Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
There Is No God Beside Me
Isaiah 45:1-25
1. Do all roads lead to God?
2. Isaiah 45:1-25 All roads lead to God. Isaiah challenges that idea with v. 5 and the phrase
There is none else shows why there is not a god like this God (45:5, 6, 14, 18, 21, 22; 46:9):
Do all roads lead to God?
Cyrus has been introduced in (44:28) and called by name at least 170 years before the event.
A. His Appointment 1,4
1. I have…I will God is the prime mover of history. Babylon captured Israel in 586
B.C. and Persia conquered Babylon in 536 B.C.
2. My Shepherd…My Anointed (Christos) means, “to set apart for a task.” I have called
thee by name…I have surnamed thee. v. 4. Though thou hast not known Me. Cyrus is
a pagan idol worshiper. He was used to fulfill God’s purposes.
3. Man is sinful, but God uses the sinfulness of man to accomplish His purposes. All
events have one ultimate cause that fits into one ultimate purpose. Make room for
God’s surprises. He can use whatever He wants to accomplish whatever He
B. His Accomplishments 2,3
1. Babylon was an immensely powerful nation with an impenetrable city. The wall
was 45 miles in circumference that was 32’ or 85’ thick. It was so wide that 6
chariots could be driven side by side on top of it. The wall was 150’ high or 335’
(depends on what you read.)
2. Daniel 5 records its fall. In the midst of a drunken party the river surrounding the
city was diverted. The soldiers of Cyrus marched under the wall, opened the gates
and took the city. Treasures of darkness were treasures hidden away from men.
These were the treasures of the cities that Cyrus conquered.
C. His Acknowledgment 3,4,6
That thou may know (Cyrus) For Israel’s sake 6 That they (nations of the world) may
know I am the Lord, there is no other.
1.How would Cyrus know? Josephus (37-100 A.D.) He wrote at the time of Christ: Cyrus knew these things since he had read the book of his prophecy which Isaiah had left behind 210 years earlier. Also (Ezra 1:2, 3)
2.It was not a spiritual conversion listed in v. 4, 5 God knows the future and ultimately so everyone will know: I am the LORD, there is no other.
Do all roads lead to God?
“There is no God beside Me ”All other religions/gods/approaches to God are false!”
A. The Preeminence of God 5,6
1. He continues to speak of Cyrus. This is one awesome prediction!
2. Man endeavors to explain the prophecy away rather than bow before the God of the
3.God creates the problems of human history. Isaiah doesn’t say, “God sins”. Man
sins! We sin! The strategies of God includes everything that happens as God fulfills His ultimate purpose. Evil is not outside of God’s permissive will!
B. The Prerogative of God 7,8
1. God uses negatives: evil, evil people without being dirtied by it!
2. The most horrible injustice was probably the Cross. Yet God says, “I am working
My plan by using sinful, evil people.” (Is. 53:10; Acts 2:23; 4:27, 28)
3. God delights to shower blessings on us. 8 Positives and Negatives are not beyond
His primary or permissive will.
C. The Pain of God 9,10
From a human stand point God’s choices may not be easy!!
1.God has the right to be God.
2.The pot questions the potter. Several questions are raised by hurting people!
3.How foolish to question and criticize God’s ways!
D. The Prediction of God 11-13
Only God knows the future…TRUST ME! God’s will for us is better than we think.
1.Ask Me things to come. No god says that!!
2.I am the Creator…you are the creation. 12 Did the sun come up? Did day follow night? I am in control. STOP PLAYING GOD…TRUST ME!
3.Why Cyrus? Why Israel back to the promise land? Because the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ will not appear in Babylon but Bethlehem. (40:9)
4.God tells the future so we will know the Bible is the Word of God and that He is the one and only true God!
Do all roads lead to God?
Thou art a God that hideth thyself…O God of Israel, the Savior. 15 God works behind
the scenes for the salvation of His people. God is unnoticed...but not unknown or unknowable!
A. His Plan 15
1. Religion cannot save. 20
2. God sends a Savior. (Gal. 4:4, 5)
B. His Permanence 16,17
1. Confusion 16
2. Conversion 17 Saved…Everlasting (Eternal Salvation) This is the only salvation an
Eternal God can give! He is looking beyond Cyrus! At the day of judgment, we
will not be ashamed. False religion will not stand! Israel’s salvation is dependent on
the coming Messiah. One day…all Israel will be saved!
C. His Preparation 18,19
1.Creation 18 From the beginning of creation God had man in mind…He formed it to be inhabited. His creation…created…formed…made…established so man could live here. I am the LORD there is none else!
2.Revelation 19 The God of creation is the God of revelation. He has spoken and made His will known to man…Seek Me. He will accomplish His purpose through the nation of Israel!!
Do all roads lead to God?
IV. HIS APPEAL 45:20-25
A.His Invitation 20,21
1.Come…20 because no other god can save!
2.Who 21 There is no god beside Me…a just God…a Savior.
B. His Initiative 22
1. Look unto Me and be saved…Everyone!
2. For I am God there is none else…TURN TO ME!
C. His Intimidation 23
1. I have sworn…It is coming…It will happen!
2. He is speaking of deliverance from the wrath to come. (Phil 2:10)
3. You will either bow before Him as your Savior or as your Judge, but you will bow!
Do all roads lead to God?
There is one God…therefore there is only one way to that God.
That way has been revealed to us through Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 45:1-25
1. Do all roads lead to God?
2. Isaiah 45:1-25 All roads lead to God. Isaiah challenges that idea with v. 5 and the phrase
There is none else shows why there is not a god like this God (45:5, 6, 14, 18, 21, 22; 46:9):
Do all roads lead to God?
Cyrus has been introduced in (44:28) and called by name at least 170 years before the event.
A. His Appointment 1,4
1. I have…I will God is the prime mover of history. Babylon captured Israel in 586
B.C. and Persia conquered Babylon in 536 B.C.
2. My Shepherd…My Anointed (Christos) means, “to set apart for a task.” I have called
thee by name…I have surnamed thee. v. 4. Though thou hast not known Me. Cyrus is
a pagan idol worshiper. He was used to fulfill God’s purposes.
3. Man is sinful, but God uses the sinfulness of man to accomplish His purposes. All
events have one ultimate cause that fits into one ultimate purpose. Make room for
God’s surprises. He can use whatever He wants to accomplish whatever He
B. His Accomplishments 2,3
1. Babylon was an immensely powerful nation with an impenetrable city. The wall
was 45 miles in circumference that was 32’ or 85’ thick. It was so wide that 6
chariots could be driven side by side on top of it. The wall was 150’ high or 335’
(depends on what you read.)
2. Daniel 5 records its fall. In the midst of a drunken party the river surrounding the
city was diverted. The soldiers of Cyrus marched under the wall, opened the gates
and took the city. Treasures of darkness were treasures hidden away from men.
These were the treasures of the cities that Cyrus conquered.
C. His Acknowledgment 3,4,6
That thou may know (Cyrus) For Israel’s sake 6 That they (nations of the world) may
know I am the Lord, there is no other.
1.How would Cyrus know? Josephus (37-100 A.D.) He wrote at the time of Christ: Cyrus knew these things since he had read the book of his prophecy which Isaiah had left behind 210 years earlier. Also (Ezra 1:2, 3)
2.It was not a spiritual conversion listed in v. 4, 5 God knows the future and ultimately so everyone will know: I am the LORD, there is no other.
Do all roads lead to God?
“There is no God beside Me ”All other religions/gods/approaches to God are false!”
A. The Preeminence of God 5,6
1. He continues to speak of Cyrus. This is one awesome prediction!
2. Man endeavors to explain the prophecy away rather than bow before the God of the
3.God creates the problems of human history. Isaiah doesn’t say, “God sins”. Man
sins! We sin! The strategies of God includes everything that happens as God fulfills His ultimate purpose. Evil is not outside of God’s permissive will!
B. The Prerogative of God 7,8
1. God uses negatives: evil, evil people without being dirtied by it!
2. The most horrible injustice was probably the Cross. Yet God says, “I am working
My plan by using sinful, evil people.” (Is. 53:10; Acts 2:23; 4:27, 28)
3. God delights to shower blessings on us. 8 Positives and Negatives are not beyond
His primary or permissive will.
C. The Pain of God 9,10
From a human stand point God’s choices may not be easy!!
1.God has the right to be God.
2.The pot questions the potter. Several questions are raised by hurting people!
3.How foolish to question and criticize God’s ways!
D. The Prediction of God 11-13
Only God knows the future…TRUST ME! God’s will for us is better than we think.
1.Ask Me things to come. No god says that!!
2.I am the Creator…you are the creation. 12 Did the sun come up? Did day follow night? I am in control. STOP PLAYING GOD…TRUST ME!
3.Why Cyrus? Why Israel back to the promise land? Because the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ will not appear in Babylon but Bethlehem. (40:9)
4.God tells the future so we will know the Bible is the Word of God and that He is the one and only true God!
Do all roads lead to God?
Thou art a God that hideth thyself…O God of Israel, the Savior. 15 God works behind
the scenes for the salvation of His people. God is unnoticed...but not unknown or unknowable!
A. His Plan 15
1. Religion cannot save. 20
2. God sends a Savior. (Gal. 4:4, 5)
B. His Permanence 16,17
1. Confusion 16
2. Conversion 17 Saved…Everlasting (Eternal Salvation) This is the only salvation an
Eternal God can give! He is looking beyond Cyrus! At the day of judgment, we
will not be ashamed. False religion will not stand! Israel’s salvation is dependent on
the coming Messiah. One day…all Israel will be saved!
C. His Preparation 18,19
1.Creation 18 From the beginning of creation God had man in mind…He formed it to be inhabited. His creation…created…formed…made…established so man could live here. I am the LORD there is none else!
2.Revelation 19 The God of creation is the God of revelation. He has spoken and made His will known to man…Seek Me. He will accomplish His purpose through the nation of Israel!!
Do all roads lead to God?
IV. HIS APPEAL 45:20-25
A.His Invitation 20,21
1.Come…20 because no other god can save!
2.Who 21 There is no god beside Me…a just God…a Savior.
B. His Initiative 22
1. Look unto Me and be saved…Everyone!
2. For I am God there is none else…TURN TO ME!
C. His Intimidation 23
1. I have sworn…It is coming…It will happen!
2. He is speaking of deliverance from the wrath to come. (Phil 2:10)
3. You will either bow before Him as your Savior or as your Judge, but you will bow!
Do all roads lead to God?
There is one God…therefore there is only one way to that God.
That way has been revealed to us through Jesus Christ.
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