Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg

Mission in Action Part 4: Christ
Transformed by God to bring hope to others through Christ.
Locations & Times
Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg
1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Our mission statement says “Transformed by God to bring hope to others through Christ”
We believe this concise, yet powerful statement gives light and guidance to our purpose as the church and as individual believers.
So, this teaching series- called Mission in Action is not just to make sure you know the mission statement, but so that you understand it more deeply, find excitement in its possibilities and desire to engage with us to see this mission lived out.
We believe this concise, yet powerful statement gives light and guidance to our purpose as the church and as individual believers.
So, this teaching series- called Mission in Action is not just to make sure you know the mission statement, but so that you understand it more deeply, find excitement in its possibilities and desire to engage with us to see this mission lived out.
When we talk about Christ Jesus, we affirm the biblical truth that He is indeed God.
When we talk about Christ Jesus, we affirm the biblical truth that He is indeed God.
God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible; what a pity we plan to do the things we can only do by ourselves.
-A.W. Tozer
-A.W. Tozer
Knowing Christ vs. Knowing about Christ
When Paul speaks of “knowing Christ Jesus my Lord,” then, he means that he has acknowledged God’s great act of deliverance in Christ and submitted to Christ’s lordship.
Transformed by God to bring hope to others through Christ
Mission of YOUR Life:
To know and serve Christ Jesus as your Savior and Lord
To know and serve Christ Jesus as your Savior and Lord
Christ has staked a claim on our life. Be glad of it. He is incomparable! It is your calling, and honor, to serve Him. There is no other way to live a life that matters.
- Dennis Rainey
- Dennis Rainey
Prayer of Response
Jesus, everything hinges on you- knowing you and serving you is what empowers and inspires us to accomplish your mission.
I surrender to your Lordship in my life. May your will/your purpose/your mission be fulfilled in and through my life. Amen
Jesus, everything hinges on you- knowing you and serving you is what empowers and inspires us to accomplish your mission.
I surrender to your Lordship in my life. May your will/your purpose/your mission be fulfilled in and through my life. Amen
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Thank you for your partnership in the Kingdom of Christ! you for your partnership in the Kingdom of Christ!