New Life Church

The Power To Change: Pastor Tim
Part 3: Holy Habits
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Hope alone won't change your life; habits will!
Based on who you want to become, what’s one habit you need to start?
Based on who you want to become, what’s one habit you need to start?
Big Power in One Small Habit
Never underestimate how God can start something big through one small habit!
How do you create a new habit?
Habit Loop: Cue ⇒ Craving ⇒ Response ⇒ Reward
If you want to change what you do, change your cues!
How do you create a new habit?
Habit Loop: Cue ⇒ Craving ⇒ Response ⇒ Reward
If you want to change what you do, change your cues!
1. Make it OBVIOUS!
2. Make it EASY!
Read Hebrews 10:25. What are some ways that you meet with and encourage one another regularly?
Talk about some of your current habits. In what ways are they honoring God? How could you use these existing habits to start one new habit?
Share about a time when you experienced change through spiritual transformation. How was that different from times you’ve tried to change through behavior modification?
Read Hebrews 10:25. What are some ways that you meet with and encourage one another regularly?
Talk about some of your current habits. In what ways are they honoring God? How could you use these existing habits to start one new habit?
Share about a time when you experienced change through spiritual transformation. How was that different from times you’ve tried to change through behavior modification?
Upcoming and Weekly Events
Sunday Service @ 10 AM. Nursery is available for children up to age 4, and KidZone for ages 5-11.
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM. See Sharee Haromontelongo for more info.
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade, Fridays from 7- 8:30 PM. See Pastor James for more info.
Youth Group Bake Sale March 12 & 26. All proceeds will go to our youth group to help offset the cost of Youth Convention and other activities!
Youth Convention April 6-8 in Syracuse NY! See Pastor James for more information!
Family Movie Night March 24 @ 6:30 PM. See Sharee for more info!
March Missions Focus: The DeMartinos, Missionaries to Mexico, are fundraising to buy a building from which they can serve the hungry and homeless. The church council has decided to give $1000 to this mission, and we will match what you give, up to $1000! Make checks payable to New Life, and write “DeMartinos” in the memo or on your envelope.
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM. See Sharee Haromontelongo for more info.
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade, Fridays from 7- 8:30 PM. See Pastor James for more info.
Youth Group Bake Sale March 12 & 26. All proceeds will go to our youth group to help offset the cost of Youth Convention and other activities!
Youth Convention April 6-8 in Syracuse NY! See Pastor James for more information!
Family Movie Night March 24 @ 6:30 PM. See Sharee for more info!
March Missions Focus: The DeMartinos, Missionaries to Mexico, are fundraising to buy a building from which they can serve the hungry and homeless. The church council has decided to give $1000 to this mission, and we will match what you give, up to $1000! Make checks payable to New Life, and write “DeMartinos” in the memo or on your envelope.
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Please submit your request. Our volunteers will pray for you this week!