The Days of Elijah

God Provides and Protects
Locations & Times
StonePoint Church
215 Advantage Dr, Cumming, GA 30040, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
How do you handle waiting on God? Do you worry and get anxious?
If you knew that God would provide for your needs, not necessarily your wants, would you have more peace?
Would you be content if God’s provision came in a way you wouldn’t normally expect or possibly made you uncomfortable at first?
If you knew that God would provide for your needs, not necessarily your wants, would you have more peace?
Would you be content if God’s provision came in a way you wouldn’t normally expect or possibly made you uncomfortable at first?
Sometimes God’s protection comes in unexpected ways by removing us from worldly things so that we have to rely fully on Him and His provisions rather than what the world relies on.
God is faithful and true with His Word and promises – are we faithful to do what He has asked us?
So many times we doubt and lose faith and Jesus is saying, “My child why do you doubt, where is your faith?”
The key to following Jesus and showing faith in Him is seen in our obedience to what He says.
We need to get alone and sometimes get away from all of the distractions of this world to hear from God and to see His provision and protection in our lives.
People eat bread to satisfy physical hunger and to sustain physical life. We can satisfy spiritual hunger and sustain spiritual life only with a right relationship with Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the Bread of Life and the Provider of Living Water. Will you turn to Him today?
Bread must be eaten, and water must be drunk to sustain life – We cannot simply stare at the bread and water and hope it jumps into our mouths, action must be taken!
We also must take action with Jesus. He has already done all the work of creation, life, salvation, and eternal life, but Jesus must be invited into our daily lives to satisfy our hungry and thirsty souls.
Invite Jesus into your life to be Savior and Lord of your eternal life and daily life. Surrender your will to His perfect will.
Jesus is the Bread of Life and the Provider of Living Water. Will you turn to Him today?
Bread must be eaten, and water must be drunk to sustain life – We cannot simply stare at the bread and water and hope it jumps into our mouths, action must be taken!
We also must take action with Jesus. He has already done all the work of creation, life, salvation, and eternal life, but Jesus must be invited into our daily lives to satisfy our hungry and thirsty souls.
Invite Jesus into your life to be Savior and Lord of your eternal life and daily life. Surrender your will to His perfect will.