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First Baptist Church, South Haven

Worship Gathering: 2/5/2023

Worship Gathering: 2/5/2023

Join us for in-person worship in the sanctuary or live on Facebook at 10:30am. The service will also be posted to YouTube and Archive later in the week.

Locations & Times

First Baptist Church

10781 76th St, South Haven, MI 49090, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM



Please use our website as a resource tool to stay informed and up to date on our most current activities. **Please Note*** Under "Resources" we have a page for "FBC Members Only" which has our latest emails and any pertinent info from Pastor Jerry.  If you try to access this page, you will need the password "Know Him" to see the content.

Live Stream

If you're unable to join us in person, you can view today's service live on our Facebook page beginning at 10:30 AM.


View today's message later this week on our YouTube channel.

Weekly Bulletin

View this week's bulletin including general announcements and weekly prayer requests by clicking here.

Prayer Requests

Please let us know how we can pray for you or if you are in need of specific care or encouragement.
A Proper Relationship
1 Peter 3:7
Pastor Jerry Koller
What does Peter mean by “in the same way?”
· It is giving proper honor and respect.
The NIV says as you live with, while the NAS says live with. The word means dwelling with or living in wedlock with someone. It is referring to a side-by-side relationship that is unique to a husband and wife.
Notice how husbands are to live with their wives. The NIV says be considerate. The NAS is a bit more accurate in its translation. It says in an understanding way.
· Understanding comes from a word that means a knowing or knowledge.
· It is an objective knowledge, knowledge that is gleaned from first-hand experience.
The NIV goes on to say and treat them with respect…
· Such a phrase in actually not found in the verse.
Husbands are to live with their wives in an understanding way as the weaker partner (NIV). The NAS says, as with someone weaker (NAS).
· Weaker can be understood as both husband and wife being weak, the wife being weaker than the husband.
· Weaker is not a reference to being weaker morally, spiritually, or intellectually.
· The first meaning has to do with being weak or weakness in a physical sense. But in the New Testament the words are hardly ever used of purely physical weakness, but frequently in a comprehensive sense of the whole.
The NIV reads: weaker partner. The NAS reads: someone weaker. Both do not make reference to a word that is literally translated vessel. But the ESV does. Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. (ESV)
Vessel can be understood in a number of ways.
· as an implement
· as goods
· as a container
"Vessel" was a common Greek metaphor for "body" since Greeks thought of souls living temporarily in bodies.
Let me point out one more distinction. The ESV and NAS both mention women in regard to being a weaker vessel. The NIV does not. However, the plural word for female is definitely in this verse.
The word heirs literally means joint-heirs, which reflects equality.
· They are joint-heirs of the grace of life. This may be understood as the gift of life itself. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Gen. 1:27)
· Life can also be understood as eternal life, or salvation, for no one comes to God apart from grace, through faith in Jesus Christ.
They are to show such proper respect since their wives are joint-heirs with then of the grace of life, but also so that your prayers may not be hindered.
A healthy relationship with God depends on right relationships with others.
Giving honor and respect to those to whom honor and respect is due is a timeless principle.
It is still important for husbands and wives to live side-by-side the way God intends for them to live. As Genesis 2:24 points out, they become one flesh.
Living-side-by side provided numerous opportunities to help spouses understand what makes each other tick.
It is still important to be careful to not break one another’s spirit but to love and cherish each other.

Happy Birthday!

· Susan Seitz (2/6)
· Alyssa Newell (2/6)
· Nolan Marshall (2/12)

Next Week’s Servants (2/12)

· Café Bakers: Linda Newell (casserole) | Alice Avery (donuts)
· Café Attendant: Marge Dumbaugh
· Nursery: Bocock Family

2022 Giving Statements

Giving statements for 2022 have been emailed. If you did not receive a copy or would like a paper copy, please contact the church office.

New Member Class

We will soon be offering a New Members Class. If you are interested in learning more about FBC and considering becoming a member, then this class is for you! Please contact the church office ASAP to join.

Trivia Night Fundraiser

If you’d like to support True Vine Equestrian Center, we encourage you to participate in their Trivia Night fundraiser: Saturday, February 25 | 6:00pm | Lawton Evangelical Church, 425 S. Nursery Street, Lawton, MI 49065. Sponsor a table with up to 10 people for $100. Each table provides their own refreshments. Mulligans $1 each up to 10. Childcare available. Raffle prizes and more! Sign-up online or see Rob Zantello for more information.

We Care: Warm Your Heart Month

February is the month that We Care raises money for their heat assistance program. Check out their website to see how you can participate and help.

We Care Warm Your Heart Campaign

raise heat assistance funds for those who are having difficulty paying to keep their homes warm.  To find out more and see what events are happening, check out the We Care website.

Winter Gear Collection

Gently used outerwear for men, women and children are now being collected. Drop off your unwanted coats, jackets, sweatshirts, gloves, and scarves. Items can be placed in the collection box at Second Baptist Church (1113 Indiana Avenue, South Haven) as follows: February 1 from 5-6:30pm; February 5 from 3-4:30pm; February 8 from 5-6:30pm; and February 12 from 3:00-4:30pm.

Childcare Help Needed

If you are able to provide childcare in the FBC Nursery during the Wednesday morning Bible study from 9:30-11:30am, please contact Tina Wilburn or Kim Collins.

Mission Cafe

Sundays | 9:00-10:15am | Mission Cafe

The Mission Café is a great place to have a breakfast treat and coffee, enjoy lively conversation and have fun while helping support missions at First Baptist. All items are store bought and served safely. Featuring:
¨ Donuts
¨ Bagels
¨ English Muffins
¨ Snacks
¨ Hot & Cold Beverages
¨ And more!
For your convenience, we accept cash, check and debit/credit cards!

Online Giving is Available!

If you would like to support our ministries by giving an online donation via debit/credit card or your bank account, you can do so by using this link:


You can download the app by clicking the link below from your cell phone or tablet. By using the app, you can conveniently view recorded Sunday worship services; look up addresses and phone numbers for other church members; update your personal information; register for events; tithe online; send prayer requests; and more.  We're excited to bring another avenue of communication to you!  If you have any questions or issues, please contact Kim.

On the Calendar

mission café
Sundays | 9:00-10:15am | Mission Cafe

children’s sunday school
Sundays | 9:15-10:15am | Classroom 3
· Ages 5 years old through 5th grade
· Contact Bailey Rooker for questions or more information.

Sundays | 10:30am | Sanctuary
· If you're unable to join us in-person, you can watch live on Facebook or view later in the week on Facebook or YouTube or listen to an audio only version on Archive.

children’s worship
Sundays | 10:30am | Children’s Worship Room
· Ages 5 years old through 5th grade
· Contact Alyssa Newell for questions or more information.

Sundays | after worship | Upstairs
· Join us for lunch and a discussion about the worship message.
· Contact Pastor Jerry for questions or more information.

youth group
Sundays | 1:00-3:00pm | FBC upstairs
· Middle & High School students
· Contact Allie Wilson for questions or more information.

men’s bible study
Tuesdays | 7:00-8:30pm | Mission Café
· Contact Paul Fitton or Larry Dobberstein for questions or more information.

bible study
Wednesdays | 9:30-11:30am | Classroom 3
· Contact Tina Wilburn for questions or more information.

reason class
Wednesdays | 7:00-8:00pm | Conference Room
· Contact Pastor Jerry for questions or more information.

church office open
Wednesdays | 11:00am-4:00pm

women’s craft group
Thursdays | 6:30pm | Classroom 2
· Contact Tracy Marshall for questions or more information.
· Sandi Starland is recovering from knee replacement surgery.
· Tom Craig & Family upon the death of his wife, Darlene, on 1/10.
· Tina Dell & Family upon the loss of her brother, Matt Chambers, on 1/7.
· Marge Benham is receiving therapy at The Timbers of Cass County care facility in Dowagiac as she recovers from surgery for two broken ankles. Marge has her cell phone and is able to receive calls and texts at 269-290-2498. Cards and visits are also welcomed. Visiting hours are 8am-5pm; sign in at the front desk; masks required. The address is: Marge Benham, Room 504 | c/o The Timbers of Cass County | 55432 Colby St. | Dowagiac, MI 49047.
· Roberta Newton is recovering at home following a procedure to repair a leaking blood vessel. Cards can be sent to Roberta Newton, P.O. Box 51, Palmadale FL 33944.
· Caroline Bocock received a really bad concussion on 11/5 while playing soccer. Doctors are concerned because she is still vomiting, dizzy, and having constant headaches. She has to see a Sports Medicine doctor before they will schedule a neurological appointment. Please pray that this appointment will be scheduled quickly and continue to pray for healing, wisdom for the doctors, and that the Lyme’s Disease hasn’t been triggered. Old symptoms are surfacing but can’t determine if they are concussion symptoms vs. Lyme’s symptoms because they are the same symptoms for both.
· Annette Koller is recovering from knee replacement surgery.
· Nolan Marshall (son of Dan & Tracy) has been having violent outbursts and is hospitalized until placement is available at a residential treatment center. Pray that a bed will become available soon. Also keep Dan, Tracy & Riley in prayer as his behavior affects all of them.
· Shannon French (son of Curt & Patty Bales) continues eye drop treatment for an infection. It looks the damaged part is creating new cells and hopefully healing.
· Joyce Bocock has completed chemo and radiation; praise God that both tumors have shrunk significantly more than expected; evaluating additional treatment options.
· Check out our monthly prayer card on-line at under “Weekly Bulletins” for a list of those with on-going needs.
First Baptist Church
1635 76th Street
South Haven, MI 49090