The Bridge Church

James - Taming the Tongue - Week 5
January 29, 2023
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
The tongue is small but powerful
The tongue is small but dangerous
How do I tame the tongue?
1. Think before responding
1. Think before responding
T - Is it True?
H - Is it Helpful?
I - Is it Inspiring?
N - Is it Necessary?
K - Is it Kind?
T - Is it True?
H - Is it Helpful?
I - Is it Inspiring?
N - Is it Necessary?
K - Is it Kind?
2. Give constant attention to your heart
3. Speak to build up others
Our words reveal our heart
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a small group.
I need to join a serve team.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point.
I need to join a small group.
I need to join a serve team.
Practice Intentional Living
Dig Deeper:
1. Are you described as someone of few words or someone who talks a lot?
2. Have you experienced a time where someone used life-giving words to build you up? How did that make you feel?
3. Read James 3:2. How can “not stumbling” in what we say be an indicator that we can also “control the whole body”? In what way is the tongue small, but powerful?
4. Read James 3:3-4. Why does James use these illustrations? How do they help explain how powerful the tongue is?
5. Read James 3:5. How can the tongue be small, but dangerous? What significance does boasting have in it being harmful?
6. Read James 3:6. Why does James say that the tongue is “a world of unrighteousness”?
7. Describe a time when you have witnessed someone’s words not only affect one person, but many, by creating a ripple effect among a group of people.
8. Read Proverbs 18:21. What are words that bring life to others? How about words that bring death?
9. Read James 3:7-8. Who can tame the tongue? What must we do, then, to tame it?
10. How does knowing that you can use words to influence people to know Jesus, or push people away from Jesus, affect your approach to what words you use?
11. Read Psalm 141:3. How is listening directly related to the words we end up using?
12. How can we make sure our words are True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and Kind before we even speak to them?
13. Read Luke 6:45. If you could trace back hurtful words, and find out why someone said them, what would be at the root of their decision to use those words?
14. Why is important to change our heart in order to change our words? How do hearts change?
15. What impact do our written words have, too? How can we ensure our words build up others as we respond in emails, texts, and on social media?
16. Ephesians 4:29. What is considered “foul language”? What is given to people when we speak words that “build up someone in need?” How does that last beyond the words that are spoken?
Live It Out:
How can we tame the tongue?
Think before responding. Before responding, THINK: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?
Give constant attention to your heart. Our words reveal our heart. If we want to transform our lives, families, and the world, we need God to transform our hearts. Surrender to God past hurts or sin that you have been holding on to, and pray that He transforms your heart this week.
Speak to build up others. Do your words build up others? Find opportunities this week to intentionally encourage others with your words. Write a note of gratitude to someone you love and appreciate. Through your words, provide others with the grace that God graciously provides to you.
Reading Plan:
Monday: James 3:1-12
Tuesday: Proverbs 13:3, Proverbs 18:21
Wednesday: Psalm 141
Thursday: Luke 6:43-45
Friday: Ephesians 4:25-32
Saturday: Matthew 12:33-37
1. Are you described as someone of few words or someone who talks a lot?
2. Have you experienced a time where someone used life-giving words to build you up? How did that make you feel?
3. Read James 3:2. How can “not stumbling” in what we say be an indicator that we can also “control the whole body”? In what way is the tongue small, but powerful?
4. Read James 3:3-4. Why does James use these illustrations? How do they help explain how powerful the tongue is?
5. Read James 3:5. How can the tongue be small, but dangerous? What significance does boasting have in it being harmful?
6. Read James 3:6. Why does James say that the tongue is “a world of unrighteousness”?
7. Describe a time when you have witnessed someone’s words not only affect one person, but many, by creating a ripple effect among a group of people.
8. Read Proverbs 18:21. What are words that bring life to others? How about words that bring death?
9. Read James 3:7-8. Who can tame the tongue? What must we do, then, to tame it?
10. How does knowing that you can use words to influence people to know Jesus, or push people away from Jesus, affect your approach to what words you use?
11. Read Psalm 141:3. How is listening directly related to the words we end up using?
12. How can we make sure our words are True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and Kind before we even speak to them?
13. Read Luke 6:45. If you could trace back hurtful words, and find out why someone said them, what would be at the root of their decision to use those words?
14. Why is important to change our heart in order to change our words? How do hearts change?
15. What impact do our written words have, too? How can we ensure our words build up others as we respond in emails, texts, and on social media?
16. Ephesians 4:29. What is considered “foul language”? What is given to people when we speak words that “build up someone in need?” How does that last beyond the words that are spoken?
Live It Out:
How can we tame the tongue?
Think before responding. Before responding, THINK: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?
Give constant attention to your heart. Our words reveal our heart. If we want to transform our lives, families, and the world, we need God to transform our hearts. Surrender to God past hurts or sin that you have been holding on to, and pray that He transforms your heart this week.
Speak to build up others. Do your words build up others? Find opportunities this week to intentionally encourage others with your words. Write a note of gratitude to someone you love and appreciate. Through your words, provide others with the grace that God graciously provides to you.
Reading Plan:
Monday: James 3:1-12
Tuesday: Proverbs 13:3, Proverbs 18:21
Wednesday: Psalm 141
Thursday: Luke 6:43-45
Friday: Ephesians 4:25-32
Saturday: Matthew 12:33-37