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Community Church of Portage Lakes

Willfully Blind (Matthew 12:22-32) Not My Messiah - Week 3

Willfully Blind (Matthew 12:22-32) Not My Messiah - Week 3

Locations & Times

Community Church of Portage Lakes

3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM



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Notes for this message:
I. The danger of being blinded by ______________________________________________

Too often we only see what _____________________________________________________

II. The revealing of __________________________________________________________

a. Jesus’ ________________________ and __________________________________

b. The _______________________________________________ nature of the miracle

c. Two contrasting ______________________________________________________

III. Logical ________________________ to irrational _______________________________

IV. Our _______________________________________________________ regarding Jesus

V. The _________________________________________________ of God’s limitless grace

a. Don’t pit God’s ______________________ against his _______________________

b. The power of ________________________________________________________

-A closing word of ____________________________________________________________

-A closing word of ____________________________________________________________

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