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Revolution Church

March 5, 2023 Group / Personal Study Guide

March 5, 2023 Group / Personal Study Guide

Use this simple study guide to help you dig deeper into the weekend message with your family, your small group, or even act as a guide during your own personal quiet time with God. Grab your Bible or Bible App and a journal and write down what God puts on your heart!

Locations & Times

Revolution Church

9360 Corporate Dr #106, Selma, TX 78154, USA

Monday 6:00 PM

Marriage Lie 1: I can change their heart.

Ways to Pray When Your Marriage is struggling:
1. Pray for God to change them.
James 5:16b ESV The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
Ways to Pray When Your Marriage is struggling:
2. Pray for God to change you. (If you want a better marriage, start by making a better you.)
Marriage Lie 2: Marriage is just a contract. (Truth: Marriage is a covenant not a contract)
A contract is based on mutual distrust. It limits my responsibilities and protects my rights.

A covenant is based on mutual commitment. It limits my rights and increases my responsibilities.
You reap what you sow. You reap where you sow.
Marriage Lie 3: It's no big deal. This is a little thing.
Marriage Lie 4: There is no hope for my marriage.
Expose the lies & apply God's truth. (Being in God's family, the church, helps do this!)
Start Talking.
Find a conversation starter for your group.
- Are your thoughts about others usually more positive or more negative?
Start Thinking.
Ask a question to get your group thinking.
- Which part of this message was most impactful for you and why?
- What do you say when you talk to yourself about relationships, dating, or marriage?
- Read Psalm 139:23-24. How could this Scripture influence your attitude to better love the people around you?
Start Sharing.
Choose a question to create openness.
- Talk about a time when you tried to manage a small sin on your own. Did you end up sharing it with others for help and healing? What was that experience like?
- Share some of the thoughts you have about your spouse. Are there any lies you’re believing that need to be replaced with truth? What truth will you use to replace the lies?
Start Praying:
Be Bold and Pray With Power.
Father, thank You for being the Truth that sets us free. Show us where we’re believing lies that are hurting our relationships. We’re ready to do the hard work of sacrificing, apologizing, and forgiving to have better relationships. Please help us fight lies with Your truth. In Jesus’ name, amen.