Living Grace Foursquare Church

Kingdom Authority; God's Authority? Or Satan's Rebellion
Sunday Service
Locations & Times
Living Grace Foursquare Church
4025 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
When God is about to do something, He gives authority to the person He wants to birth that work and gives them the authority to accomplish it. (Participation; we get to join Him in His work)
God, in heaven does not know the experience of obedience.
Enthroned in the heavens, God obeys no one — all obey Him. The angels must have marveled as they saw God the Son, who added humanity to His deity, actually live out obedience.
Jesus learned the experience of enduring suffering.
Hebrews 5:8 though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. 9 And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him
Enthroned in the heavens, God obeys no one — all obey Him. The angels must have marveled as they saw God the Son, who added humanity to His deity, actually live out obedience.
Jesus learned the experience of enduring suffering.
Hebrews 5:8 though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. 9 And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him
Don’t ever think that the place you’re at, perhaps even loath, is not God’s school for you
When God is about to do something, he gives authority and power to the person he wants to lead.
With that comes A host of enemies that arise from within and without, to tear-down God’s person through lies, rumors, innuendos, slander—mostly because of envy.
With that comes A host of enemies that arise from within and without, to tear-down God’s person through lies, rumors, innuendos, slander—mostly because of envy.
They rose up
They believe they have authority to challenge Moses, they do not.
They made the critical mistake of thinking that authority in the Kingdom of God comes through numbers and reputation. It does not.
1. These kind of wanna-be leaders always appoint themselves or others just like them appoint them.
2. Have you ever heard, “You’re not a leader if no one is following you”
a. But just because people follow you, doesn’t make you a servant-leader in the Kingdom of God
b. Don’t be overly impressed by ones following
They believe they have authority to challenge Moses, they do not.
They made the critical mistake of thinking that authority in the Kingdom of God comes through numbers and reputation. It does not.
1. These kind of wanna-be leaders always appoint themselves or others just like them appoint them.
2. Have you ever heard, “You’re not a leader if no one is following you”
a. But just because people follow you, doesn’t make you a servant-leader in the Kingdom of God
b. Don’t be overly impressed by ones following
Moses did not appoint himself the leader of this nation, God did!
1. So often the case with a servant-leader. They can be reluctant because they don’t see themselves as what God has called them.
Amos 7: “I was no prophet, Nor was I a son of a prophet,
But I was a sheepbreeder And a tender of sycamore fruit.
15 Then the Lord took me [c]as I followed the flock, And the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to My people Israel.’
1. So often the case with a servant-leader. They can be reluctant because they don’t see themselves as what God has called them.
Amos 7: “I was no prophet, Nor was I a son of a prophet,
But I was a sheepbreeder And a tender of sycamore fruit.
15 Then the Lord took me [c]as I followed the flock, And the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to My people Israel.’
Whenever you find complaining and rebelling among God’s people, there’s usually a ‘stated reason’ and a ‘real reason’
1. The hidden reason was that Korah wanted the Levities to have the same privilege as Aaron and his sons
1. The hidden reason was that Korah wanted the Levities to have the same privilege as Aaron and his sons
The selfish desire for authority and greatness is a common theme in the Bible.
a. Absalom defying King David; 2 Sam. 15
b. Adonijah usurping the crown; 1 Kings 1
c. The disciples arguing about who’s the greatest; Luke 22:44
d. Diotrephes loving to have preeminence in the local church; 2 John 9-10
i. Yet the most important place in the life of the believer is the place of intimacy with Him
ii. Then the place for which He has appointed and anointed us to serve!
iii. Everyone @ LG has a spiritual gift to be used for serving others.
iv. Everyone’s important
a. Absalom defying King David; 2 Sam. 15
b. Adonijah usurping the crown; 1 Kings 1
c. The disciples arguing about who’s the greatest; Luke 22:44
d. Diotrephes loving to have preeminence in the local church; 2 John 9-10
i. Yet the most important place in the life of the believer is the place of intimacy with Him
ii. Then the place for which He has appointed and anointed us to serve!
iii. Everyone @ LG has a spiritual gift to be used for serving others.
iv. Everyone’s important
Moses first prayed.
A Good response to criticism:
1. Don’t respond immediately
2. Ask God if there is some truth there
3. Ask what’s next?
4. He went right to the source.
A Good response to criticism:
1. Don’t respond immediately
2. Ask God if there is some truth there
3. Ask what’s next?
4. He went right to the source.
No matter how much God did for them, they were not spiritually-minded.
1. You can take the people out of Egypt but you can’t always take Egypt out of the people.
1. You can take the people out of Egypt but you can’t always take Egypt out of the people.
Our will represents our individual authority, to exercise that authority in complete autonomy is to make an idol of self.
To submit our self-will to God’s will and obey Him is to be subject to His authority.
We cannot serve God and simultaneously go the way of rebellion by having an insubordinate spirit.
To submit our self-will to God’s will and obey Him is to be subject to His authority.
We cannot serve God and simultaneously go the way of rebellion by having an insubordinate spirit.