The Bridge Church

Final Words - "Father Forgive Them"
March 12, 2023
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
"Crucifixion is the most cruel and disgusting penalty; the worst of deaths."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
1. Jesus' prayer of forgiveness fulfilled prophecy
Intercessory prayer is the act of praying on behalf of others.
2. Jesus willingly died on the cross to extend forgiveness
3. Forgiven people forgive
Aphiemi (forgive) - to send away, leave alone, release, discharge
Have you forgiven those who have hurt you?
Have you received God's forgiveness?
Have you received God's forgiveness?
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a small group.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a small group.
I need to join a serve team.
Dig Deeper:
1. Have you ever known of or experienced hearing someone’s final words? What impact did they have you?
2. Read Isaiah 50:6. Why is it important to be reminded of what Jesus went through both before, and during, his time on the cross?
3. Read Luke 23:34. These were Jesus’ first words from the cross. Why do you think He began with these words?
4. Read Isaiah 53:11-12. By saying “Father, forgive them,” how is Jesus fulfilling prophecy from this scripture?
5. What is an intercessory prayer? How was Jesus’ prayer to God an intercessory prayer for others?
6. Romans 8:34. What is your response to knowing that Jesus continues to intercede for us by praying for us constantly?
7. Read Romans 5:6-8. Who did Christ die for? How does this help us understand that no one is “good”? How does that change our view of others?
8. Read Luke 23:34 again. What is the significance behind Jesus’ words “they do not know what they are doing”?
9. Read Colossians 3:13. As a follower of Jesus, how do we have a responsibility to take initiative when dealing with unforgiveness?
10. Why is it so hard to forgive others sometimes? What happens when we release someone when we forgive?
11. Matthew 6:14-15. How does forgiveness reveal to others that you are a follower of Jesus?
12. If God can forgive us, how can we not forgive someone else? If God can forgive us, we can, through His power, learn to forgive. Share with others where you are in your journey to forgive.
Live It Out:
Forgiven people forgive. Read Matthew 5:43-44. As Jesus’ persecutors mocked him, He prayed for them. He forgave them. He died for them. Have you forgiven those who have hurt you?
Who is someone who has wronged you that, through spirit-led living, you are called to love and pray for? Are you holding on to bitterness? Do you recognize anger in your attitude towards others? Do you need to ask for forgiveness for a wrong that you have done? What steps can you take today to walk towards forgiving others?
This week, begin to apply this truth to your life: “I will offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me, and I will ask forgiveness to any wrong I’ve done to others.” Ask God to help you forgive as He has forgiven you.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Luke 23:32-38
Tuesday: Isaiah 50:6, 53:11-12
Wednesday: Romans 8:34, Matthew 5:43-44
Thursday: Romans 5:6-8, Colossians 3:13
Friday: Matthew 6:14-15, Ephesians 4:31-32
Saturday: Proverbs 28:13, James 5:16
1. Have you ever known of or experienced hearing someone’s final words? What impact did they have you?
2. Read Isaiah 50:6. Why is it important to be reminded of what Jesus went through both before, and during, his time on the cross?
3. Read Luke 23:34. These were Jesus’ first words from the cross. Why do you think He began with these words?
4. Read Isaiah 53:11-12. By saying “Father, forgive them,” how is Jesus fulfilling prophecy from this scripture?
5. What is an intercessory prayer? How was Jesus’ prayer to God an intercessory prayer for others?
6. Romans 8:34. What is your response to knowing that Jesus continues to intercede for us by praying for us constantly?
7. Read Romans 5:6-8. Who did Christ die for? How does this help us understand that no one is “good”? How does that change our view of others?
8. Read Luke 23:34 again. What is the significance behind Jesus’ words “they do not know what they are doing”?
9. Read Colossians 3:13. As a follower of Jesus, how do we have a responsibility to take initiative when dealing with unforgiveness?
10. Why is it so hard to forgive others sometimes? What happens when we release someone when we forgive?
11. Matthew 6:14-15. How does forgiveness reveal to others that you are a follower of Jesus?
12. If God can forgive us, how can we not forgive someone else? If God can forgive us, we can, through His power, learn to forgive. Share with others where you are in your journey to forgive.
Live It Out:
Forgiven people forgive. Read Matthew 5:43-44. As Jesus’ persecutors mocked him, He prayed for them. He forgave them. He died for them. Have you forgiven those who have hurt you?
Who is someone who has wronged you that, through spirit-led living, you are called to love and pray for? Are you holding on to bitterness? Do you recognize anger in your attitude towards others? Do you need to ask for forgiveness for a wrong that you have done? What steps can you take today to walk towards forgiving others?
This week, begin to apply this truth to your life: “I will offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me, and I will ask forgiveness to any wrong I’ve done to others.” Ask God to help you forgive as He has forgiven you.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Luke 23:32-38
Tuesday: Isaiah 50:6, 53:11-12
Wednesday: Romans 8:34, Matthew 5:43-44
Thursday: Romans 5:6-8, Colossians 3:13
Friday: Matthew 6:14-15, Ephesians 4:31-32
Saturday: Proverbs 28:13, James 5:16