Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Isaiah 54:1-17
“The Miracle of God’s Grace”
1. Let joyful song explode out of you. It is one of the most disobeyed commands in the Bible!
2. Have you lost your song? Maybe you have lost your miracle. What is a miracle? There is no
other explanation than God did it! It is all of grace!
3. Because of our Substitute (chapter 53) we aren’t going to hell anymore. Jesus has so blessed
us: He gives us purpose and meaning to life. He gives us ‘abundant life.’ Sing!
2. Isaiah 54 gives three images of God’s grace. The Servant of God has changed everything by
His Suffering, Death and Resurrection. Grace is a miracle!
Have you lost your song? Have you missed the miracle of grace?
It is a picture of a barren woman rejoicing over her growing family.
A. Our Response 1a Sing…Break forth in singing.
B. Our Regret 1a O barren…is a woman with no child. In Israel’s culture infertility was
a shame. For a barren woman to sing for joy seems absurd. It seems cruel!
C. Our Reservoir 1b More are the children of the desolate. He wants to move us from
ourselves to the Servant. Our failure is real…Barren…we can’t produce!
1.Another has succeeded for us. We are alive because of Him!
2.(Gal. 4:21-31 quotes verse 1)…the bond woman/free woman (vs. 27) Our strength
may look good, feel good, sound…Barren!
3.Grace is His Power acting in our weakness. Christ took our failure to His cross. He sent His Spirit so we can thrive!!
D. Our Relevance 2 IT’S A MIRACLE! Enlarge…Stretch forth…Spare Not…
Strengthen He makes something out of nothing…HE MAKES IT BETTER!
E. Our Reproduction 3 Thy seed shall inherit the nations…make desolate cities to be
1.You are barren…now you are Alive according to the Spirit!
2.It doesn’t matter anymore. You can live a life of expectancy!
Have you lost your song? Have you missed the miracle of grace?
This is the story of Hosea. An unfaithful wife is reconciled to her husband. What is told is
the faithful city had sunk to the level of a harlot (1:21). Now God looks beyond the guilt.
He doesn’t even talk about it.
A. Our Reproach 4 It is gone…Shall not…
B. Our Reason 5-6 For
1. What He Is 5 He is our Maker…He is our Redeemer. The Holy One…The God
of the whole earth shall He be called!
2. What We Were 6 A woman forsaken…A woman grieved in spirit…When thou
wast refused…REJECTED!
C. Our Rejection 7a, 8a For a small amount…
D. Our Reception 7b,8b Mercy…God doesn’t give us what we deserve. He gives us
something better! With great mercies will I gather thee…With everlasting kindness
will I have mercy on thee…THY REDEEMER!
E. Our Retribution 9 It was like the Flood of Noah…never to return. Grace…never to
be…no more. There is therefore now no condemnation to those of us who are in Christ
Jesus. (Rom 8:1)
F. Our Reliance 10 My kindness shall not… Neither shall the covenant of peace be
Have you lost your song? Have you missed the miracle of grace?
A poor city is restored to a city gleaming with brilliant jewels. Who built the city? Who had
the wealth? God did… “I will…” “I have…”
A. Our Worship 11-12 God’s Design…Note the pricelessness of the building. It was
built by the grace of God. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto
good work that was before ordained that you should walk in it. (Eph. 2:10)
B. Our Witness 13 God’s Direction…He is speaking of the Millennial Kingdom. The
privilege of the inhabitants is to be taught of the Lord…Peace.
C. Our Warfare 14-17
1. The Establishment 14 In righteousness
2. The Enemy 15 Behold…stand for Jesus and it will cost you!
3. The Encouragement 16-17 They shall fall…This is the heritage of the servants
of the Lord.
God Will Stand For You!
God Will Take Care of You!
“The Miracle of God’s Grace”
1. Let joyful song explode out of you. It is one of the most disobeyed commands in the Bible!
2. Have you lost your song? Maybe you have lost your miracle. What is a miracle? There is no
other explanation than God did it! It is all of grace!
3. Because of our Substitute (chapter 53) we aren’t going to hell anymore. Jesus has so blessed
us: He gives us purpose and meaning to life. He gives us ‘abundant life.’ Sing!
2. Isaiah 54 gives three images of God’s grace. The Servant of God has changed everything by
His Suffering, Death and Resurrection. Grace is a miracle!
Have you lost your song? Have you missed the miracle of grace?
It is a picture of a barren woman rejoicing over her growing family.
A. Our Response 1a Sing…Break forth in singing.
B. Our Regret 1a O barren…is a woman with no child. In Israel’s culture infertility was
a shame. For a barren woman to sing for joy seems absurd. It seems cruel!
C. Our Reservoir 1b More are the children of the desolate. He wants to move us from
ourselves to the Servant. Our failure is real…Barren…we can’t produce!
1.Another has succeeded for us. We are alive because of Him!
2.(Gal. 4:21-31 quotes verse 1)…the bond woman/free woman (vs. 27) Our strength
may look good, feel good, sound…Barren!
3.Grace is His Power acting in our weakness. Christ took our failure to His cross. He sent His Spirit so we can thrive!!
D. Our Relevance 2 IT’S A MIRACLE! Enlarge…Stretch forth…Spare Not…
Strengthen He makes something out of nothing…HE MAKES IT BETTER!
E. Our Reproduction 3 Thy seed shall inherit the nations…make desolate cities to be
1.You are barren…now you are Alive according to the Spirit!
2.It doesn’t matter anymore. You can live a life of expectancy!
Have you lost your song? Have you missed the miracle of grace?
This is the story of Hosea. An unfaithful wife is reconciled to her husband. What is told is
the faithful city had sunk to the level of a harlot (1:21). Now God looks beyond the guilt.
He doesn’t even talk about it.
A. Our Reproach 4 It is gone…Shall not…
B. Our Reason 5-6 For
1. What He Is 5 He is our Maker…He is our Redeemer. The Holy One…The God
of the whole earth shall He be called!
2. What We Were 6 A woman forsaken…A woman grieved in spirit…When thou
wast refused…REJECTED!
C. Our Rejection 7a, 8a For a small amount…
D. Our Reception 7b,8b Mercy…God doesn’t give us what we deserve. He gives us
something better! With great mercies will I gather thee…With everlasting kindness
will I have mercy on thee…THY REDEEMER!
E. Our Retribution 9 It was like the Flood of Noah…never to return. Grace…never to
be…no more. There is therefore now no condemnation to those of us who are in Christ
Jesus. (Rom 8:1)
F. Our Reliance 10 My kindness shall not… Neither shall the covenant of peace be
Have you lost your song? Have you missed the miracle of grace?
A poor city is restored to a city gleaming with brilliant jewels. Who built the city? Who had
the wealth? God did… “I will…” “I have…”
A. Our Worship 11-12 God’s Design…Note the pricelessness of the building. It was
built by the grace of God. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto
good work that was before ordained that you should walk in it. (Eph. 2:10)
B. Our Witness 13 God’s Direction…He is speaking of the Millennial Kingdom. The
privilege of the inhabitants is to be taught of the Lord…Peace.
C. Our Warfare 14-17
1. The Establishment 14 In righteousness
2. The Enemy 15 Behold…stand for Jesus and it will cost you!
3. The Encouragement 16-17 They shall fall…This is the heritage of the servants
of the Lord.
God Will Stand For You!
God Will Take Care of You!
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