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Element Christian Church

Prayer - Easter 2023: Jesus' Prayer

Prayer - Easter 2023: Jesus' Prayer

Locations & Times

Element Christian Church

4890 Bethany Ln, Santa Maria, CA 93455, USA

Saturday 6:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Welcome to Element

We strive to ensure the biggest thing people think when they hear about Element is Jesus! We aim to glorify God by teaching and living out the Scriptures, transform community into Gospel community and planting churches.

Childcare for Element University

Sign ups for this course are only needed if you plan to use our childcare while you are in the class.

Trivia - Cinco de Mayo

We had so much fun before, we're doing it again! Join us May 5th for another round of Trivia. Build your own team or join an existing one. Nena's Food Truck will be ready for dinner service starting at 5pm. We will have a kids round at 5:30pm and then they kids will be invited to join our Fun Zone so parents can enjoy playing Trivia staring at 6pm. *Sign up required for Kid Zone

Newcomer Meet & Greet

If you are new or newer to Element and want a chance to meet some of our Elders and staff along with finding out what the next steps are to become more connected here at Element, join us after each service Sunday 4/9 to in our Lounge directly across from the Lobby double doors.

Serve Santa Maria

Serve Santa Maria is a group that organizes various community projects once to twice a year. Past projects have included repainting homes, helping with landscaping for elderly or at various schools, beautifying our parks and so much more. This year, one of the projects is to help a member of Element who recently became a widow and is in big need of help restoring her home. It is quite a big project and we could use as many volunteers as possible. The event is taking place April 22nd, however, there may be a couple days before then to help prepare for the big projects. If you are at all willing to help, either on the official day or in the days leading up to it, please sign up today and we will be happy to give you more information.

The Classics

A ministry to encourage, equip and empower Element's older adults through service, discipleship, and witness.<br><br>Info and brainstorming meeting taking place after 1st service Sunday, April 30th in the Barn.


Registration closes April 24th and space is limited

New to Element? Need prayer? Just want to connect?

Click the link to fill out our Digital Connect Card so we can know you were here and send you a "Welcome" email.

Start Serving

Click the link below to see all the various areas you can serve at Element and sign up to help

Church Center - the app

Free in your phone's app store and a huge resource to stay in touch with Element! Download today!

This week's song list

Interested in looking for some of the songs we sang this week? Here's the titles and original artists:<br><br>One Thing Remains - Jeremy Riddle<br>Your Love Never Fails - Jesus Culture<br>The Old Rugged Cross - Ghost Ship<br>Revelation Song - Jesus Culture<br>How He Loves - John Mark McMillan<br>King of my Heart - John Mark McMillan

At the end of 2022, Element went through a 13-week series on prayer. We said that, “Prayer is a continuing conversation that God has started through His Word and provided by His grace, which eventually becomes a full encounter with Him.” Prayer starts with God revealing Himself to us through His Spirit and His written word. In response, we can know Him and enjoy and experience relationship lived with Him.

John 17:1

Revelation 3:20

John 17:3-5

Ephesians 1:15-23

Ephesians 3:14-17

Exodus 33:18

2 Corinthians 3:18

2 Corinthians 4:6

John 17:4

John 17:24

At the end of the Prayer Series, we looked at various case studies of people whose prayers are in the Bible and what their prayers can teach us. Today we are reflecting back to that series by looking at an actual prayer that Jesus Himself prayed in John 17—right before His death and ultimate resurrection. In this prayer, we see that, unlike us, when Jesus knows an outcome is immutable (unchangeable), He actually prays more. His prayer leads to three questions:

1. Why did Jesus pray (and why should we)? Jesus prayed because His prayer led to relationship with the Father. Jesus didn’t pray to change what God was going to do; He prayed to develop relationship and greater intimacy with the Father.
2. What did Jesus pray for (and what should we pray for)? Jesus prayed for God’s glory to be known. Understanding God’s glory brings a deeper understanding of who God is.
3. Why did Jesus pray this way (and why should we)? Jesus knows that when we understand the Glory of God, which is most clearly portrayed in Jesus’ death and resurrection, the result will be the changed lives of His people.

True relationship with God will come when we behold His glory. When we behold His glory and see Him as He is, we will understand how we are saved by the good news of His death of resurrection. The result of understanding the Gospel will lead to lives that are surrendered to Jesus and restored relationship with God as we are adopted into His family.

Read through Jesus’ full prayer in John 17.

• How has your prayer life changed since our prayer series last year?

• What things decrease your desire to pray?

• Why do you pray? Why not if you don’t?

• Why should we pray?

• Jesus prays for relationship. What does this look like for you?

• What is God’s glory and what does it mean to pray for the Glory of God?

• Paul says you will be transformed into the likeness of whatever is most weighty to you, whether something or someone. What holds weight in your life?

• How can you ascribe more weight/significance to God’s glory and nothing else?

Prayer: Ask God to show you His glory. Where you have doubts/fears/or love of other things other than Him, ask for His glory to be revealed to you. Ask God to give you clarity and honesty in examining your life, and for Him to re-align your priorities and devotion. Ask God to lead you to a greater understanding of the Gospel.
Prayer Starters

Here are some starter topics to help you direct your prayers...

Element – Pray for moving from self-focus to Kingdom-focus; Humility, Service, Sacrifice.

Personal Growth – Pray for living present and available to the Spirit’s leading and promptings; divine appointments.

World – Pray for meeting needs through acts of love; Element’s global outreach initiatives.

Gospel Advancement – Pray for understanding of the Gospel so as to apply in everyday life situations with the unchurched, showing the path to belief.

Revisit our Prayer Series

Online Giving

Give electronically of your tithes and offerings here:

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