services. Suggested Donation $5.00.
Share a time when have you shared the Gospel with a friend or a relative and witnessed God bringing changes to their life?
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time, caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
1. What does the gospel say about God?
2. What does the gospel say about man?
3. What does the gospel say about this life?
4. What does the gospel say about the next life?
1. Read 2 Timothy 1:8. Paul begins this verse with the word “Therefore”. What is he referring to i.e. what is the therefore there for?
a. Paul encourages Timothy to “not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord”. What would cause a person to be ashamed of the Gospel and the workings of God in our lives?
b. Read Mark 8:38. How and why should we avoid being ashamed by Jesus and His message? How would you explain this verse to others who might need encouragement?
c. What does Paul mean when he says “share in the suffering for the Gospel”? Are we also asked to share in the suffering? In what way?
d. What does Paul tell Timothy he will be empowered by? What does the Gospel say about God that encourages us that we will receive power in our sufferings?
2. Read 2 Timothy 1:9-10. Paul writes that God saved us in verse 9. What does this mean to you and how is it reflected in your life?
a. What “holy calling” has Timothy been called to? What holy calling have you been called to? How have you responded?
b. According to verse 9, what does not lead to salvation? How did we receive the gift of salvation? From whom and for what purpose have we received this gift? What work can we do to repay this gift? What does the Gospel say about the role of man in the works of salvation?
3. Read 2 Timothy 1:11-12. Paul says in verse 12, “for I know whom I believed”, referring to Jesus. What are the best ways to assure that we also know our Savior? What gives you the assurance that He will save you?
a. What has God entrusted to you?
b. What commitment have you made to God?
c. What does the Gospel say about this life?
4. Read 2 Timothy 1:13-14. Paul speaks of the “good deposit” entrusted to Timothy. How do you interpret this saying?
a. If we are good stewards of the Gospel, how should we spend the good deposit entrusted to us?
b. What does the Gospel say about the next life? What do we need to do today to prepare for the next life? Application: Read Philippians 3:8-11 and discuss the following idea: Sometimes it is in times of suffering that we truly experience the power of God in the most profound ways. Have you found this to be true? Why or why not (give examples)?
Looking back at this week’s study, what is important for you to remember and why?
Week of May 7 - May 13, 2023
Equipped To Serve
Not Ashamed of the Gospel
2 Timothy 1:8-14
1) Mother’s Day May 14. Free Ice Cream for all women from the Sweet Cow food truck!
2) Calvary Chapel Northern Front Range Men’s Conference May 19-20. Register in app or online
3) Pancake Breakfast benefitting Youth and Young Adults, May 21 After both Services. Suggested Donation $5.00.
Share a time when have you shared the Gospel with a friend or a relative and witnessed God bringing changes to their life?
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time, caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
1. What does the gospel say about God?
2. What does the gospel say about man?
3. What does the gospel say about this life?
4. What does the gospel say about the next life?
1. Read 2 Timothy 1:8. Paul begins this verse with the word “Therefore”. What is he referring to i.e. what is the therefore there for?
a. Paul encourages Timothy to “not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord”. What would cause a person to be ashamed of the Gospel and the workings of God in our lives?
b. Read Mark 8:38. How and why should we avoid being ashamed by Jesus and His message? How would you explain this verse to others who might need encouragement?
c. What does Paul mean when he says “share in the suffering for the Gospel”? Are we also asked to share in the suffering? In what way?
d. What does Paul tell Timothy he will be empowered by? What does the Gospel say about God that encourages us that we will receive power in our sufferings?
2. Read 2 Timothy 1:9-10. Paul writes that God saved us in verse 9. What does this mean to you and how is it reflected in your life?
a. What “holy calling” has Timothy been called to? What holy calling have you been called to? How have you responded?
b. According to verse 9, what does not lead to salvation? How did we receive the gift of salvation? From whom and for what purpose have we received this gift? What work can we do to repay this gift? What does the Gospel say about the role of man in the works of salvation?
3. Read 2 Timothy 1:11-12. Paul says in verse 12, “for I know whom I believed”, referring to Jesus. What are the best ways to assure that we also know our Savior? What gives you the assurance that He will save you?
a. What has God entrusted to you?
b. What commitment have you made to God?
c. What does the Gospel say about this life?
4. Read 2 Timothy 1:13-14. Paul speaks of the “good deposit” entrusted to Timothy. How do you interpret this saying?
a. If we are good stewards of the Gospel, how should we spend the good deposit entrusted to us?
b. What does the Gospel say about the next life? What do we need to do today to prepare for the next life? Application: Read Philippians 3:8-11 and discuss the following idea: Sometimes it is in times of suffering that we truly experience the power of God in the most profound ways. Have you found this to be true? Why or why not (give examples)?
Looking back at this week’s study, what is important for you to remember and why?