Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Isaiah 49:14-16; 50:1-11
Forsaken and Forgotten
1. It’s tough being in Babylon! Israel had failed, but God would send a Messiah. Now this Servant
is exposed and expanded.
2. Illus. of a baby left on a doorstep. This is tragic, but have you ever felt forsaken and forgotten
by God?
3. Isaiah 49:14-16 this is the way Israel felt, and they had good reason! Isaiah was looking ahead
to the Babylonian Captivity. The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me.
Do you feel forsaken and forgotten?
A. God’s Promise 15
1. A question is raised. You would expect ‘no’ for the answer.
2. A mother may forget…yet I will not forget.
3. Circumstances can be deceiving, especially when you feel forsaken and forgotten. All
B. God’s Print 16a
1. I have engraved Thee upon the palms of my hands.
2. There is a tattoo on each of His hands. You and I are there!
C. God’s Protection 16b
1. Thy walls are continually before me.
2. Your house…your security…He is that system on my life.
3. Israel will be restored. Nations will come (18-26) This speaks of the Millennial Reign
of Christ.
4. God will take care of you and your future. He has already been there. REST!!
Do you feel forsaken and forgotten?
It is easy to blame God when things go bad (not as you expected) Israel had failed God. God
had not failed Israel.
A. They Failed to Recognize the Way of God 1
1. The Illustrations 1a Where is the bill of your mother’s divorcement? Israel is
restored. The answer…It no longer exists!
2. The Iniquities 1b Which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold
for your iniquities you sold yourselves. His love had not failed. The loss of joy, peace,
the lack of spiritual advancement, weakness, disability cannot be attributed to God.
Have you forsaken Him? That He died for all, tat they who live should not henceforth
live unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them, and rose again. (II Cor 5:15)
B. They Failed To Respond to the Word of God 2-3
1. His Call There is no response.
2. His Charge Is My hand shortened that I cannot redeem? Have I no power to
deliver? They doubted the ability of God.
3. His Challenge 2b-3 He gives two illustrations of His power: Their deliverance
from Egypt…I clothe the heavens with blackness. Be reminded of what God has done
and what He is able to do. Against the backdrop of failure, doubt and fear God
sent the Perfect Servant!
Do you feel forsaken and forgotten?
A. He Is Conversant with the Word of God 4
1. His Source The Lord hath given Adonai Jehovah…He was a Servant Hath given
Me the tongue of the learned…He had the tongue of an expert. Jesus in the Temp at
the age of 12. My doctrine is not mine but His that sent Me (John 7:16) As My
Father hath taught Me, I speak these things (John 8:28) I speak that which I have
seen of My Father (John 8:38)
2. His Solace That I should know how to speak in season to him that is weary. That I
should know how to sustain the weary with a word. Come unto Me all ye that labor
and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. He is the REST for the weary soul…but
we must come!
3. His Secret He waketh morning by morning…mine ear hears…We need a morning
by morning appointment with God and His word.
B. He Is Committed to the Will of God 5-6
1. His Attitude 5 Rebellious was an inward attitude. It means, ‘turn away back’
which is an outward action. Backsliding begins with and inward attitude.
2. His Action 6 I gave…deliberately…my back to smiters. I gave my cheeks…hair
plucked out. I; hid not my face from shame and spitting. Why do you think life should
always go your way?
C. He Is Confident of the Ways of God 7-9
1. His Confidence 7a For the Lord will help me…therefore I shall not be
Lay aside every weight and sin that does so easily beset you and run the race with
patience the race that is set before you looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of
our faith. Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the
shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Heb. 12:1-3)
2. His Consecration 7b Therefore I have set my face like a flint…because the Lord
will help me.
3. His Conviction 7c-8a I know I shall not be ashamed. He is near that justifies Me.
He did not stay in the grave!!
4. His Condemnation 8b-9 There is no condemnation!! His accusers cannot stand
like a moth-eaten garment. (Rom 8:1, 33, 34)
Do you feel forsaken and forgotten?
A. The Condition 10a
Who among you fears the Lord…obeys the voice of His servant?
This confirms the identity of vss. 4-9. You walk in darkness and you have no light. Life
can be pretty black and bleak.
B. The Challenge 10b
Let him trust in the character of the Lord. Let him stay upon his God.
C. The Contrast 11a
1. You can trust and stay or cope with darkness themselves. Having rejected the Lord
they resort to their own devices to escape their circumstances.
2. Note the you and your. Sparks to dispel the darkness are very transient and very
temporary. Earthly resources to deal with earth’s dark experiences are very fleeting.
D. The Consequences 11b
You shall live down in sorrow…
I Rest on Him or I Rely on Me!
Forsaken and Forgotten
1. It’s tough being in Babylon! Israel had failed, but God would send a Messiah. Now this Servant
is exposed and expanded.
2. Illus. of a baby left on a doorstep. This is tragic, but have you ever felt forsaken and forgotten
by God?
3. Isaiah 49:14-16 this is the way Israel felt, and they had good reason! Isaiah was looking ahead
to the Babylonian Captivity. The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me.
Do you feel forsaken and forgotten?
A. God’s Promise 15
1. A question is raised. You would expect ‘no’ for the answer.
2. A mother may forget…yet I will not forget.
3. Circumstances can be deceiving, especially when you feel forsaken and forgotten. All
B. God’s Print 16a
1. I have engraved Thee upon the palms of my hands.
2. There is a tattoo on each of His hands. You and I are there!
C. God’s Protection 16b
1. Thy walls are continually before me.
2. Your house…your security…He is that system on my life.
3. Israel will be restored. Nations will come (18-26) This speaks of the Millennial Reign
of Christ.
4. God will take care of you and your future. He has already been there. REST!!
Do you feel forsaken and forgotten?
It is easy to blame God when things go bad (not as you expected) Israel had failed God. God
had not failed Israel.
A. They Failed to Recognize the Way of God 1
1. The Illustrations 1a Where is the bill of your mother’s divorcement? Israel is
restored. The answer…It no longer exists!
2. The Iniquities 1b Which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold
for your iniquities you sold yourselves. His love had not failed. The loss of joy, peace,
the lack of spiritual advancement, weakness, disability cannot be attributed to God.
Have you forsaken Him? That He died for all, tat they who live should not henceforth
live unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them, and rose again. (II Cor 5:15)
B. They Failed To Respond to the Word of God 2-3
1. His Call There is no response.
2. His Charge Is My hand shortened that I cannot redeem? Have I no power to
deliver? They doubted the ability of God.
3. His Challenge 2b-3 He gives two illustrations of His power: Their deliverance
from Egypt…I clothe the heavens with blackness. Be reminded of what God has done
and what He is able to do. Against the backdrop of failure, doubt and fear God
sent the Perfect Servant!
Do you feel forsaken and forgotten?
A. He Is Conversant with the Word of God 4
1. His Source The Lord hath given Adonai Jehovah…He was a Servant Hath given
Me the tongue of the learned…He had the tongue of an expert. Jesus in the Temp at
the age of 12. My doctrine is not mine but His that sent Me (John 7:16) As My
Father hath taught Me, I speak these things (John 8:28) I speak that which I have
seen of My Father (John 8:38)
2. His Solace That I should know how to speak in season to him that is weary. That I
should know how to sustain the weary with a word. Come unto Me all ye that labor
and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. He is the REST for the weary soul…but
we must come!
3. His Secret He waketh morning by morning…mine ear hears…We need a morning
by morning appointment with God and His word.
B. He Is Committed to the Will of God 5-6
1. His Attitude 5 Rebellious was an inward attitude. It means, ‘turn away back’
which is an outward action. Backsliding begins with and inward attitude.
2. His Action 6 I gave…deliberately…my back to smiters. I gave my cheeks…hair
plucked out. I; hid not my face from shame and spitting. Why do you think life should
always go your way?
C. He Is Confident of the Ways of God 7-9
1. His Confidence 7a For the Lord will help me…therefore I shall not be
Lay aside every weight and sin that does so easily beset you and run the race with
patience the race that is set before you looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of
our faith. Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the
shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Heb. 12:1-3)
2. His Consecration 7b Therefore I have set my face like a flint…because the Lord
will help me.
3. His Conviction 7c-8a I know I shall not be ashamed. He is near that justifies Me.
He did not stay in the grave!!
4. His Condemnation 8b-9 There is no condemnation!! His accusers cannot stand
like a moth-eaten garment. (Rom 8:1, 33, 34)
Do you feel forsaken and forgotten?
A. The Condition 10a
Who among you fears the Lord…obeys the voice of His servant?
This confirms the identity of vss. 4-9. You walk in darkness and you have no light. Life
can be pretty black and bleak.
B. The Challenge 10b
Let him trust in the character of the Lord. Let him stay upon his God.
C. The Contrast 11a
1. You can trust and stay or cope with darkness themselves. Having rejected the Lord
they resort to their own devices to escape their circumstances.
2. Note the you and your. Sparks to dispel the darkness are very transient and very
temporary. Earthly resources to deal with earth’s dark experiences are very fleeting.
D. The Consequences 11b
You shall live down in sorrow…
I Rest on Him or I Rely on Me!
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