The Days of Elijah

Removal of Rain
Locations & Times
StonePoint Church
215 Advantage Dr, Cumming, GA 30040, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
we are vulnerable to the same things that brought about Israel’s demise: greed, jealousy, selfishness, lust for power, weakening of marriage vows, and lack of our devotion to God.
obey God’s laws and to “follow all His ways”
obey God’s laws and to “follow all His ways”
he “did more evil in the eyes of the LORD than any of those before him.”
We must be very careful who we get our advice from. If people are trying to give you advice that doesn’t line up with the Word of God and His will, distance yourself from them before you fall into corruption that will lead you away from God and His will.
The value of advice cannot be judged by the number of people for or against it.
our decisions about whether to follow certain advice must be based on the quality of the advice, not its attractiveness or the majority opinion of our peers.
God encourages us to get advice from wise counselors, but we must test the advice we receive.
Advice that agrees with the principles in God’s Word is reliable. We must always separate advice from whatever seems best in our limited perspective and weigh it against God’s commands.
God will never lead us to do what He has forbidden in His Word—even in principle.
We must be very careful who we get our advice from. If people are trying to give you advice that doesn’t line up with the Word of God and His will, distance yourself from them before you fall into corruption that will lead you away from God and His will.
The value of advice cannot be judged by the number of people for or against it.
our decisions about whether to follow certain advice must be based on the quality of the advice, not its attractiveness or the majority opinion of our peers.
God encourages us to get advice from wise counselors, but we must test the advice we receive.
Advice that agrees with the principles in God’s Word is reliable. We must always separate advice from whatever seems best in our limited perspective and weigh it against God’s commands.
God will never lead us to do what He has forbidden in His Word—even in principle.
God is greater than any military and He is the One true God over all of creation.
When we turn away from God, we too will experience the removal of His refreshment and experience a drought in our life because it’s only when we follow Him that we can experience true times of refreshing and His Living Water!
Many times, we get caught up worshiping God’s creation instead of worshiping the God who created everything.
God gives us so many chances and opportunities to follow Him and turn from our selfish ways and turn to Him. Will we choose to follow Him today?
When we turn away from God, we too will experience the removal of His refreshment and experience a drought in our life because it’s only when we follow Him that we can experience true times of refreshing and His Living Water!
Many times, we get caught up worshiping God’s creation instead of worshiping the God who created everything.
God gives us so many chances and opportunities to follow Him and turn from our selfish ways and turn to Him. Will we choose to follow Him today?