Grace Church

Timeless Truth for Today - #13 Living the Christian Life
Exploring the timeless truth of God's Word for today's living. A January through March overview of the entire Bible.
Locations & Times
Grace Community Church
8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Today is the 13th message in our series: Timeless - Truth For Today. We are covering the entire Bible in a 3 month period.
After finishing up with the Old Testament, we've covered a good part of the New Testament.
Gospels and the Book of Acts - record the life and ministry of Jesus and the birth and growth of the early church.
Pauline Epistles - Paul wrote to a number of local churches and key individuals to encourage, rebuke, and instruct them.
After finishing up with the Old Testament, we've covered a good part of the New Testament.
Gospels and the Book of Acts - record the life and ministry of Jesus and the birth and growth of the early church.
Pauline Epistles - Paul wrote to a number of local churches and key individuals to encourage, rebuke, and instruct them.
Today we are going to look at the last 9 books of the Bible. Hebrews through the book of Revelation.
Here is a simple three point outline that will provide an overview for these books:
Hebrews: The FOUNDATION of our Christian Life
James - Jude: The FUNCTIONS of our Christian Life
Revelation: The FUTURE of our Christian Life
Here is a simple three point outline that will provide an overview for these books:
Hebrews: The FOUNDATION of our Christian Life
James - Jude: The FUNCTIONS of our Christian Life
Revelation: The FUTURE of our Christian Life
Hebrews: The FOUNDATION of our Christian Life
The identity of who wrote the book is unknown, although the Apostle Paul might have very well been the author.
At this time an increasing number of Gentiles were coming to faith and they brought with them a variety of odd beliefs and practices. At the same time, the Jewish people tried to keep their old religious customs for their own comfort and control. Hebrews was written to show both parties how to live the Christian life.
The identity of who wrote the book is unknown, although the Apostle Paul might have very well been the author.
At this time an increasing number of Gentiles were coming to faith and they brought with them a variety of odd beliefs and practices. At the same time, the Jewish people tried to keep their old religious customs for their own comfort and control. Hebrews was written to show both parties how to live the Christian life.
For example:
The Jewish TEMPLE was still standing at the time Hebrews was written. With all its rituals and elaborate system of sacrifices, it beckoned the new converts to come back to or join the Jewish way of doing things.
Jewish TRADITIONS were more than a way of life; they were a source of their personal and corporate identity.
Jewish TIES of family, friendship, and fellowship were very strong. If a person became a Christian, they were threatened with being ostracized from virtually every relationship and social structure that held meaning to them.
The Jewish TEACHINGS were hard to renounce. The Talmud or the writings of the great Rabbis had taken on an authoritative role in people's daily lives.
The Jewish TEMPLE was still standing at the time Hebrews was written. With all its rituals and elaborate system of sacrifices, it beckoned the new converts to come back to or join the Jewish way of doing things.
Jewish TRADITIONS were more than a way of life; they were a source of their personal and corporate identity.
Jewish TIES of family, friendship, and fellowship were very strong. If a person became a Christian, they were threatened with being ostracized from virtually every relationship and social structure that held meaning to them.
The Jewish TEACHINGS were hard to renounce. The Talmud or the writings of the great Rabbis had taken on an authoritative role in people's daily lives.
Two of the key words in Hebrews are "better" and "superior" (1:4; 6:9; 7:7, 19, 22; 8:6; 9:23; 10:34; 11:16, 35, 40; 12:24). The writer wanted his fellow Jewish believers to see that in Christ they had gained much more than they had renounced in Judaism.
The core teaching of Hebrews is that the sacrifice of Christ renders obsolete all the ceremonial sacrifices required under Jewish law.
This final thought is repeatedly expressed by the key word or phrase "once" and "once for all" which is used throughout.
Hebrews 7:27
The core teaching of Hebrews is that the sacrifice of Christ renders obsolete all the ceremonial sacrifices required under Jewish law.
This final thought is repeatedly expressed by the key word or phrase "once" and "once for all" which is used throughout.
Hebrews 7:27
James - Jude: The FUNCTIONS of our Christian Life
The next seven books are often referred to as the General Epistles. The topics covered were "general" in nature and communicated the functions, or behaviors and actions, for living this new Christian life.
The next seven books are often referred to as the General Epistles. The topics covered were "general" in nature and communicated the functions, or behaviors and actions, for living this new Christian life.
-A brother of Jesus
-Wrote a very practical letter
-Talked about the role of testing and temptation in life
-Stressed the fact that true faith will be demonstrated by our lifestyle
-Said the ability to control our mouth reflects the maturity of our faith
-Pointed out how to resist the attacks of Satan
-Provided guidelines for a successful prayer life
-Discussed the dangers of favoritism in our treatment of people
-Encouraged followers to apply Scripture to their life
James 1:22
James confronts, corrects, and challenges Christians to live differently.
-A brother of Jesus
-Wrote a very practical letter
-Talked about the role of testing and temptation in life
-Stressed the fact that true faith will be demonstrated by our lifestyle
-Said the ability to control our mouth reflects the maturity of our faith
-Pointed out how to resist the attacks of Satan
-Provided guidelines for a successful prayer life
-Discussed the dangers of favoritism in our treatment of people
-Encouraged followers to apply Scripture to their life
James 1:22
James confronts, corrects, and challenges Christians to live differently.
1 & 2 Peter:
-written by the Apostle Peter in the 60's AD during a time of persecution under Roman emperor Nero
-themes of these books include, how to endure misery, handle heresy, and prepare for eternity
1 Peter 3:14-16
-written by the Apostle Peter in the 60's AD during a time of persecution under Roman emperor Nero
-themes of these books include, how to endure misery, handle heresy, and prepare for eternity
1 Peter 3:14-16
1, 2, 3 John:
-One of the first people to follow Jesus
-Written near the end of the 1st century, between 85-95 AD
-Writings repeatedly use the words light, life, and love and are very much a commentary on correct Christian doctrine in an age where there was growing heresy
-Points our that mature believers practice confession, love one another, open their hands and hearts to the needs of others, hold to the revealed body of scriptural truth, and rejoice in the assurance of their salvation
1 John 5:12-13
3 John 1:3, 4
-One of the first people to follow Jesus
-Written near the end of the 1st century, between 85-95 AD
-Writings repeatedly use the words light, life, and love and are very much a commentary on correct Christian doctrine in an age where there was growing heresy
-Points our that mature believers practice confession, love one another, open their hands and hearts to the needs of others, hold to the revealed body of scriptural truth, and rejoice in the assurance of their salvation
1 John 5:12-13
3 John 1:3, 4
-Also a brother of James and Jesus
-Changed the purpose of his writing, seemingly in mid-thought
Jude 1:3
-A large number of false teachers had been bringing confusing and error-filled teaching into the church. So Jude provided a very careful critique of the situation so as to prepare his listeners to defend themselves - "contend for the faith."
He concluded by providing a strong challenge for each believer in Jude 1:20, 21.
-Also a brother of James and Jesus
-Changed the purpose of his writing, seemingly in mid-thought
Jude 1:3
-A large number of false teachers had been bringing confusing and error-filled teaching into the church. So Jude provided a very careful critique of the situation so as to prepare his listeners to defend themselves - "contend for the faith."
He concluded by providing a strong challenge for each believer in Jude 1:20, 21.
Revelation: The FUTURE of our Christian Life
The book is given its title in the very first verse, Revelation 1:1. The author is John who wrote it toward the end of his life while imprisioned on the island of Patmos. The primary recipients of the letter are 7 local churches throughout Asia Minor.
The book is given its title in the very first verse, Revelation 1:1. The author is John who wrote it toward the end of his life while imprisioned on the island of Patmos. The primary recipients of the letter are 7 local churches throughout Asia Minor.
The book points out the future to those who follow Christ and lays out God's time line and master plan for humanity.
The book starts off in chapter 1 with an amazing picture of the resurrected Christ and concludes with a view of the celestial city.
Revelation 20-22 details the events of the final judgement and the destiny of those who reject Jesus (Hell), a look at life in Heaven, and reminds mankind there is hope as long as you have breath in this life.
The book starts off in chapter 1 with an amazing picture of the resurrected Christ and concludes with a view of the celestial city.
Revelation 20-22 details the events of the final judgement and the destiny of those who reject Jesus (Hell), a look at life in Heaven, and reminds mankind there is hope as long as you have breath in this life.
More information on the book of Revelation from the October/November sermon series entitled Are You Ready?
Key themes in the book are:
1. God’s promise of His Son’s 2nd Coming and Millennium Kingdom.
2. God’s love for humanity and His continual efforts to save the world.
3. God’s judgment of Christians for their works of faith, the Lost for their acts of sin and rejection of Jesus, and Satan for his legacy of rebellion.
4. God’s rebirth of His chosen people – the nation and people of Israel.
5. God’s restoration of the universe from the effects of sin, with the creation of a new Heaven and Earth.
Key passages in the book are:
Revelation 1, 13
Revelation 20:7 – 15
Revelation 21:1 – 8
Revelation 22:1-4
Key themes in the book are:
1. God’s promise of His Son’s 2nd Coming and Millennium Kingdom.
2. God’s love for humanity and His continual efforts to save the world.
3. God’s judgment of Christians for their works of faith, the Lost for their acts of sin and rejection of Jesus, and Satan for his legacy of rebellion.
4. God’s rebirth of His chosen people – the nation and people of Israel.
5. God’s restoration of the universe from the effects of sin, with the creation of a new Heaven and Earth.
Key passages in the book are:
Revelation 1, 13
Revelation 20:7 – 15
Revelation 21:1 – 8
Revelation 22:1-4
Key Sermon Series About End Times - Are You Ready? Channel Link Church Website's Coffee Shop Pre-Order Link Groups
Do you have a Home Group? Visit the website to learn about which groups are meeting; you can sign-up for a group there as well. You can also contact the church office; we'd love to help you with this ( at Grace
There are several men and women at Grace Church who have completed the mentoring program here at Grace and are looking to invest in and share what they've learned with someone else. Have you thought about growing in your faith through the Grace Church mentoring program?
Contact the church office with any questions or to get the process started ( or you can talk with any of the staff and elders.
Contact the church office with any questions or to get the process started ( or you can talk with any of the staff and elders.
Bible Reading Plan
We hope you are taking part in the 2023 Bible Reading Plan. This also includes devotionals from Pastor Josh each week. Visit the website at the link below or find paper copies in CJ's. Let us know if you have any questions! CJ's to Put a Pin on the Map!
Be sure to stop into CJ's coffee shop and check out the ministry maps. You can place a pin where you live to claim this area for Jesus. Pray for the influence you can have near your home as well as the whole 4 county region that Grace Church represents.
Gracewear Shopping Link
Grace Church has a shopping link for Gracewear through Courtside Screen Printing & Embroidery. Use the link below to take a look. All questions and orders go directly through Courtside. Their contact information can be found at the bottom of the page.'s is Open on Wednesdays
You can take advantage of the opportunity to hang out in CJ's on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7:30 pm this winter/spring.
Meet up with friends, bring a project to work on, or just spend some quiet time reading or praying.
Meet up with friends, bring a project to work on, or just spend some quiet time reading or praying.
Baby Bottle Bounce Back - Alpha Women's Center
The annual fundraiser for the Alpha Women's & Family Center of Barry County is happening now. You can pick up a baby bottle from the Welcome Kiosk (make sure to sign it out), fill it with coin or cash, and bring it back to the basket at the kiosk on or before April 2nd.
Alpha Women's Center is a faith-based center that values life and offers support to both individuals and families.
Resources include food, formula, diapers, clothing, car seats, and cribs. We seek to share God's love by developing relationships through one-on-one mentoring sessions, instruction, and encouraged through various areas of family life. We unapologetically talk about God, who He is, and how He is present and essential in our lives.
Alpha Women's Center is a faith-based center that values life and offers support to both individuals and families.
Resources include food, formula, diapers, clothing, car seats, and cribs. We seek to share God's love by developing relationships through one-on-one mentoring sessions, instruction, and encouraged through various areas of family life. We unapologetically talk about God, who He is, and how He is present and essential in our lives.
Meet and Greet
We invite those who are new to Grace Church to attend a Meet & Greet this Sunday, March 26th in CJ's coffee shop right after the service ends. This is a great opportunity to meet the staff and leadership of Grace Church and learn a little bit about the church. We look forward to seeing you and getting to know you better as well!
Lisa's Blog - Worship Moments Greenhouse Project
Visit The Greenhouse Project at our church website to find out what classes are being offered. Contact Lisa Sterkenburg if you have questions ( with Grace Church through YouVersion
You can connect with Grace Church through the YouVersion app on your mobile device.
-Follow the link below
-Click "Open YouVersion"
-Choose "Grace Church"
-Click "Set As My Church".
Contact the church office if you have questions ( Egg Hunt
The annual Easter Egg Hunt outreach event is coming up on April 8th at 10:00 am at Putnam Park in Nashville. We need lots of help to make this event happen for the families in our community. There are many ways you can get involved, from donating candy to helping to stuff eggs to volunteering at the event on the 8th. Use the form below to sign-up. and Anniversaries We're Celebrating This Week!
Saturday, March 25th - Pastor Don Roscoe, Freeman Coblentz
Monday, March 27th - Richard Yargeau
Tuesday, March 28th - Willow Yargeau
Wednesday, March 29th - Ann Booth
Friday, March 31st - Bev Oleson, Steve & Alida Gauss
Saturday, March 25th - Pastor Don Roscoe, Freeman Coblentz
Monday, March 27th - Richard Yargeau
Tuesday, March 28th - Willow Yargeau
Wednesday, March 29th - Ann Booth
Friday, March 31st - Bev Oleson, Steve & Alida Gauss